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July 1st, Will the entrance to the Tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito open!?

2020-07-01 06:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 1st of July, 2020

Tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等) and Kobo Daishi Temple (弘法大師廟).

And the Tomb of Terrab (the Tomb of Amaterasu (天照大神) = Tumulus in Mt.Kōnosan (神野山)) and the Tomb of Ōno Yasumaro (太安万侶).

The distance from Terra's tomb to the tombs of Fujiwara no Fuhito and to the Koyasan Kobo Daishi Temple are same, and forming an isosceles triangle.

Also, the distance from the tomb of Ōno Yasumaro to the tomb of Fuhito Fujiwara and to the Koyasan Kobo Daishi Temple the same, and forming an isosceles triangle.

They are too precisive to be coincidence.

Today is 1st of July.

1st of July, 720 Yoro 4, 21st of May, ) - Imperial prince Toneri (舎人親王) and others completed and compiled the 30-volume "Nihonshoki (日本書紀)" and 1 volume of the genealogical tree of Japan, and they offered them to the Emperor.

Today, will the entrance to the tomb of Lord Fujiwara no Fuhito open? Or it keep close?

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