

Paper代写:Hegel's Philosophy

2019-03-28 17:38:28 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Hegel's Philosophy讨论了黑格尔哲学。黑格尔作为唯心主义哲学之集大成者,创建了哲学史上最庞大、最全面的思辨唯心主义体系。他不仅从唯心主义立场出发,系统总结和高度概括了整个西方哲学史,而且对德国古典哲学进行了深刻的理性批判,并将理性原则发挥到了极致,实现了对以往形而上学的终结――以独特方式实现了形而上学成为科学之科学的最高理想。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The limitation of the traditional Western philosophical thinking mode is that it can't get rid of the restriction of the subject-object dichotomy. Hegel used the idealism dialectics to make the philosophy break through the limitation of this kind of cognitive thinking, and arrived at the high realm of "saying not to say, thinking not thinking". The dialectic and negation of Hegel's philosophy is the characteristic of his philosophy system, which provides methodological guidance for the establishment of Marxist philosophy. However, there is a profound contradiction between the dialectical and negative revolutionary nature of Hegel's philosophy system and its idealism system. On the basis of practice, Marx reformed the dialectic and negation of Hegel's philosophy, founded the Marxist philosophy embodying the times, grasping the regularity and being creative, so as to make Marxist philosophy become the essence of the spirit of the times and the living soul of civilization.

Before Hegel, the traditional Western thought-form ontology philosophical thinking mode, such as the implementation of the end, will inevitably reach the "not to say" situation. The limitation of this kind of cognitive thinking is that it can't get rid of the restriction of the subject-object dichotomy and reach infinity. First of all, the limitation of cognitive thinking is Kant, in his view, cognitive thinking can only recognize the phenomenon, but not the phenomenon behind the "object of the Body", if the forced use of this cognitive thinking way to understand the object of the body, it will fall into a priori illusion and lead to the paradox. Hegel used speculative dialectics to inherit, criticize and develop Kant's philosophy, so that philosophy finally broke through the limitations of cognitive thinking, arrived at the kind of "can not be said, thinking can not think" to the high. What is the nature of Hegel's philosophical system? What is its revelation to Marxist philosophy? How does Marxist philosophy discard and surpass it? This paper attempts to discuss these problems.

Hegel, as a synthesizer of idealism philosophy, has created the most extensive and comprehensive system of speculative idealism in the history of philosophy. Almost all the things that can be said and done in an idealistic position, Hegel have reached the highest and the most exclusive. He not only embarks from the idealism standpoint, the system summarizes and summarizes the whole Western philosophy history, and has carried on the profound rational critique to the German classical philosophy, and has exerted the rational principle to the Acme, has realized the metaphysical end ―― in the past to realize metaphysics to be the highest ideal of science in a unique way. This is the value of Hegel's philosophy. The system of speculative idealism constructed by Hegel, although there are many far-fetched, rote, but the integrity of its thinking, completeness is still an insurmountable philosophy of the high mountain, unless completely beyond Hegel's philosophy, or completely reverse his philosophy to the thinking, otherwise can not further promote the development of philosophy.

Philosophy is not a simple assertion of individual facts, nor a coin that can be used directly. The value of philosophy lies in its wholeness and system, "if philosophy has no system, it cannot become science". Philosophy can reach a theoretical form only through specific concepts, categories and logical argumentation, and through systematization and theoretical condensation and promotion. However, the perfection of philosophy system and the advantages of comprehensiveness are often dispelled by the controversy of divergent opinions and different. In the history of philosophy, philosophers of every age have almost all established their own so-called philosophical system, without exception, claiming that they have discovered the ultimate truth, but have been replaced ruthlessly by the later theory system.

