

Essay代写:The history of the U.S. constitution

2019-06-17 17:38:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The history of the U.S. constitution,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国宪法。美国的宪法是人类历史上第一部完整和进步的共和国成文宪法。这部宪法的最大特点就是它是由国民代表全民所制定的一部活生生具有创验性的建国大典,它在不断修订中诠释着民主、自由和权利的边界。从一定程度上说,美国宪法的历史代表了共和国宪法走过的道路。

The constitution of the United States is the first republic constitution in the history of human law. To some extent, the history of the constitution of the United States represents the path taken by the constitution of the republic. Charles beard is a famous constitutional scientist in the United States. He wrote the "republican dialogue" in the form of dialogue. This article is selected from the translator's preface, slightly abridged.

The constitution of the United States is the first complete and progressive written constitution of a republic in human history. The biggest characteristic of this constitution is that it is a living and experimental founding ceremony made by the people on behalf of the whole nation. Supreme Court justice John holmes once said, "the constitution of the United States is an experiment of day and night and year after year." It has been in force for more than 190 years. Meanwhile, it has faced the double test of peace and war. When the country is free, it is the Constitution in Peace, a political history against dictatorship. When a country goes into war, The Constitution becomes The Fighting Constitution to save the nation. When franklin came out of the convention hall after a meeting of the constitutional convention, many people were waiting for him. They gathered around him and asked, "your framers passed this, gave us a constitution, and what else?" Franklin replied, "we constitutional representatives have given you a constitution, but it is for the rest of you to execute and maintain it."

After more than a hundred years of tests, the constitution of the United States has indeed undertaken the dual tasks of the peacetime constitution and the wartime constitution. Despite its many shortcomings, the constitutional tradition left to the United States by the Washington people is the peacetime constitutional model that guarantees human rights and promotes constitutionalism, while the constitutional tradition left to the United States by Lincoln in the civil war and Roosevelt in World War II is the wartime constitution that maintains the union and adopts contingency. Two years ago the American historical association conducted a poll of the heads of history departments at major universities across the country. Lincoln was the second most respected President of the United States. Despite suspending human rights and declaring martial law during the war, he maintained a "constitutional dictatorship" and "tyranny of convenience", but insisted on continuing the presidential election. In 1865 he told a crowd gathered on the White House lawn to congratulate him: "I have been advised not to hold a presidential election because I have suspended civil rights and declared martial law. And with little prospect of re-election, why risk a presidential election? "The reason why I want to insist on the presidential election is to prove one thing, that our constitution can be applied in time of peace, but whether it can also stand the test of time of war." This is a thought-provoking passage.

Charles Austin Beard is a well-known professor of political science in Columbia, who has long been favored by shihlin and the political circles. Although he has passed away, his book The Republic is an indispensable reference book for The study of The constitution of The United States. The name of The book is The same as Plato's Republic, which implies that The United States Republic is The new "Republic". With 21 chapters, it covers the major issues of the American constitution. The book is written in the way of dialogue, many dialogues by pros and cons, citing classics, simple, language more police. Russian writer solzhenitsyn on western and American political law and social morality have serious criticism, also somebody of defending democracy in America, I have 25 years, individual study in the United States to teach people think we tend to think that the constitution of the United States is eternal peace constitution in one thousand, said only democracy and freedom, while ignoring the constitution of the United States the characteristics in wartime. It is unfair to criticize other countries' painstaking efforts to implement the constitution in wartime according to the peacetime standard of American constitutionalism.



