


2005年11月14日 | 徒然草

こちらでは12月1日2月末までが夏になりますが、すでにここ最近は30度を超える日も続出し、夏が思いやられると頭を抱えていたら下の記事を目にし、まさに気分は“NO WAY!!!”です…。


Hottest year on record tipped

Australia may be experiencing its hottest year on record, scientists say.

The Bureau of Meteorology says the 10 months from January to October were the warmest since monthly records began in 1950 and would probably make it the hottest year since annual records began in 1910.

"This really emphasises how pervasive global warming actually is," Fairfax newspapers quoted Dr David Jones, head of climate analysis at the bureau's National Climate Centre, as saying.

In the first 10 months this year, temperatures were 1.03 degrees celsius above the 30-year average.

Greg Hunt, who oversees the bureau as parliamentary secretary for the environment, said there was a clear temperature trend over the past decade, Fairfax newspapers reported.

This year's was the warmest September for 125 years.