cubbycafe -the record-


Red Dragon

2006-06-15 | English Diary

I watched Red Dragon.
This is one of the "Hannibal Lecter" series written by Thomas Harris. In the original piece, this is the first one. But, in the movies, this is the last one.

I thought the first one (of the mivie series) is the best in this series. It is fantastic because it draw the characters in detail and created the well-defined story. This is the real detective movie.
On the contrary, in the "Red Dragon," it was hard to understand the mind of characters and sometimes it suddenly changed scenes. I thought it is not the detective movie but the movie of panic.

Of course, if you like those kind of movies, you can enjoy it. But, as for me, I like a well-constructed movie, so I  got a little bit depressed. For example, Though it is the series of "Hannibal Lecter" (played by Anthony Hopkins .He is wonderful!", he was not very important character in this movie.

Perhaps, the movie producers considered same thing and decided the second one in the novels made the first product in the movie.

Final point I would say is it may be a good movie if you don't compare with the same series. As for me, if I don't compare these ones, I think this is an interesting movie.

final pont one would say 最後に言っておきたいこと


理由 The reason

2006-06-12 | English Diary

The reason why I didn't write many diaries and do my practice in last week is I did wrong thing when I played a game.

As you know, I play "Kingdom Hearts" (I wrote about it before) now.

When I saved my data, an accident was happend. That is I mistakenly saved on the my brother's data! So, his data had gone! He did play it where next stage is nearly final battle.
Of course, he got angry, he said he couldn't excuse me for a week and he ordered me to play the game till I did it same as he had done. He intended to copy and succeed my data after doing it.
It's tough because I don't play TV games very well especially action games. Also, this game doesn't have good system of story navigation so that you have to wander everywhere untill you find the guidpost to go to next story.

My brother helped me to find the ways. Sometimes he fought bosses instead of me(because I didn't battle against them). Finally, I got through it!

I took almost a week to do it. So, I couldn't have enough time to do English practice. But, it's important to retake confidential relationship with my brother! Now, he excused me. What I was so touched is he gave "冷えピタ(the item which is used for cooling your eyes. If you use it, you can refresh your eyes!)" in the final day (yesterday).

Now, I am free! So, I practice elarning English again!


アクセサリー2 accessaries 2

2006-06-06 | English Diary

I would like to write the diary forming a sequel to the last diary.

After creating the accessaries, I showed them my parents. My mother praised me. On the other hand, my father didn't like it. He was not fond of my creating accessaries because they aren't much expensive. So, he asked,

"Why do you buy any accessaries?"

I answered,

"Because It's hard for me to find them suit for me. I have too small hands or delicate neck to suit nomal size of accessaries. You know, I can find if I go to expensive stores, but I don't like to go and find all of my accessaries there."

He pondered for a moment and then said,

"O.K. So, I will buy you a ring. You have to have one just in case."

But, I didn't believe his words because, some days before, when I asked buy new lenses which did not fit my eyes, he promised me to buy my new glasses and lenses, too. Also because he always promises us something, but easily forgets or changes his mind, especially promise dealing with money. 

One reason why he said so is he was worried about  be blame to buy expensive saxophone. Actually, He is so kind these days and the other familly member think it is funny though we don't admit that he bought it.

Of course, I knew his mind (he isn't good at hiding his true mind), but it is true that he really wants to do for me. So, I decided to look for it next day (it is too short time to decide but we worried about changing his mind).

And next day, I could find my favorite one After going back home, I showed it and thaked my father. He seemed to satisfied very much. So, we have a happy ending. But, I worry about his reaction when I creat new accessaries next time


form a sequel to  ~の続きを成す

be not fond of  気に入らない

delicate neck 細い首

アクセサリー accessaries

2006-06-06 | English Diary

On last weekend, I tried to create my accessaries.

 The reason why I did such a thing is I always have to seach accessaries very hard because all parts of my body are so small. I haven't seen any hands smaller than mine. Almost all necklace except in the expensive store suit for me. Almost all rings except in the expensive store suit for me, too. Another accessaries are same.

So, all I could do is to give up buying them or to put up with them even if they don't suit for me.

One day, I want to go to Kichijyoji, my favorite city, and planned. After that, I remided there is a shop which sell loads of hobby goods. So, I went there and bought a kit of necklace with beads.

It took 2hours till its completion. Of course, I used the description. It is easy and interesting and the finished product was really good!

I also created a ring with leftover beads, in this time, to use commonly used book in stead of the description because this kit was only for creating a necklace but not a ring. That was also a good though the ornament was a little bit out of shape. 

