

Explanation of "The Legend Of Mikuri-ga-ike["Tateyama" being snowy and rugged]"(みくりが池伝説[白峰の立山])の説明

2023-02-06 22:25:14 | 資料

Explanation of "The Legend Of Mikuri-ga-ike["Tateyama" being snowy and rugged]"(みくりが池伝説[白峰の立山])の説明

 This music's motif is based on a legend about a small lake called "Mikuri-ga-ike" in the northern part of Northern Alps in Japan.

 This lake is located in a place called Murodoh near the summit of Mt. Tateyama, one of Japan's three great sacred mountains.

 Even I have described it's near the summit , but the altitude difference with the summit is so much about 500m… .

 Someone familiar with Japanese might say, "You said it's a lake, but [ike] is a pond, isn't it?"

 I have never seen this [ike] went drying up.

 I think maybe it's connected to the underground water vein.

 By definition, in case there is an external water supply, it's a "lake".

 Even though it's declared a "legend" proudly, "The legend of Mikuri-ga-ike" is quite boring.

 It dosen't come up a story such as a beautiful lady turns into a swan and flies away with her lover.

The legend is as follows.

 A long time ago, there lived a Buddhist trainee monk called "Koyama Houshi" at Mt. Hakusan in Echizen, which is also one of Japan's three great sacred mountains.

 The monk visited Murodoh in Tateyama.

 Murodoh in Mt. Tateyama was also actively performed in Buddhist hard training.

 The Murodoh side made "Enmeiboh" act as a inspection guide.

(※「小山法師」の読み方ですが、「Koyama Houshi」としましたが、もしかしたら「Oyama Houshi」かもしれませんし、「Shousen Houshi」かもしれませんし、或いは全く違うかもしれません。)
 ※ Regarding the reading of "小山法師," I have writen it as "Koyama Houshi," but it could be "Oyama Houshi," "Shousen Houshi," or something completely different.

 ※ If I wrong it , I'll apologize you… .

 Both of the training place are one of Japan's three great sacred mountains, so they must have had a rivalry with each other.

 When "Koyama Houshi" inspected the "Mikuri-ga-ike", he blurted out, "What a cutely poor pond. 'Tane-tuke-ikes' (reservoirs for watering the fields) in Echizen are still better than it!"

 "Enmeiboh" who was said so must have been boiled over the innards by anger.

(怒りを堪えて言いました、「種付け池と言われるなら、泳ぐ事ぐらい、容易いでしょう? どうです?、泳いでみては!」。)
 He held back his anger and said, "If it's only a "tane-tuke-ike" extent, then it's easy for you to swim, isn't it? Why don't you try swimming!"

 This "Mikuri-ga-ike" is also a place called "Hakkan-Jigoku" that mean is eight cold hell, and snow can remains in the lake until around August.

 Even in the middle of summer, the water may have been degree to a few above 0℃(=32℉).

 By the way, the nominal perimeter of this lake is 631m.

 As "Koyama Houshi" blurted out it, so he could have been no turning back.

 "Ah, it's so easy, no matter!" he said, and with showing off an excellent sidestroke-swim, he circumnavigated the lake.

 Then he waded ashore out of the lake and insisted, "As the heat was unbearable, so I got just the right amount of coolness."

(すると「延命坊」は、「たったそれだけで満足したのか? もっと泳いだらどうよ!」と勧めました。)
 "Enmeiboh" then suggested, "Why are you satisfied with just that? You must be driven by the desire to swim more!, mustn't you?"

(「小山法師」は、「えっ、いいの? じゃあ遠慮なく!」といって、「みくりが池」に再び飛び込みました。)
 "Koyama Houshi" said, "Eh, is that no problem? All right! Then don't hesitate!", and jumped into "Mikuri-ga-ike" again.

 After swimming even more three times around "Mikuri-ga-ike", Koyama-houshi sank to the bottom of the lake and never came back to the surface.

 "Mikuri" in "Mikuri-ga-ike" means "kitchen", and it is a place that was worshiped as "the kitchen to serve the gods".

 As Tateyama is a mountain that has attracted the faith of many people, so persons living in villages of Etchu who were informed that story by hearsay must have hated Koyama-Houshi.

 Because it was irreverent with swimming there, so common people thought that Koyama-houshi touched the wrath of the gods and was pulled to the bottom of the lake by the gods.

 But I think the reality is that the cold made his muscles stiff, and that's why he sank.

 This is the legend of Mikuri-ga-ike.

 What do you think about it? Too dumb, isn't it!

 "Three times around(三周する)" can also be said in Japanese as "Mikuri(三繰)".

 It is said that after the birth of this legend, "Mikuri-ga-ike" came to be called "三繰が池(Mikurigaike)" instead of "御厨が池(Mikurigaike)".

 By this music I intend to have shown the foolishness and worthlessness of people who are vain, as shown by this legend.

 There is a person who may think that he/she who makes light of others, mocks them, and behaves arrogantly looks admirable, but to the outside, he/she looks extremely stupid and shameful.

(無論、それは私自身の事かもしれません… 、気を付けます…)
 Of course, I might too… , I'll be careful… .

(※ この曲に関しては、dominoを直接録音すると、どうしてもノイズがのってしまう。)
 ※ For this music, I recorded domino directly, but noise had to inevitably appear.

 However, the one I uploaded this time has the least noise…

 By uploading this one, forgive me please!


