Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

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Sakima’s reelection demands Futenma closure by 2019 deadline, not an acceptance of new base

2016-01-30 19:57:04 | article

early morning action in front of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma

Ryukyu Shimpo Editorial:Sakima’s reelection demands Futenma closure by 2019 deadline, not an acceptance of new base

anuary 25, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo

In yesterday’s election for mayor of Ginowan City, voters reelected the incumbent, pleased with his performance over the past four years and hoping he will continue to serve them well.

Throughout his campaign, the incumbent, Atsushi Sakima, avoided taking a stand on the Henoko base relocation issue. Thus, his reelection does not show that the voters accept the Henoko relocation plan, and is not a sign that the will of the Okinawan people has shifted in favor of the plan.

It is important to realize that the people of Ginowan are forcing the government to confront Sakima’s election pledge that U.S. Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Futenma be closed within five years of early 2014, when the pledge was made. The Abe administration supported Sakima in the election, and thus bears the responsibility of ensuring that operations at Futenma are halted by the deadline of February 2019.

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