

Progress in further study

2020-08-14 11:34:53 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Progress in further study,文章讲述到现在为止,我发现我在某些方面已经做出了很大的改变。在其他方面,我仍然是我自己。使我发生变化的原因是环境,周围环境,与我相关的师生的结果。使我成为我自己的是内心的声音和其他因素,例如我的个性和养成的习惯。

Progress in further study
Up till the present moment, I found that I have changed a lot in some respects. While in other respects, I still be myself. What causes me to change is the result of environment,the surroundings, teachers and students related to me. While what keeps me to be myself is the voice from my inner heart and other factors, such as my personality and well developed habit.
It had been four years since I was admitted by a high school in Ohio. The first challenge in high school was attempting to adjust to a new environment. I was looking froward to making more friends, broadening my vision and enhancing my abilities to deal with all sorts of things. Instead of idling with the period, I think I had led a colorful and significant life at that time, though adversity arose from time to time. Life in high school was really busy, moreover, full of hardships. Every day, I must get up at 6 and get myself ready to catch the school bus at ten to seven. School pressures was imposing on me increasingly, partially because of too much homework, and partially in the hope of getting the admittance of a prestigious university. Therefore, extra homework and examination for me to deal with. Some of them needed cooperation with classmates while others needed me to present myself through presentation, all of which forged me to be a qualified student and to be more optimistic towards difficulties. However, this is not the whole criteria for being admitted. Qualified candidates must be good at one or two kinds of sports,or had been a leader in a team, anyway, one must have several experience in leadership. To meet all those requirements, students must spend most of their after class time in making up it and optimizing oneself, this is what I used to be. And I often stayed up late at night, usually went to bed at 12 or one O'clock. So, I only slept 5 to 6 hours averagely every night. After class, I relaxed myself by traveling together with classmates or resting myself at home. Additionally, high school students in Ohio are required to do community service or to clear up rubbishes in a coastal area. In all, I was growing up to be a man through those hard works and participation in those activities.
This summer vacation, I spent it with ease as there is no pressure on me to hunt for a job and I can still do what I am interested in during the following years. I was expecting the college life with great eagerness. As what I did in high school, I expected to meet the love of my life,to be instructed by knowledgeable teachers with high ethics. Moreover, I planned to travel more places or climbing up more mountains, as traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. In order to be a successful businessman in the future, I wish to take an opportunity to motivate myself by starting my business career initially in the forthcoming period. All in all, this summer holiday,I had devised a rough plan for my life in university.
I have been this university for a certain period. I feel that the plan I made needs modifying a little bit to adapt to the new environment. Here, I am required to pass exams for basic courses in the first two years. Hence, I still need to study hard. Too much homework still needs to do, rather, classroom discussion,presentation and research projects are a major part of the whole study. Doing a research, one must read several books,several relevant journals and theses, and this is what I am doing currently. if one fail to pass the exam,he will not get the credit certification, therefore, my classmates and I are studying hard still. So,we spend most of our after class time in the library. Life in college is free from the influence of parents, as I am economically independent already. Moreover, I really feel the freedom of college students as nobody asks one to do something compulsorily. I traveled abroad alone or with friends twice since I have been here.
from the above description, a conclusion can be drawn to describe the transition experience of mine from high school to college. Study in the two periods are highly required, especially the later one that study is closely associated with one's job or salary, more focus therefore is on conducting researches and writing thesis. Life did changed to a certain extent. For example, I am living on myself and I can do whatever I like with a flexible time schedule and no supervising from parents. Currently, I am thinking of starting my business now and then. I am confident and optimistic that I would be a great businessman, as I have been through those adversities bravely. This is what I am as what I used to be, be grace under pressure. As Mark Twain said, one can be destroyed but defeated.



