What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Empress Kōmyō's roots are said to be Amenokoyane-no-Mikoto and Mary.

2020-07-26 06:06:06 | 日記


Sunday, 26th of July, 2020

The three points of the tomb of Empress Kōmyō, the tomb of Mary(マリア), and the tomb of Amenokoyane no Mikoto (天児屋命) draw a neat right triangle that forms part of a regular pentagon.

And the positioning of the  Ikkyu-ji temple (一休寺)  has been set as if you know this secret.

It's beautiful!

Empress Kōmyō says, "My ancestor is Amenokoyane no Mikoto, and can trace back to Mary.”

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Empress Kōmyō iwas of blood of Dan and Gado tribes.

2020-07-25 06:06:06 | 日記


Saturday, 25th of July, 2020

Mt. Kōmyōzan is the tomb of Empress Kōmyō.

The tomb is on the summit of the mountain and cannot be climbed up, so you have to put hands together on the Spirit that lies on the top of the mountain, from the mountain of far worship. 

From that place of far worship, you will put hands together towards Empress Kōmyō, but beyond that, the direction is perfectly aligned with the  Dangamine (段ヶ峰), which is the tomb of the tribe of Dan, the twelve tribes of the Jews who are also tasked with guarding the north, or overhead, of the Great King, and who are also a brave fighting group and have a snake as their symbol.

And the tomb of Empress Kōmyō was built at the point of forming a 2:1:√3 right triangle by adding the point of Sengamine (千ヶ峰), the tomb of the tribe of the Gado, who were tasked with guarding the south of the Great King and taking care of the king, including the construction of the tabernacle.

It's admirable!

Empress Kōmyō tells us that she was of the blood of the Dan and Gado tribes.

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Empress Komyo was a great beauty.

2020-07-24 06:06:06 | 日記


Friday, 24th of July, 2020 (holiday)

Mt. Kōmyōzan is the tomb of Empress Kōmyō. 

The distances from Mt. Bijozan (美女山) to the Mt. Kōmyōzan and to the Kofukuji Temple Saien-do (興福寺西円堂) are the same at 63 km.

When the Fujiwara family members gather at Kofukuji Temple, I hope that they will talk about Empress Kōmyō was a great beauty.

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Today is a day to celebrate Empress Kōmyō. Fujiwara’s women perform same duties as men after death.

2020-07-23 06:06:06 | 日記


Thursday, 23rd of July, 2020 (Marine Day)

Today is a public holiday on Marine Day. And it's the anniversary of Empress Kōmyō's death (光明皇后).

Also, it's the day to celebrate Kairyuōji Temple (海龍王寺) and Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后).

Beyond the place which we pray at the Five-story Small Pagoda of Kairyuōji Temple, there is the ruin of Kumayama (熊山遺跡).

And there is the "Mt. Kōmyōzan(光明山)" where forms a right triangle of 40 degrees, 50 degrees, and 90 degrees derived from Thales' theorem from the two points of the Five-story Small Pagoda and the ruin of Kumayama.

It cannot be considered a coincidence. It is inevitable.

It is planned. 

"Mt. Kōmyōzan(光明山)" is named for the Empress Kōmyō, and from the contour line, we can infer that it is the tomb of Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后).

No, no, we can be certain that it is the tomb of Empress Kōmyō.

This is because there are many figures overlapped that lead from that place to the tombs of important people by trigonometric method, and there are the worship mountains on the contour line, and beyond the place which we pray to Mt. Kōmyōzan from the worship mountain, there is an important holy mountain.

"I am the daughter of Fujiwara no Fuhito. Even in death, I will perform the same duties as the men," she said, as she is sleeping in the summit of the mountain far away from her familiar place of residence.

I am surprised and moved the fact that the women of the Fujiwara family are still fulfilling the same duties after death as the men's.

The ruin of Kumayama is an important benchmark that tells us the location of the tumbs of important people.

The noble Mt. Kōmyōzan is the tomb of Empress Kōmyō. The mountain of worship is also present.

Beyond the tomb which we pray from the far-worshipping place, beyond that..., the holy mountain of the Jews... 

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We hurried to the Kairyuōji Temple!

2020-07-22 18:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 22nd of July, 2020

The principal image of the Byakugō-ji Temple was staring at the Mt. Kokuzōsan (虚空蔵山) of Kōninji Temple, the ancient tomb mound of Emperor Tenji's seventh prince, Prince Shikinomiko(志貴皇子), Emperor Kasuganomiya.

Prince Shikinomiko's son was Emperor Kōnin (光仁天皇), and I tried to find out the important point on the line of the arc of Thales' theorem from the two points of Emperor Kōnin's tomb and the Mt. Kokuzōsan, what emerged was Kairyuōji Temple (海龍王寺).

I researched the origin of Kairyuōji Temple ...It is derive from Fujiwara no Fuhito and his daughter, Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后).

And there is a national treasure five-storied small pagoda that tells the location of the important tombs.

It was the place where young Kukai swore to himself when he boarded the ship of Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China, and it was the point of contact with Genbo (玄昉) whom he had longed for.

And... at the national treasure, the five-story pagoda, what do we put our hands together in prayer towards?

This puzzle-solving structure is really ingenious and increasingly intriguing!


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