

美国作业代写:On the literary ethics of revenge

2018-01-16 16:40:29 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- On the literary ethics of revenge,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《复仇》的文学伦理。美剧《复仇》的背景为美国的海港小镇汉普顿。女孩阿曼达为了替被陷害叛国罪的父亲大卫复仇,与人调换身份,化身为艾米莉,逐一地清除曾经陷害过父亲的人。复仇主题贯穿全剧,情节曲折复杂。完美的复仇计划被节外生枝的小插曲打乱,复仇主体又变成复仇对象。另外在《复仇》中,爱情是伴随着复仇出现并变化的另一条主题线索。爱情的缺失与寻找从情感上丰富了复仇的主题线索。爱人之间关系的变化形成一个个伦理结,而每个伦理结又随着爱情的消失甚至一方的死亡自动解构。

The American drama "Revenge" adapted from the French romantic writer Alexandre Dumas's Revenge literary masterpiece "The Count of Monte Cristo", the title was also translated as "The Count of Monte Cristo." But in addition to the Revenge of the theme has not changed, the story of the background and the relationship between the people, and the original version of the great difference. First of all, revenge is different, the original is the victim personally revenge. And this drama is the victim's daughter father revenge, this cloth under many puzzles, increase the suspense feeling of the plot. Secondly, the original revenge of the main line is single, and the show has a number of revenge lines, intricate, but also interspersed with emotional and rational entanglement. It is difficult for the audience to make clear judgments on the right and wrong of revenge. After all, the original and this play embodies the background of the Times is not the same, the play is more characteristic of the times, full of modern elements. The show features a distinctive American soap opera: Smart and beautiful heroine, handsome hero, "flow-style" storytelling, burning brain suspense plot, punishing evil and good revenge of the story, so that the play in September 2011 was broadcast that won many acclaim, to 2015 the end of the fourth season has attracted countless fans, Tens of millions of viewers were also harvested in China.

This article takes the drama theme as the structure, from the literary ethics angle to analyze the subject existence rationality. In his book "Introduction to Literary ethics criticism", Professor Zhenzhao points out: Literary ethics criticism is a kind of ethics from the perspective of ethical nature and the teaching function, and on this basis to read, analyze and explain the literary criticism method. Literary ethics criticism interprets the life phenomenon and its moral reasons in literature from the angle of ethics. In the literary text, the ethical line is closely connected with the ethical knot, the ethical line can be regarded as the longitudinal ethic structure of literary text, and the ethical knot can be regarded as the transverse ethic structure of literary text. In the analysis of the text, it can be found that the ethical knot is connected or linked by one or several ethical lines, constituting the various ethical structures of literary texts. "Revenge," in the United States, there are at least two ethical lines, one is the main line of revenge for the father of Amanda, a Grayson couple to cover up the truth of the line. In the ethical main line, produced countless ethical knot. Ethical knot in the process of generation is also constantly deconstruction, these ethical knot is centered around the theme of revenge, and ultimately with the end of revenge and deconstruction.​

"Revenge" background set for the United States Virginia State Southeast Harbor Town Hampton. The girl Amanda, in order to avenge the murder of the father David was framed treason, and the exchange of identity, as Emily, each one of the people who had framed his father. The theme of revenge runs through the whole drama with complicated twists and turns. The perfect revenge plan is disrupted by the complications of the episode, and the vengeful subject becomes the vengeful object. Amanda's main target was Victoria, the hostess of the Grayson family, and the Queen of Hampton Town. Victoria once loved Amanda's father, David, but in order to save her family, she was involved in setting up David and bringing her to prison. Amanda's revenge for her father is understandable, emotionally and ethically. I want you to taste all the bitter fruit of your life. "It seems to her that the enemy's death is not the true purpose of vengeance. Simple death does not balance the torment of a father in prison, nor the agony of losing her father's love. She wants to destroy the enemy's spirit, let them bear the pain they have suffered. In revenge, Amanda's desires and logos are punctuated by personal and social conflicts. Her revenge is not only a personal vendetta, but also a social vendetta. After his father's imprisonment, Amanda had no one to take care of, to abandon herself and enter the church. But the man who framed his father, but the rise of the luxury life, each person with betrayal in exchange for money or reputation status. Amanda carefully designed the trap of the set up by the broken, some ruined, some destroyed. She eradicated the social scum who brought humiliation to the righteous, and the Revenge of society. In this revenge line, Amanda's human factors and animal factors continue to fight, on the one hand, her reason to prevent her to use other people's life as revenge costs, on the other hand for the father's original desire for revenge and prompted her to continue on the road of revenge.

