

A Streetcar Named Desire

2020-05-15 12:08:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Streetcar Named Desire,供大家参考学习 最初,街车“欲望”的最初名称是扑克之夜,在这个游戏或扑克历史的早期阶段,扑克被认为是一种男人的游戏,更是一种男人可以证明自己男子气概的游戏。在这出戏中,在扑克之夜之前,布兰奇说:“我知道今晚这里有一个小小的纸牌派对,我们女士们都没有被邀请参加!斯坦利只是简单地回答,“是的。”显然,纸牌游戏完全切断了女性的交流,事实上,斯坦利的回答表明,和布兰奇这个女性谈论这个话题是不合适的 ,在一部名为《欲望》的街车中,扑克发挥了重要的作用,它不仅衬托了剧情的发展,而且增强了剧中的主题——男女矛盾引发的分歧。话不多说 一起来看看吧

In A Streetcar Named Desire, poker played a significant role, it not only sets off the development of the plot, but also enhances the theme of the play----a disagreement caused by the contradiction between man and woman.
At the very beginning, the original title for A Streetcar Named Desire was The Poker Night, in this play or the early stages of poker’s history, poker considered as a game of men, even more, was a game that men can prove their own masculinity. In this play, before the poker night , Blanche said “I understand there's to be a little card party here tonight to which we ladies are cordially not invited!” Stanley just simply answered, “yes.” Obviously, the card game completely cut off the women, in fact, Stanley’ s answer suggested that it was not appropriate talking about this topic with Blanche, a women(Rosener, 1989).
The poker game was running through the whole play which emphasized the masculinity of the player. When the men were playing the card game, women stayed in the next door. The narrator used the contrast to illustrate the isolation of different sex. Women especially when Blanche making noise was turning on the radio, shouting to remind Stanley to keep quiet. Because of the noisy sound, Stanley felt being disturbed so that he rushed into the next door and threw the video out of the window. To make matter worse, Stanley shoving one of the men, breaking the lamp and beating his pregnant wife, Stella. From this section, Stanley showed off his male chauvinism fully. Stanley is the defender and advocate of man-power society. Blanche’s attitude towards Stanley with her attitude to the male-right society, was reflected the imbalance in the whole society. Men and Women’ s position is unequal. The conflict between Blanche and Stanley was an epitome of the society at that time. They hated each other and needed each other, comprising hatred and attractiveness which was a portrayal of the relationship between men and women in reality. Blanche satire Stanley was an ape, who scolded his sister for the sex's desire to live with a beast, and she herself was fascinated by this muscular muscle when she first saw Stanley. Despite she suppresses herself, pretending elegant. Stanley can identify the women’s sexual demand and grasp the mind of the women.
The poker night is the arena for men to indulge their primitive tender of sex. Masculinity. Men stand in the dominated position which women cannot join in. The tragedy of Blanche Dubois is the tragedy of male bullying and oppression of women. Women’s and men’s liberation is a mutually relations. There is no doubt that when women gain the social position, men also need to pay the price. There is no winner between sex war and hurt forever.
The gender confrontation in the play allegorizes the conflicts between the modern industrial civilization and the pastoral agricultural civilization. Blanche’s tragedy imply the terminated of the southern aristocracy. Based on the physical view, it is the impact of different economic system, as the result, the industrial pattern took the place of the agriculture system. From the prospect of the spirit, the disagreement between both sexes indicates different values, lifestyles, civilization (Katrina& & Jordan, 1991).
A Streetcar Named Desire is a social historical play as well as a prominent psychological play. In this modern play, lust and sex is a kind of metaphor. Blanche came to New Orleans alone. The arrangement is created the opportunity for traditional southern civilization met the northern industrial civilization. Blanche lost everything and wanted redemption. She lost the ancestral plantation, lost her husband and family. She was desperate for the lifesaving straw to protect her dignity and beauty. On one side, Blanche had to face up to the reality which representing by the interests. On the other side, she cannot live without her dignity. The ambivalence intensify the different voice between man and woman. Finally, Blanche retreated into a world of fantasy land. Stanley intended to destroyed Blanche completely in psychological aspect, he acted like a beast, raping Blanche, tearing down her dignity and grace. So far, the clash between reached to the top. Blanche was sent to the mental hospital at last. Her dreamland had gone, just like her land, husband, family. In the very beginning of the play when Blanche being asked, “How to find her sister’s home?” “They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to a one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields!” These words just like the life experiences of Blanche. The debauchery made her to the hell. Due to the harsh reality the expectation of new life ruins. The tragedy of Blanche reflects the America southern traditional values ruin and facing the new stages (Martin, 1990).
Tennessee Williams, the author of the "A Streetcar Named Desire", would like to arouse the love, understanding and tolerance between people, laying stress on the equality of the relationship between the man and woman to build a harmonious society.

