Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

For the Sake of Okinawa Dugongs: The Kasuya-Abe Document now available on the internet

2015-06-23 11:36:20 | Information

from Okinawa Outreach blog

We at Okinawa Outreach are excited to present a document “Building a Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility at Cape Henoko and Its Impacts on Japan’s Dugong Population” written by Dr. Toshio Kasuya and Dr. Mariko Abe (Click here to see the document). Dr. Kasuya is one of the foremost experts on marine mammals in Japan and Dr. Abe is a leading expert on coral biology. Both of them have conducted research in the area of Henoko and Oura Bay.