Revenge is a historical and cultural phenomenon originated from human nature, and it is the embodiment of human natural law characterized by extraordinary state and extreme mode. In his theory of origin of thought, Lafargue pointed out that the origin of the righteous thought is the desire for revenge and the equal affection, and revenge acts as self-defence and self-preservation, and becomes the act of collective self-defence and collective self preservation. Revenge is revenge, is a subjective will, but the success of revenge is a new infringement. Amanda's revenge for her father, emotional and ethical, can be understood by the audience, in line with the ethical environment. The mother had a mental problem and the father was Amanda's only spiritual destination. The loss of a father, the suspicion of his father, made Amanda's sense of belonging and love impossible. In the play, full of Amanda's memories of her father, and constantly strengthen the rationality of retaliation. But in Amanda's revenge, she gradually found some truth, some revenge of the story behind the object, so she had to adjust the revenge plan. As the plot unfolded, a new alliance was added to the revenge plan, and some allies had even been the object of her revenge. In the implementation of the plan she was confused about her identity and motivation, once wanted to give up, she could not accept her revenge action on relatives and friends hurt. Then human factors control the beast factor, make her become an ethical consciousness of people. Because she felt the impact of her own revenge on others: Ally Lorraine lost his hard-earned company, her friend Emily lost her life, and her childhood partner Jack lost his quiet life. "Revenge plays the role of conspiracy and murder, bloodshed and terror, advocating justice and anti violence, showing the sanctity of God's punishment of evil, and making people more aware of the negative effects of revenge, that is, the negative value of revenge." As mentioned earlier, revenge is bound to bring new aggression, resulting in repeated enmity. In the first three seasons, Amanda was the mastermind and performer of revenge, and in the fourth season she became a revenge for Victoria. Amanda's Revenge plan was unexpected, leading to the death of Victoria's former lover. In retaliation, Victoria's design killed Amanda's lover and ally Aiden, which made Amanda miserable and felt the hurt of retaliation. The result of revenge is to incriminate their relatives and friends, so that they die, or far away from home.

The deep motive of revenge psychology establishes the theme of revenge, but the psychological change in the process of revenge also raises a question: is forgiveness or revenge? In the third season, Amanda's Confederate Lorraine persuaded her to let her go and said, "You're forcing people to stumble in the dark, so everyone is hurt." "In the fourth season, Amanda's father returned, and he advised Amanda to forgive." Humanity is distorted and alienated in the process of revenge, but the goodness of human nature has been longing for warmth and love. The plot arrangement of TV dramas realizes the salvation of human nature. Victoria hit Amanda's heart before she died, and in an emergency, Victoria's daughter, Amanda's half-sister, signed a license to transplant her mother's heart to her sister. This dramatic plot arrangement cleverly demonstrates the human desire for goodness. As Amanda reflected in the play: for the real victim, true satisfaction can only be achieved in two ways, complete forgiveness, or the removal of sin with death. This also shows the theme of revenge: Revenge will eventually harm their own. Is echoing the first episode of the first season, quoted in the beginning of the Confucius famous words: Attack on heresy, the damage also. This revenge ethic knot was announced with the death of Amanda's two enemies.

Love is one of the strongest, most stable and single-minded emotions, conditioned by a certain objective material foundation of the sexes and a common ideal of life. Love is inseparable from social ethics and moral concepts, Love is the eternal theme of literary and artistic creation. The tragedy of love runs through a very vivid concept of fate, in the face of strong natural forces and the oppression of social forces, people often agree and succumb to fate, so love tragedy has become the inevitable result. In the American drama "Revenge", Love is accompanied by the emergence of revenge and changes in another topic clue. The lack and search of love enriches the subject clue of revenge. The change of the relationship between lovers forms ethical knot, and each ethical knot is automatically reconstructed with the disappearance of love and even the death of one side.

