
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Revelation 2:7

2024年05月30日 13時20分03秒 | Verse Sharing
Revelation 2:7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God.

The tree of life is available in the church life today. There is a basic principle in the New Testament that what we will enjoy in the future we should enjoy in this age, and that what we enjoy in this age will be our enjoyment in the future.
In the New Testament there is the principle of the foretaste. The foretaste is a sign of the full taste to come. God has prepared the tree of life as a foretaste. If we do not have the foretaste today, we could never have the full taste in the next age, the age of the kingdom. Undoubtedly, we will enjoy the tree of life in the New Jerusalem in the future as the full taste. But today in the church life we can enjoy the tree of life in the way of a foretaste. If we do not enjoy the Lord Jesus today as the tree of life in the way of a foretaste, we will miss the particular enjoyment of Him as the tree of life in the New Jerusalem in the coming millenial kingdom as a reward to the overcoming believers. 
The paradise of God in Revelation 2:7 refers to the New Jerusalem, of which the church is a foretaste today. Today's church life is a miniature of the paradise of God, the New Jerusalem. The church life is a small paradise. in this paradise we enjoy Christ as the tree of life. Without eating there is no enjoyment. To eat of the tree of life, that is to enjoy Christ as our life suply should be the primary matter in the church life. 
- "the Divine Economy " P29
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