
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 23,07,2024

2024年07月23日 13時37分26秒 | ministry of word
To gain God is deeper and more subjective than merely to believe in His existence or to fear Him. Many thoughtful people believe that God exists and even fear Him, but God is not in them. To believe in God is not merely to believe that he exists, nor is it merely to fear Him. To believe in God is to gain Him subjectively in one's spirit. When a person believes in God, he opens his heart to receive God and to let God enter into him and dwell in his spirit. Hence, he can be joined and mingled with God, and God can become his element. When we let God enter into us to be our life and nature and even our being, we are joined to Him as one. This is the meaning of being a Christian. Every Christian should know that God desires man to gain Him. 
- "the Operation of God and the Anointing" P 15
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