On the face of it, philosophy is like a false exhibition hall, which is a simple piling up of all kinds of heterogeneous discourses; it is like a battlefield of fighting, every new system overcomes the old system. "Let the dead man bury their dead, and follow me," said Hegel profoundly, "but he did not see that the man who had come to bury himself had been standing at the door." This shows that the development of philosophy is a process from the low to the advanced historical development, philosophy is always on the road, on the way, will not eventually stop at a point. The theory system in history is always more complete than its previous theory system, it overcomes the shortcoming of the previous system and retains its advantages. When an old theory system is overthrown by a new theory system, the old theory system will retain its advantages in the same way and become a link of the overall development of philosophy. In this respect, we should oppose both dogmatism and skepticism. In fact, philosophy is both the truth and the opinion, it is the internal unity of the two. Because every philosophical system is only a specific link in the Encyclopedia of Truth, all the philosophies are integrated to form the whole of truth. Any philosophical system requires the mastery of its infinite and universal nature beyond the finite, concrete things. The object of philosophy is different from science, the science always takes special thing as its research object, catches is also some special law, while philosophy will be the Universal Infinite World as its research object, it studies the Basic Law of the development of nature, society and human thought, namely general law.

The reason why philosophers want to establish various philosophy system, its fundamental purport is to try to find beyond limited and access infinite thought channel, for this reason always drew to seek new method of understanding thing and solve a problem new way. This shows that the history of philosophy boils down to the problem history, the problem that philosophy solves is eternal subject, can't have a certainty answer, "and can only take a variety of different solution" [3]. Therefore, the fundamental meaning and function of philosophy lies not in the fact that it forms the definitive answer on the concrete question, but lies in the pursuit of the lofty ideal realm of life, the ultimate concern for the meaning and value of life. Philosophy cannot be a kind of science, it is not its flaw but it is its unusual trait, of course it is its eternal charm. The history of philosophy is not the cumulative history of knowledge, but the transformation history of the solution way of eternal and ultimate problems, but also the evolution of each other's different philosophies. The true value of philosophy lies not in providing some specific knowledge and information, but in solving the problem of the Times. Philosophers ' ideas and opinions may one day become obsolete, but their way of solving problems is never outdated, and the value and significance of their ideas lies in the special way in which they think and solve problems, because it leaves people with unusual things. Philosophers ' different ways of thinking and studying, together, constitute the whole theory pedigree of the development of philosophy.

Some concrete conclusions of Hegel's philosophy system may have been outdated, but it is difficult to find a way to overcome the problem, its ideology contains the dialectical and negative, but also its former philosophy system can not be compared. Dialectic is one of the characteristics of Hegel's philosophy system, and also the special method and path of its investigation. Hegel in the principle of the subjectivity of modern philosophy, it restores the dialectic tradition of Western ancient philosophy, overcomes the metaphysical malady of modern mechanistic philosophy, and thus forms a self closed and speculative system of idealism. Dialectics, as a rational kernel, lies in the system of Hegel's philosophy, which is the key to solve all the philosophical problems, and also the great contribution he makes to human thinking. Dialectics is the most fundamental to Hegel's system, which is the soul and core of the first, and its spiritual trait or essence. It is impossible to grasp the philosophy system without dialectics, which will lead to the hollow of its philosophical system. Hegel's previous philosophy, when transcending limited certainty, invariably fell into a paradox, and philosophers always tried to find a new way out of the dilemma. The day when Hegel first came to the stage of philosophy was the time when modern philosophy got into trouble. The dilemma of modern philosophy stems from the one-sidedness of thinking mode, which Kant calls the two-body thinking of the subject and object dichotomy as "intellectual thinking", and like Kant, Hegel also believes that this kind of cognitive thinking can only recognize the phenomenon and cannot hold the essence of things.

Hegel resorted to Dialectics to solve the problem. Because the dialectical nature of thinking provides us with a possibility to break the fixed bounds of the cognitive thinking and to regain the brightness, that is, only by abandoning the fixed rigid thinking form and making it flow, can we overcome the limitation of modern thinking mode. Hegel called this dialectic of philosophical thinking as the true scientific method, it has no preconditions and conditions, it is to prove themselves, to complete themselves, with self-construction and the characteristics of self-creation, only this dialectical philosophy system, is the most spiritual and creative vitality. Therefore, dialectics is very important to Hegel's philosophy. On the one hand, if there is not enough depth of understanding to enter into this huge philosophical system, it is very likely to sink and not extricate themselves; On the other hand, dialectics is not only the method of Hegel's philosophical analysis problem, but also the objective law of things themselves, that is, the life, soul and development way of The method is not the external form, but the soul and concept of content. This dialectical way of thinking is the unique advantage of Hegel's philosophy system. In this respect, Marx pointed out: "Hegel's Phenomenology and its final achievement ―― dialectics, as the ―― of the negation of promoting principle and creation principle, first of all, Hegel regards human being as a process, regards object as the object, as the external and sublation. ”

