
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 27,05,2024

2024年05月27日 16時51分01秒 | ministry of word
Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is salvation, but it is based on redemption. Regeneration must have a base. God is holy, righteous, and pure, but we are dirty, wordly, and unrighteous. God can regenerate such persons only through His redemption. Thus, before God regenerated us, Christ died on the cross and shed His blood to wash and cleanse us from our sins. We were not only washed and cleansed but also forgiven and justified. Through redemption we were right in the eyes of God, so He could come in to regenerate us. Hence, regeneration was accomplished based on God's redemption. The regeneration of salvation is based on the blood of redemption.
- "the Central Line of the Divine Revelation" P279
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