I want to create many other accesarries

description 説明書

out of shape 形が崩れる

If I have a time, I would like to carry the pictures of them here

流行らせよう Let's build buzz!

2006-05-31 | English Diary

It's the yesterday diary, but I couldn't write it yesterday, so I would like to write it today.

As I write it on my web site, I recommend you to get podcast if you like to learn English. It is free and you can easily get good contents depending on your degree.
So, when I went to my conversation school last time, I told my teacher about it and he said he would tell all of his students to use this method.

And now (yesterday)... I found the information about podcast in the white boad in our classroom! It recommend to get i Tunes (the soft I recommend him) and go to the website that was written on the boad. And he recommended it after finishing the class. I think there are dozens of students in his teaching class.

It means I contributed to build buzz for podcast! Don't you think so?


By the way, because he realized how effective the podcast is, my teacher also uses this method to learn Japanese now! He said at first it was easy to listen becuase he could understand many words and the speaking speed was slow, but he couldn't understand the normal speed of dialogue. He said it was too fast!
I see I see All language leaners are trouble over the same point.


build buzz (for~) ~を流行らせる

キングダムハーツの利用法 KINGDOM HEARTS

2006-05-30 | English Diary

My brother bought the PS2 game, "Kingdom Hearts," which are made by SQUERE ENIX, the famous game company, and Disney.

I didn't do any games but I watched he played it.

It was so cute! There are lots of Disney characters and some Disney musics! I love Disney, so it is very interesting for me.
So, I decided to do this game.

It is difficult for me because I am not good at playing any action games. But, I would like to try it because I want to meet Winnie-the-Pooh!!

By the way, this game is international version so that all characters speak English. I think it is good for learning English (though it is hard to understand Donald's English)!
Don't you think so?



2006-05-29 | English Diary


ダヴィンチコード The Da Vinci Code

2006-05-26 | English Diary

Now, I am interested in a book, the DaVinci Code.

Actually, I have Japanese one which my father owns. So, I can read it anytime I want.

But, I'm wondering. Which is better, reading Japanese one or English one first. One reason why I think that is I found cheap type of book in Amazon. The price is 800 yen!
This is mass paper. Do you know that? I haven't heard it before. Its paper is kind of magazine, but it is not a magazine but a book. I mean it is cheap because the quality of paper is worse.

Maybe it's difficult to read English version first, but I think I need reading more difficult book than I read to get high reading ability. Now, I can read them (for example, the Harry Potter series) without so much confusion though my reading speed isn't higher than that of Japanese books.

I don't know whether this content is difficult or not. If it is difficult, I think it's better to read Japanese one at first. If it is not, I can read English one.  

Umm, what do I do?

もう一度頑張る! try again!

2006-05-25 | English Diary

As I wrote about it, my long diary had been suddenly disappeared! So, I would like to try writing it again! This time, I'm careful to use the fuction of copy and paste

The day before yesterday, I took the lesson in my conversation school. This day's theme is "Using similes and methaphors."

Similes are used when you want to compare things and use words "like" or "as"
ex) This hotel is so beatiful like a castle!

I learned English speaker (or only the American?) like to compare some kind of unsual food like a snake, flog and so on with chicken. Perhaps, it is similar in Japan.

Methaphors are used as the same meaning of similes without using these words such like "as."
I would like to write some interesting metaphors down.

sick as a dog
means having strong sick. My teacher said he didn't know why they use "dog"

watch paint dry
means very boring. You know, it's not interesting watching paint dry. Watch grass grow is same sense.

Someone has no backbone
means someone doesn't disagree anyone.

bend over backward
Someone is nice for you


Also, I learned the color imagination. I would like to expalin some of them.

growth, fertility, harmony, and wholesomeness.
Associated with optimism, freedom, bakance, envy, and deceit
There are some difference between English and Japanese because, in Japan, green is only clearn image because we always image the nature.
(It was interesting my teacher asked us why Japanse said green signal light as blue light. I don't know why. Do you know it?)

Purity of thought.
Associated with happiness, romance, and childness
(It is alos different from Japanese image. I think we use pink to express "love." But, I can't image anymore.)

Vital, impressive, dignified, and spiritual.
Associated with excitement, passion, motivation, and negative force.
(I think you don't use any expression in Japan. )

That's all.
I was hurry to write them down in the lesson so that some of them aren't correct.
If you find any mistakes (of course, inclode mistakes in sperring and grammar), tell me!

whomesomeness 健全であること、健康に良いこと

deceit だますこと、偽り、詐欺、ペテン