

Paper代写:The Treatment

2019-03-29 16:11:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Treatment,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影《刮痧》。《刮痧》的故事背景是一个在美国圣路易斯生活的华人家庭,当丹尼斯肚子受凉引发肚子疼时,刚刚到美国的爷爷利用中国传统的刮痧技艺治疗好了孙子丹尼斯的病。但是在刮痧这种技术并不被美国人认可,并被误认为是老人虐待丹尼斯,然后发生的一系列的故事,结局是误会解决,老人和孩子的得到了合理的对待。

The Treatment story happened in a Chinese family living in st. Louis of The United States. When Dennis had a cold in his stomach which caused a stomachache, his grandfather who had just come to The United States used The traditional Chinese scrapping technique to treat The illness of his grandson Dennis. However, the technique of scrapping was not recognized by Americans, and it was mistaken as an old man abusing Dennis. Then a series of stories happened, and the result was that the misunderstanding was solved, and the old man and the child were treated reasonably.

To know a thing, one must go from the outside to the inside and see the essence from the appearance. The Treatment of Chinese and western cultural conflicts must also follow this line from The perspective of cross-cultural differences. Surface culture generally includes: the architectural style of the local architecture, the language and lifestyle of life, the art of life that can be accessed, and the political and economic system adopted locally. Deep culture generally includes the local group's values, cognition and behavior. This paper will explain the conflicts of cross-cultural differences in movies from several aspects.

The surface culture includes the architectural style of the local architecture, the language and lifestyle of life, the art of life that can be accessed, and the political and economic system adopted locally. In The movie The Treatment, The hero, xu datong, on The surface, is already a Chinese who has integrated into American society. However, the scrapping of the old father brought about a series of distrust of xu datong in the American society, which resulted in the loss of jobs and contacts. The story of this kind of film profoundly reflects that although xu datong has been recognized by the public in the surface culture, he still hasn't integrated into the local society in terms of ideology, especially culture, and also reflects the differences between Chinese and western cultures.

Deep culture generally includes the values, cognition and behavior of local groups. Values are the most obvious and central thing. Values are a concept formed by local culture, local way of life, behavior and local geographical environment. It is the root of the conflict between different cultures.

America's founding fathers believed in "the beginning of man and the beginning of nature". Hence the separation of the three powers, the numerous and numerous rules and regulations, let people have rules to follow. Influenced by Confucianism, people in China believe that human nature is basically good. The sex is similar, the habit is far away." Therefore, Chinese traditional culture has always attached great importance to moral education, emphasizing the guiding power of role models or models. In the film, although we do not see the cultural conflict in this aspect on the surface, but after a careful taste, it is not difficult to conclude that it is because of the different interpretation of human nature in China and the United States that the whole "scrapping" lawsuit event occurred.

On the basis of the thought of "unity of heaven and man" and the theory of "Yin and Yang". TCM holds that the structure and function of the human body can be summarized by Yin and Yang, and the occurrence of diseases is caused by the loss of the relative balance between them. Western medicine accepted the idea of "separation of man and nature", based on anatomy. Strive for "accuracy" and scientific verification. In The movie The Treatment. On the surface, the difference between eastern and western medicine seems to be the source of this series of misunderstandings.

There are many values in one's cognitive structure. When one value orientation conflicts with another value orientation, people often need to make a value first choice.

Americans emphasize the individual interest and take the attitude of limited dedication to the collective; However, Chinese people believe that the interests of the collective are higher than the interests of individuals, and we should not let the small family mislead the public and emphasize the complete dedication to the collective. In the film, xu datong fails to attend a company meeting when jianning gives birth, which is unacceptable and forgivable in American society.

Americans emphasize human rights. In the film, the obstetrics and gynecology nurse of guangci hospital mentioned in the court that, because jian ning had a difficult labor, xu datong made a clear choice to "protect adults", because in his opinion, this is human nature. While there is life, there is hope. The nurse said he did not give the child a right to life.

When sending father home, xu datong realized his father's mood. He stole his son from the orphanage in defiance of us law so that his father could see his grandson before returning home. In his mind, family was above the law. This behavior conflicts with American values of respect for the law.

From the movie, we can see a lot of common but unexpected situations, which also reflects the differences between Chinese and western cultures in the real level. In the process of cultural communication, one culture always requires that one culture should obey its own rules and conditions, and understand the behavior of the other culture according to its own rules and conditions, so as to make a judgment in accordance with its own cultural habits. In many cases, however, such predictions are misleading. We will explore the reasons for the differences between Chinese and western cultures from different perspectives.

Chinese culture was conceived and developed on the loess plateau and maintained long-term continuity and stability. Chinese ideology and culture is a culture where Confucianism is established in one respect and compatible with Taoism. With its unique long and simple tradition, cohesion and digestion, it entered the period of modern world integration and cultural exchange. The descendants of the yan and huang dynasties, who have a history of 5,000 years, still inherit the fine traditions of their ancestors in the modern society of the 21st century.

Western modern culture mainly developed from the pagan culture of ancient Greece and Rome. The basic characteristics of the ancient Greek ethics and values are known and respected. "Perfection as a natural being", especially intellectual and philosophical meditation, is emphasized as the highest virtue. The culture that nurtured and originated on the coast doomed their character to openness. It's a big difference from Chinese culture!

Philosophy is the idea about the world that people gradually form in their daily life. From the 14th century, the west began the Renaissance, the reformation and the enlightenment. These three movements all advocate humanism and stress human nature, so western rational thinking is particularly strong. Western medicine is also based on rational thinking, that where the sick should be treated where. East Asian culture, represented by traditional Chinese culture, advocates the relationship between people and stresses the causal cycle. Chinese medicine is also based on this philosophy. It holds that the human body is a system, and problems in one place may be caused by problems in different places. Therefore, Chinese medicine can only prescribe one medicine for one disease, and it does not recognize panacea. In the film, scrapping is a common treatment in the eyes of xu datong and many audiences. It is also normal for a sick grandfather to treat his grandchildren. But in the eyes of westerners, the marks on the back are caused by the abuse of the old father, so it is unreasonable to beat the son. Consciousness. Here is the common recognition and formation of the unity of consciousness, this consciousness has national character.

Chinese people pay attention to: "countries even" spirit of collectivism, the collective interests above personal interests, the realization of the overall value realization is the true, so in the ideal to Chinese people, especially young people, usually related to family and country to country in terms of responsibility and obligation is usually attributed to must want to undertake. Americans pay attention to the individual, individualism is very strong, pay attention to nature, personality and natural, independent personality does not pay attention to consider the feelings of others. Therefore, the trend of American liberalization is very obvious, and there is a lot of anarchism. People mostly choose according to their own preferences and prejudices. Although the director arranged a very happy ending in the film, there are many misunderstandings caused by consciousness in the cultural exchanges between China and the United States in real life, and many problems cannot be solved in a happy ending.


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