Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

IUCN Protesters: The Military Is Destroying The Planet

2016-09-21 09:55:59 | about SDCC

September 3, 2016

IUCN Protesters: The Military Is Destroying The Planet

About two dozen protesters assembled peacefully outside the Hawaii Convention Center Saturday with a message to those meeting inside: The U.S. military is destroying the planet.

“World Can’t Wait-Hawaii thought it was important to have a presence at the World Conservation Congress to address the issue of militarization,” said organizer Liz Rees. “It’s kind of the elephant in the room, so to speak. If you want to talk about conservation and saving the planet, you have to address the issue of militarization — in Hawaii, the Pacific and worldwide.”

The International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress is in Honolulu this week and next to raise awareness of threats to the Earth and to find solutions to address the threats.

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SDCC members attended the Rally.

