

Essay代写:Intercultural communication skills

2018-08-29 18:16:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Intercultural communication skills,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了跨文化交际能力。跨文化交际能力,就是指主体能与不同文化背景的个人或者群体进行有效沟通的能力。跨文化交际能力是一个综合的、多向度的概念,它涵盖了知识向度、思维向度、行为向度乃至情感和个性向度。而情感能力是跨文化交际能力的重要组成部分,要求跨文化交际者具有文化平等意识、理解和尊重其他文化的态度和克服民族中心主义、种族主义等交际障碍的能力。

The network high technology has created the great pattern of intercultural communication in the true sense. The scope of intercultural communication is from local to international, and the language and culture in intercultural communication is from homogeneity to coexistence of heterogeneity, which also leads to the new contradiction and new conflict of world civilization. In order to adapt to the new situation of intercultural communication and develop our traditional culture, we must improve the ability of intercultural communication.

In recent years, with the rapid popularization of the Internet, cross-cultural communication has penetrated into every aspect of Chinese people's life. Through the Internet, people have come into contact with a large number of cultural products reflecting western culture, especially American culture, music works, best-selling books, computer software and other cultural products. The western lifestyle and values promoted by these cultural products have brought a strong impact on our national culture. Faced with the impact, some due to its own cultural mind-set which is formed by the long-term edification and accumulation, the influence of love to our country the central position of the national culture in cross-cultural communication in their own national cultural values measured by other cultures, to look at cultural differences in the form of binary opposition, and nationhood in cross-cultural communication. Some people lose their ability to distinguish between different cultures in their intercultural life, and they are eager for western culture, thus forming an unhealthy social ethos in the society, such as valuing profit over justice, extreme individualism, pursuing pleasure and high consumption, aesthetic vulgarization, cultural fast-food, etc. More seriously, the American lifestyle, values and ideologies popularized on the Internet have a significant impact on the growth of Chinese teenagers. At present, many teenagers are infatuated with American Hollywood blockbuster, popular music and fast food culture, but they know little about Chinese traditional dramas, domestic films and classic literature works, and even despise them. The heritage and development of Chinese traditional culture are facing crisis and challenge. Therefore, in the network age, we must improve the intercultural communication ability, resist the impact of foreign bad culture, and carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation.

Intercultural communication competence is a comprehensive and multi-dimensional concept, which covers the dimensions of knowledge, thinking, behavior and even emotion and personality. Gudykunst, a famous communicator, pointed out that effective communicative competence includes cognitive competence, emotional competence and behavioral competence.

Cognitive ability refers to the ability to integrate information. Purpose only to master a cross-cultural communication requires mastery of the target language in cultural communication system, and the purpose to understand and accept cultural discourse patterns and behavior patterns, understand about using the target language of the nation's history, politics, economy, religion, ethics, values and knowledge, to form a kind of psychological tendency, and able to discern the subtle distinction between the native culture and other culture.

Emotional competence is an important part of intercultural communication competence, which requires the intercultural communicators to have the awareness of cultural equality, the attitude to understand and respect other cultures and the ability to overcome communication barriers such as ethnocentrism and racism. That is to say, the communicator in the context of intercultural communication to have to adapt to the cultural system of the communication mode of his ability, to each other's habits accept way communication, willing to change the system based on the original culture of the behavior patterns and habits, and aesthetic habit of each other and understand each other's jokes, humor, happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, the expression of emotion.

Intercultural communicative competence refers to the ability of the subject to effectively communicate with individuals or groups with different cultural backgrounds. In short, communicators can use their basic language skills, work skills and academic skills to obtain useful information and solve problems in the context of intercultural communication, live in harmony with the communicative object with appropriate behaviors, overcome cultural differences, use appropriate communication strategies to solve problems and achieve communication goals. Of course, the final formation of behavioral ability requires the knowledge acquired by cognitive ability to support, and emotional ability to lay the foundation.

People use different languages and cultural backgrounds in cross-cultural communication, and have different ways of thinking and expression habits. Therefore, in order to carry out effective communication, communicators should not only understand and master the target language and the target culture, but also compare and explore the target culture and the native culture. Only by comparing the differences and conflicts of different cultures can we reveal the factors that may lead to cultural misunderstanding and conflict in communicative behaviors, so as to gain mutual understanding, seek common ground and create the common basis of mutual communication. Lu shuxiang once said: "the characteristics of one thing should be compared with other things." Only through comparison can we find the differences and similarities of people from different cultural backgrounds in beliefs, values, time concepts, codes of conduct, norms of communication and cognitive patterns, understand and respect other cultures, and enhance their adaptability to this culture.

Intercultural communication, as a linguistic and cultural exchange activity among members of different ethnic groups, is a complex communication process from the exchange of symbolic information on the surface to the deep emotional fusion and communication. In this process, scientific empathy is very important. However, the diversity and diversity of cultures of different ethnic groups will inevitably lead to empathy disorder. Therefore, to overcome empathy barriers, we must first establish correct cultural values. The principle of cultural relativity tells us that everything in the world, including the cultural traditions of various nations, is complex and not single. There is no such thing as a traditional culture without the essence or the dross. For a long time, under the influence of western cultural center theory, westerners believe that western culture is the center of world culture and the best culture in the world, deliberately excluding the culture of other nations. This is not only detrimental to the development of world culture, but also hindering the integration of western culture with world culture and the development of its own culture. When we examine the traditional culture of our country, we should also start from the principle of cultural relativity. We should not only see the rich connotation and unique charm of traditional culture, but also have a clear understanding of the backward factors, and strive to realize the modernization transformation of traditional culture. Secondly, we should overcome the tendency to interpret others' words and behaviors from the perspective of our own culture. In dealing with Chinese and foreign traditional culture, we should not have narrow nationalism, nor should we worship foreign countries and foreign countries. With this point of view, in cross-cultural communication, we can use more objective and fair view of the cultural differences, the two communicating parties consciously transform cultural position, consciously get rid of the mindset of its culture, beyond the local cultural framework model, yourself in the other culture mode, grasp in active dialogue and equal to appreciate and understand each other's culture, thus in the cross-cultural communication produces empathy to each other's culture, more objectively reveals cultural facts and law. In cross-cultural communication, only overcome from the perspective of its culture to interpret others words and behavior tendency, can truly in the communication of each other's culture and cultural scene, deeply realize the cultural elements in the significance and value of the whole culture system, can not blindly cultural identity and adapt to each other, and not only rut to native culture.

In the Internet era, global culture has shown the phenomenon of multi-cultural symbiosis and mutual communication between different cultures, while intercultural communication is the result of the current political, economic and cultural globalization. Effective communication and communication requires intercultural communication skills. As China opens wider and deeper to the outside world, China and its people will certainly face the world with a more open posture. The improvement of intercultural communication ability is of great theoretical and practical significance to the development of Chinese culture.