"Revenge" in love can be divided into two types: mutual use and do not seek return type. Amanda went through three episodes of love, namely, the enemy's son Daniel, revenge league Aiden, childhood sweetheart Jack. In order to approach the enemy, Amanda designed to make Daniel fall in love with himself. In the process of getting along, Amanda also has feelings for Daniel, but revenge is her real purpose, so she can only cover up feelings. In the second half of the series, Daniel discovered the truth and hated Amanda only because his ethical identity had changed. See here, the audience regrets that a pair of couple because of the hatred of their parents and can not be combined. In fact, with the purpose of revenge, their love is the use of each other, can only be doomed to tragedy. Amanda and Aiden, two people in the same boat, come together because they have a common purpose of revenge. It is not so much the love between them that they have become dependent on each other because of the bonds of vengeance. Amanda's relationship with Jack has been evolving throughout the play. From the beginning of the "Amanda" yacht, to the end they sit together on a yacht sailing on the sea, people feel that this is the writer deliberately arranged to make a happy ending. Amanda's love for Jack is not in return. Amanda was deliberately concealing her identity in order not to incriminate Jack. For Jake to be happy, she even blesses Jack and Emily's marriage. Every time Jack was in distress, Amanda was in no danger of rescuing her. Her identity has remained unchanged in her ethical relationship with Jack. In fact, she was meant to tell Jack the truth, at this time, free will defeated the rational will. But when she saw Emily pregnant, she chose to hide the truth, and then the rational will prevailed. This is what the audience expects of good choices ——— "Generally speaking, literary works should set up moral example to punish the teaching aim of good, and to explore how to control natural will and free will with rational will, so that people can get good from goodness." "Revenge" in the absence of love and constant search, enrich the theme, but also make the overall structure of the series more realistic and complete. And finally, Amanda and Jack's beautiful love, but also symbolizes the human pursuit of beautiful romantic things. The most sacrificial thing in the play was Emily. Emily, who is so lonely, has been trying to pay for the return of Jack to a real home. Emily was also a combination of human factors and animal factors, and on the whole, she had the upper hand before she met Jack. In order to cover up the secret can not hesitate to seize the human life, at this time her human nature to the beast part mainly, this is the ethical environment at that time decided. But later, she is pregnant birth son, the ethical status fixed down, is a good Wife good mother. In the end, Emily paid the price for Jack, her love is not in return. Victoria, another actress in the play, has gone through a lot of love. Every love, because of the mixed interest factors and ended in tragedy. Her marriage to Conrad was based on material, and her love for David was purposeful. Throughout her life, she was always aiming to achieve her own interests. As long as it is a violation of their own interests, whether the lover or family, she can hurt the killer. In this kind of ethical identity, she is completely controlled by the beast. But for her three children, she also embodies the maternal side, willing to make sacrifices for the child, this is as a mother of the ethical identity of her human factors to control the beast factor. As Conrad, in the play he was like a demon, framed, killed, is easy for him. But for the child, even if not his own daughter, Charlotte, he showed his father's love. This means that everyone is a gram factor, because of the different ethical environment and ethical status, human factors and animal factors are always suppressed and suppressed. Once the human factor is seriously missing, people will be controlled by the beast factor and get into the ethical dilemma.

In a word, revenge and love are the important subject of the study of ethics and the object of literature study. Film and television literature is also the use of artistic imagination and artistic description, the real world into a fictional art society, the reality of the moral phenomenon into the art of moral contradictions and conflicts. Through the actor's performance, the human nature of the fight between good and evil in front of the audience. In the revenge story, "punishing the evil and raising the good" must conform to the audience's subconscious expectation psychology. Amanda, in the course of revenge, the conflict between desire and rationality, personal and social causes the whole series to be full of perplexity and anxiety, which is interspersed with the intricate entanglement of emotion and reason, showing the repeated struggle of human factor and beast factor. Under the appearance of the pious, intertwined with the evil conspiracy, shameless betrayal, despicable framed. When the Avengers through careful planning and ingenious design, step-by-step to achieve revenge purposes, so that the "good" side to win, the audience is satisfied with the feeling of satisfaction, the teaching significance of literary works has been realized.


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