

Essay代写:Ideological and political education in the United States

2019-06-10 17:10:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Ideological and political education in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的思想政治教育。美国的思想政治教育从本质上看,就是政治社会化过程,是意识形态的渗透过程,目的在于维护资产阶级的统治。另外,美国的思想政治教育,在维护美国的资本主义制度、促进社会的稳定和发展、培养合格公民和资产阶级接班人等方面发挥了巨大的作用。

Political education is a necessary means in the ruling process of any country. For the ruling class, if it does not carry out ideological and political education work and efforts, it is an immature class, but also a class with no future. In essence, American ideological and political education is a process of political socialization and ideological infiltration, aiming at maintaining the rule of the bourgeoisie.

Many historians have divided American history into four periods: colonization, federalization, nationalization, and internationalization. In its short history, the United States has formed a civic education system with the bourgeois political thought as its core, including the education of political values, the education of civic religion, the education of behavior norms, and the education of governance program.

The United States has engaged in a large number of substantive, in-depth and detailed ideological and political education work in China, and achieved remarkable results. However, due to various reasons, its ideological and political education itself also has many problems.

Since the founding of the United States, the values of bourgeois individualism have been widely promoted in the whole society, so "individualism is the core of American culture". Individualism is a political and social philosophy in the eyes of the western bourgeoisie, which attaches great importance to individual freedom and widely emphasizes self-domination, self-control and freedom from external constraints. It is not only about the moral principles of the bourgeoisie in the ethical sense, but also a comprehensive bourgeois ideological system about the political system, economic system and ideological and cultural system.

In the eyes of Americans, a person with civic consciousness is not only a "good citizen" in the traditional sense, that is, a person with patriotism, loyalty and obedience to the country, but also a judge of the country, a person who is capable and willing to participate in the improvement. Americans' sense of citizenship is reflected in their actions for independence, freedom and democracy. It is this growing and rising consciousness of citizens that makes the struggle of American people for independence, equality and democracy increasingly high and also makes the scope of American bourgeois democracy constantly expanding.

For more than 50 years after the war, except for the large-scale social riots in the 1960s, the whole society was in a relatively stable development state, which was undoubtedly related to the economic development, scientific and technological progress and the improvement of people's living standards, but ideological and political education also played a very important role. Ideological and political education function and is not only to maintain and consolidate political faith, for the people to the existing social political and economic system, but also to play their own advantages in the process of social development and changes, timely to induce people, impact, control, resolving social contradictions, in order to achieve processing interpersonal tensions, achieve the goal of social harmony.

Quite a few people in America think politics is "dirty". There is a widespread belief that American society has lost its moral compass, that crime is rampant, that some basic values have been forgotten, and that there is nothing to trust. The voter turnout of American citizens has been declining year by year, and more than 60 percent of them have given up their democratic rights. This highlights the "political apathy disease" of American citizens, which indicates the lack of awareness of political participation, loss of ideals and listlessness of spirit of Americans, and that their ideological and political education has not achieved good results in this regard.

The rapid expansion of individualism makes hedonism prevalent in the United States, which is a new phenomenon in the period of large-scale capital combination in the development of American society. The thought value system with individualism as the core is easy to derive money worship, egoism and hedonism, making people negative and decadent in mental state, and empty and corrupt in ideology and morality.

Although the core values of American ideological and political education are unified, there are great differences in people's ideas due to different interpretations and understandings, which in turn will weaken the influence of the core values. Moreover, the existence of such multiple concepts sometimes makes it difficult to form a common consensus and spiritual force in China. For some major events in China, people often have different views, which is not conducive to the integration of the country's ideology and affects the country's decision-making and action capabilities.

Ideological and political education in the United States plays a great role in maintaining the capitalist system of the United States, promoting social stability and development, and training qualified citizens and successors to the bourgeoisie. According to a survey of youth trends among g8 countries conducted in the mid-1980s by pollsters international, more than half of all countries agree that national interests outweigh personal interests. This is inseparable from the pervasiveness and permeability of ideological and political education with American characteristics, which is also what we should learn from and strengthen ideological and political education in the reform and opening up and the construction of socialist market economy.

By contrast, China's ideological and political education has long been in the form of superficial work, such as classroom indoctrination, simple preaching, and so on, without really deepening the ideological and political education work, resulting in only the educated people's aversion to ideological and political education work. In view of this phenomenon, it is of great significance to enhance the social adaptability of ideological and political education in China and to improve the efficiency of ideological and political education by referring to the extensive and permeable characteristics of American ideological and political education.

In such an era when not only the economy is globalizing, but also the culture is globalizing, there is no reason for us not to keep pace with The Times in theory and practice to develop our ideological and political education. We must also mobilize all factors and means, including families, schools, social organizations and the mass media, pay attention to creating an atmosphere for ideological and political work, maintain the strong permeability and durability of ideological and political education, and enable people to undergo spiritual baptism in a good atmosphere and improve their ideological level.



