Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

Take Action: STOP the Landfill Work in Okinawa

2018-12-14 21:03:46 | Information

The resolution on new base construction project at Henoko in Okinawa that we submitted to - and was approved overwhelmingly by - the Saint Paul Convention has now been finally approved in the referendum of all members (591 to 5). Now is the time to put it to work. It is written as an appeal to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) to launch an investigation of that project. Last year’s GAO report on the Marines in the Asia-Pacific contained veiled criticisms of the Henoko project, so there is a real possibility that they might take this up big time.

A petition to "Stop the landfill of Henoko/Oura Bay until a referendum can be held in Okinawa" has been posted on the petition page of White House. Although it is quite challenging to collect 100,000 signatures within 30 days, which is required to get attention of the administration, it will still be a good way to bring attention to Okinawa by American voters.
Please support this petition and spread the word. This takes less than one minute to do.

Sign the Petition

For more background on the situation at Okinawa and the ongoing protests, check out Moé Yonamine's recent article in Common Dreams, Stand with Okinawa. Below is a brief excerpt:

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