Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

Call for the campaign: Stand with Democracy by Standing With the Okinawan People

2016-03-20 10:11:11 | message

photo:HOA (Hawai`i Okinawa Alliance)

Hawai`i State & City Reps: Stand with Democracy by Standing With the Okinawan People

Okinawa was illegally overthrown by Japan and continues to discriminated against by Japan & the USA- the only nations to ever invade this formerly sovereign nation of Ryukyu. Nearly 1/5 of tiny Okinawa has been forced to host almost 3/4s of US armed forces, despite comprising only .6% of Japanʻs entire land mass. The vast majority of Okinawans (averaging over 80% according to years of polls, referendums & elections) want some demilitarization after 70 years of occupation since WWII, which brutally killed over 1/4 of the native people caught between Japan & US empires nurturing an anti-war culture having experienced the horrors of war, and constant social, political & ecological violations from the concentration of bases.

read more and campaign site is here