

Essay代写:Logic Philosophy and philosophical logic

2017-12-28 15:27:08 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Logic Philosophy and philosophical logic,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了逻辑哲学与哲学逻辑。逻辑是时代哲学的独特标志,对语言哲学的风格有着很大的影响,还为形而上学、心智哲学以及元伦理学等的发展提供了基本的框架和丰富的资源,极大促进哲学分支的进步和发展。但同时,逻辑也在一定程度上受到哲学的制约,两者间存在极为复杂的关系。

Logic, as a unique symbol of the philosophy of the Times, not only directly influences the style of the philosophy of language, but also provides the basic framework and abundant resources for the development of metaphysics, mind philosophy and meta ethics. Even logic plays a role as a neutral arbiter in the development of philosophy. Since the 20th century, modern logic has provided rigorous analytical techniques for the development of most branches of philosophy and promoted the progress and development of the branch of philosophy. But at the same time, logic is restricted to some extent by philosophy, such as logic must rely on the basic presupposition of philosophy, and many logic systems have profound metaphysical background. This essay begins with the philosophical aspects of logic and the logic of philosophy, and correctly understands the dynamic, complex and diverse relationship between logic and philosophy.

As an ancient discipline, logic originated from ancient China, ancient India and Ancient Greece. With the continuous development of human society, with the continuous improvement of people's cognitive level, as well as the emergence and rapid development of science and technology, logic has also been developed rapidly, and is constantly improving and innovating, and gradually divided from the philosophy, and gradually formed a very large, advanced discipline system. This makes the discussion about the application and reflection of logic in philosophy, and the development of logic philosophy and philosophy logic has attracted the attention of many logics.

As a new subject, the main purpose of logic philosophy is to reflect positively on some problems in modern logic. Therefore, the primary prerequisite of learning logic philosophy is to understand the main characteristics of modern logic. The development of modern logic is mainly embodied in the development of symbolic logic, that is, the development of mathematical logic. Traditional logic takes natural language as the main tool language, while the main tool language of mathematical logic is symbolic language. The most basic part of mathematical logic is the first-order logic, which is the most valuable part of mathematical logic in everyday thinking, and is closely related to the traditional logics. The main characteristics of first-order logic are as follows: mainly embodied in the processing of words and propositions, that is only to consider the extension of words or propositions, in the study of the true value of the proposition, only the truth or truth value false, usually the first-order logic that a proposition only exists in the case of untrue or false; When studying quantifiers of first-order predicate logic, It is considered that all quantifiers have practical meanings and there are no empty words.

The logic of philosophy arose in the early 20th century, and it is also an emerging discipline system. At present, the concrete meaning of philosophy logic, whether it is a logic or a philosopher, has a different understanding. Specifically divided into the following three kinds: Feng. Wright and the other logics, such as Levin, think that "logic" is the subject of philosophical logic, and that, fundamentally speaking, philosophical logic is only a few nonclassical logic systems, such as modal logic, multivalued logic, and so on, that philosophy logic is the logical philosophy we are talking about. While the Wolfram and Strawson and many other logics are represented, the main body of Philosophy logic is "philosophy" rather than "logic", and they also put forward that the essence of philosophy logic is the study of philosophy of logic and the philosophical problem. This is a philosophical study that can be thought of as language, the third kind of understanding, represented by Grayling and other logics, thinks that "philosophy" is the subject of philosophical logic, and the essence of philosophy logic is to put some philosophical problems in logic into a more general philosophical background.

In the past long time, the logic has occupied the important position in the philosophy development process, embodied in the following: the development of logic and philosophy has permeated and merged with each other, from the theoretical level, the intrinsic relationship between logic and philosophy has been further enhanced, and from a practical perspective, logic is more closely related to some philosophical factions. At the beginning of the 50 's, people witnessed the great changes brought about by the methodology based on logic, and the "philosophical logic" began to rise rapidly in the 60 's. However, after a brief rise, the influence of logic in philosophy begins to weaken. Some philosophical schools have begun to take a contemptuous view of logic. On the other hand, the analysis of philosophy and the internal logic positivism, there are two opposing schools, coupled with the appropriateness of formal logic and correctness of the debate, making the objective in-depth study of the relationship between logic and philosophy has become extremely important. The following mainly from the application of logic in philosophy, thinking how to correctly view the real relationship between the two.

