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Okinawa to proceed with late governor’s move to block U.S. base construction

2018-08-10 11:16:29 | news
Okinawa to proceed with late governor’s move to block U.S. base construction

Koichiro Nakajima (center), chief of the Defense Ministry's Okinawa bureau, faces reporters after attending a hearing with Okinawa Prefectural Government on Thursday in Naha. The prefectural government held the session to revoke its permission for land reclamation as part of construction of a U.S. military base in the Henoko coastal district in the city of Nago. | KYODO

The Japan Times
Aug 9, 2018

NAHA, OKINAWA PREF. – The Okinawa prefectural government held a hearing with local Defense Ministry officials on Thursday over its plan, announced by the late Governor Takeshi Onaga, to revoke permission for land reclamation during construction of a U.S. military base in the Henoko coastal district in the city of Nago.

The hearing took place as scheduled, following the death on Wednesday of Onaga, who had led opposition to the plan to build a replacement facility in Henoko for the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma air station currently located in Ginowan, another city in the southern prefecture.

Although the Okinawa Defense Bureau objected to the planned revocation and demanded the continuation of the hearing process, the prefectural government told the bureau that there would be no more hearings.

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