Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

NHK WORLD News:Okinawa surveys reefs at proposed US base site

2015-08-31 21:14:59 | article

photo:The Ryukyu Shimpo

The Okinawa prefectural government has begun checking the seabed off the city of Nago for possible reef damage caused by preparatory work for a new US military base.

The survey started in the no-entry zone off the city's Henoko district on Monday. The area has been proposed as the relocation site for the US Marine Corps Futenma air station. The base is now in a densely populated area of the island.

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BBC News:Japan military legislation changes draw protests

2015-08-31 13:54:42 | article

30 August 2015

Thousands of people have protested outside of Japan's parliament against new legislation that would allow the military to deploy overseas.

The changes would allow Japanese troops to fight abroad for the first time since World War Two.

The legislation has already been passed by Japan's lower house and is expected to be endorsed by the upper chamber.

Under its constitution, Japan is barred from using force to resolve conflicts except in cases of self-defence.

But a reinterpretation of the law will now allow "collective self-defence" - using force to defend allies under attack.

Police are lining the streets and telling protesters to move along in an attempt to minimise disruption in the capital's centre.

Despite the wet weather conditions, tens of thousands of protesters poured out onto the streets demanding that their pacifist constitution be protected and calling for the prime minister to step down.

The streets were lined with police vans but given how unprecedented it is for the Japanese to be so vocal, there was never any fear that things would get out of hand.

These demonstrations have been taking place all summer, mainly led by students and young people who say they wish to protect Japan's pacifist constitution.

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NHK WORLD News: Largest rally held against national security bills

2015-08-31 13:37:22 | article

photo:Mainichi Shimbun

Tens of thousands of people have gathered in central Tokyo to oppose national security bills in the largest rally so far against the proposed legislation.

The organizers say about 120,000 people gathered near the Diet building on Sunday. The police say 30,000 took part in the rally.

In front of the gate of the building, protesters carried placards with the messages "Don't destroy Article 9" and "We won't let any children be killed".

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photo:Osaka rally by SDCC