The general development pattern of modern logic holds that the main purpose of logic is to construct the form from object language system to meta language system, which is mainly to study the meta nature of logic system and logic calculus, and also a kind of self understanding of meta logic level. This understanding is mainly embodied in the development of modern logic, which is also mathematical logic, but throughout the development of the logic of the last century, such an understanding can only exist in a certain field. And this has been a constant shift for a long time, and even now has been subjected to a reversal of checks and balances. It is embodied in the relationship between logic and some other fields as well as the analysis of the concept of logic to the relevant subject at the object level. Therefore, the development of modern logic should have a broad philosophical view of history, if the lack of insight into this trend, it is difficult to truly understand the contemporary logic of the specific meaning of philosophy.

At present, logics have divided logic into two parts, namely first-order logic and higher-order logic. Such a division of the model from the big direction and there is no problem, there are certain reasons. But we must prevent the misunderstanding caused by the logical division. The study shows that such a method of division not only reveals the problem but may obscure the problem. For example, some of the current philosophical branches of logic always blindly imitate the geographical coordinates of some philosophies, when thinking about problems, they often framed themselves in an established mode of thinking, but neglected the consistency of some sub subjects and methodologies, which greatly weakened the logical dimension and philosophical dimension of the problem discussion. In general, the logic family is regarded as a family of the form system of logic and propositional logic including modal logic, higher order logic and first order predicate. However, if the view of formal systems is one-sided into a fixed class of processing mode, that is to say, all processes are incorporated into the system framework, so that those issues that should be considered in a broader context are confined to a particular form of system, and ultimately the philosophical depth of those issues addressed will be further weakened. In addition, the problems of logic philosophy that have greater relevance to the same form system, such as the ontology-related commitment of Quine in the context of first-order variable, and the question of the combination of meaning, have not yet been convincing to all. Some logics have struggled to break the pattern of such a system to discuss the problem, from the point of view, although it lacks the definition of general recursion and the best lexical expression of monotone inference, however, as long as it is known that some concepts are transcendental to a particular form system, and the study of such problems is a kind of way of cross system, This has a deeper understanding of the philosophy of logic and a greater progress.

Different from the application of mechanics in technology, the logic function of related logics is more indirect when applied to philosophical problems. The related logic provides a formal system, which facilitates accurate communication and optimizes the processing of philosophical discourse. Sometimes, logic is used to analyze traditional philosophical argumentation and make new exposition. The reality is that logic is less concerned with the meaning of the obtained conclusions, but philosophy is to seek the use of the logic program in order to solve the problem. Philosophy pays more attention to the conclusion, but the logic is to examine the procedure, and the philosophy is more open and the logic is to emphasize some specific formal rules. After a logical process, the relevant philosophical topics will be more enlightening and have a clearer and more transparent structure, and the original problems will disappear, and may in a new way make the change of meaning more subtle or more acute and urgent. Effective analysis through logical form facilitates the effective display of those problems which have not been observed before, and further analogies with such problems and concepts.

Logic is a unique symbol of the philosophy of the Times, which has great influence on the style of the philosophy of language, and also provides the basic framework and abundant resources for the development of metaphysics, mind philosophy and meta ethics, which greatly promotes the progress and development of the branch of philosophy. But at the same time, logic is restricted by philosophy to some extent, and there is a very complicated relationship between them. With the continuous development and perfection of modern logic, logic and modern philosophy are more and more penetrating and promoting, so the relationship between logic philosophy and philosophical logic becomes very necessary.



