Go For Broke!


共鳴 resonance

2006年01月22日 12時43分24秒 | つぶやき(say to myself)



The word "resonance”is very famous and maybe lots of high school studens study this word in a physics class.I think the same thing about this word is true of human beings.For example, energy loss with some parson, and vise versa.

Anyway,human beings effect on each other, kind of resonane for good or ill. If I want to meet wonderful people, all I have to do is be a wonderful person. In short, as everything output is based on my own image,all I have to do is quite simple, just arrange my image. Just do that only.There is no need for advanced skills.The result output by myself will follow my image.

The first thing I have to do is make my image clear.Just do that only.
Words I utter, instant's emotions I hold, an expression I make without realizing…I have only to watch them and arrange them.I have only to make my best efforts to devise concretely.In the end, don't think I am, know I can be.
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