Negation is another unique bright spot of Hegel's philosophy system. The cognitive thinking of modern philosophy always tries to adjust the antagonism between subject and object, in order to pursue the knowledge of certainty, to adopt a simple repulsion attitude towards the difference and contradiction between the two, thus choking the kind of living spiritual and life essence in the development of thinking. In Hegel's view, the thing itself is a unity that contains many attributes, which is the whole of self contradiction, self-denial, self-development and self creation. Engels commented that it was Hegel who discovered "a great basic thought, that the world is not a collection of things, but a collection of processes, in which all seemingly stable things are in constant flux of creation and extinction, as are concepts in our minds, and in this change, Despite all the superficial contingencies, despite all the temporary setbacks, the progress of the development will eventually achieve ―― this great basic idea, especially since the black, has become the general consciousness, so that it in this general form may not be objected to.

In other words, any kind of thing in the world is a process existence, in the course of its development, all kinds of differences and opposites, not the external differences, but the "intrinsic difference" of things themselves, "in one as the difference between the inner difference", the opposite side is actually within the things in the "unity of Opposites". In the view of modern philosophers, the self-denial of things means the disintegration of things themselves, because, in their opinion, difference and negation are some factors leading to death, they do not understand that the dialectical negation of the things themselves is precisely the source and vitality of their lives, It is this kind of negation that constitutes the internal impetus and development principle of the change and development of things movement. If this difference and self-denial are dispelled, things themselves will go to nothingness and death. It is by this intrinsic difference and dialectical negation that things are constantly moving towards rebirth and rebirth. The dialectical negation is the development principle that contains the affirmation, it is neither the whole affirmation nor the negation, while the negative content is negative and always positive content is affirmed. "The negative result is actually the content which produces from the negation, because it denies the previous content at the same time also has its content in the new form contained within itself, this causes the thing to develop to be higher, renews, the richer stage". Hegel called this dialectical Negation "sublation", that is, both to overcome and retain, both critical and inherited, it is both the link of things and the development of things, is the thing to achieve self-development, self-development of endogenous power. The negation becomes the core, the essence and the soul of Hegel's philosophy system, and he thus regards the whole development process as the organic whole with the intrinsic inevitability of mutual connection and self-development, which fundamentally transcends the thinking mode of the modern intellectual thinking.

In a word, the uniqueness of Hegel's philosophical system lies in the fact that the whole world is regarded as a process of self movement due to its inner contradictions, and this process is understood as a circle that makes itself and completes itself. He regarded his philosophy system as the entire encyclopedia of all truths, and thought that the whole philosophy history would end there. Hegel tries to start at any point and make it run through it, so that the starting point is the end. Hegel said: "Philosophy is independent, thus creating their own objects, to provide their own objects." And the direct view of philosophical beginnings must be transformed into the end point in the process of the philosophical system's exertion, that is, the final conclusion. When philosophy reaches its end, that is, when philosophy comes back to its starting point, it returns to itself. As a result, philosophy is just like a circle that returns to itself. "[2]385 originally, according to the dialectical nature of things, nothing is immutable, absolutely sacred, but Hegel is in his own philosophy system, formed a closed circle, so that philosophy to achieve the greatest ideals of science, to establish a so large and huge, Such a unified metaphysical system. Thus, Hegel made the metaphysical thinking go to the end, and for later philosophers to reverse the direction of philosophy to provide useful enlightenment. Hegel is controlled by his idealism system, attempts to exhaust absolute truth and let reason dominate the world, that the essence of things is a certain spirit, the history of the world is only the spirit of self deduction. This kind of thought looks exquisite, in essence it is only a kind of dream. This led to his thought both obscure and mysterious, all things are far-fetched to merge into the uniform of the three paragraphs, often criticized by later generations. Therefore, we should take a sublation attitude towards Hegel.


