

Eating disorders

2020-08-14 11:26:52 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Eating disorders,文章讲述饮食失调是与HIV相似的健康领域的话题:人们不愿在公共场合提及它,因为它与秘密有关。当涉及饮食失调时,患者会感到奇怪和内,担心其他人会向他们投掷奇怪的视力。因此,如果一个人想解决自己的疾病,就应该站出来面对它。本文更多地关注饮食失调的原因以及如何影响饮食失调。

Eating disorders
Eating disorders is a topic in health field similar to HIV: people are not willing to mention it in public, because it is something related to secrets. When it comes to eating disorder, sufferers feel weird and guilty, worrying that others will throw strange eyesight on them. Thus, if one wants to tackle his illness, one should stand out and face it. This article focuses more on the reasons of eating disorders and how one is influenced by it .

Abraham, Lauren. “Four Ways To Keep Your Fitness in Focus.” Bodybuilding. com. Nov 11, 2011. Nov 12, 2014. Due to the reality that humans are not isolated from society, there is a dilemma between human beings and their surroundings. It is very hard to handle life when life has its own agenda. On the one hand, people yearn for parties, activities and gatherings to release them from dull lives, on the other hand, they want to establish an atmosphere where they can live up to their goals of defeating eating disorders. Sometimes, they can't control where they are and what to do. They should at least go to work, therefore they are surrounded by temptations. And situation is worse when they are at home. They might imagine that they could spend some money on sports equipment, designing a corner for exercise and preserve some healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables to withstand their hunger (Abraham). However, it is impossible to avoid all those temptations, because they are prone to extend their real characteristics such as greediness and laziness when they are alone.

Buchanan, Daisy, “ Forget the 'cause' of eating disorders – we must promote good mental health.” Feb 24, 2014. Nov 11,2014.
Have you ever considered age as an element for your eating disorder? Maybe it is ridiculous and weird for a person to define a kid aged 5 years old as a victim of eating disorder, but the truth is that most markedly among the under-15s, with some patients as young as five. Or we can boldly suggest that your gene of eating disorder is hidden when you are just a little girl and when you grow up, encountering some motivations, your inner disease blow up, thus your eating disorder happens. If what I mentioned above is true, kids will become the objects of our protection to prevent more victims of eating disorders. Body image and weight are the external focus of eating disorders, but the solution must look beyond that. Eating disorders frequently develop during adolescence or early adulthood (“Eating Disorders”). Is there anyone think of the reason why eating disorders happened during adolescence? And unfortunately, I personally do not agree with such an comment. Actually, eating disorder may hide in a kid’ s body already when he/she was five or six years old. I am sure you have encountered a little girl enjoying a cup of Haagen-Dazs in a dreaming restaurant, if her mother did not interrupt her, she would eat her loved ice-cream without an end. Some may suggest that it is her age: five years that she cannot control herself rationally and restrictively. No, persons’ control ability are formed when they were young, and they just hide their tendency of eating disorder, trying the best to perform normally. Lots of victims consider others such as parents and friends as supervisors who can prevent eating disorder. Once they are not under the protection given by parents or friends, they show the reality of their disorders.

“Eating Disorders.” Oct 14, 2008. Nov 11, 2014. Females are much more likely than males to develop an eating disorder (“Eating Disorders”). And I totally agree with it. Woman is more easily suffering from eating disorder than man. Why? Women, to some extent, are weaker in several aspects than men, such as in business field or in family. So there is no doubt they have to attract males’ attention or to justify themselves from other aspects and image will be the one, thus, best way is to keep a fit body as they learned from TV or magazines. When their images cannot reach their expectations, there are always two situations happen: The first is to continue to lose weight and keep their good images, another is to give up and to burn the candle at both ends, thus, they are on the way of eating disorder. How pity! Woman are woman themselves and they should live for them, not for others. There is so many things to do in the world and weight cannot be the only one. Moreover, your soul mate will not absolutely focus on your image, any one do this cannot be your true love.

“Eating Disorders.” Oct 14, 2008. Nov 11, 2014. Environment can influence one’s eating habit and they after a long time they turn out to be a nightmare. The line between being careful about what you eat and being obsessive is difficult to distinguish. Especially in the United States, where fast food restaurants are abundant and two-thirds of people are overweight or obese (“Eating Disorders”). This is true that when you are saturated with smell and watering food, it is so hard to control yourself. Imagine that when you are dieting and at the same moment your skinny girlfriend is eating a yummy hamburger full of beef and cheese while she has no worry about her weight. Will you be influenced? And persuade yourself a burger will not make a big push to you losing-weight plan? However, when you swallow the first mouth of burger, you find yourself cannot withstand the ice-cream full of strawberries and fried chips . Compared to others, after eating, you rebuke yourself and then you go into a circle of dieting and binging. The way to change this and go out of the circle is to go far away from any of these fast food restaurants and stick to it for more than one month. However, most people suffering eating disorders cannot obey this rule.

Finnegan, Leah, “ Eating Disorders: Colleges Highlight Quiet Problem.” The Huffington Post. May 25,2011. Nov 11,2014. Have you ever enjoyed a buffet with several of your old friends. Talking, laughing and without any conscious of how much food you put in your stomach? Have you ever felt that you cannot live without chips, ice-cream or a little Macaron when your boyfriend broke up with you? It seems like that you want to eat every piece of snack, crushing them and squeezing them, to let off your depression and anger. Or you must eat a lot of chocolate to soothe your anxiety and discontent when you cannot find out a perfect and suitable plan for you business customer . But the question is how do you define these situations, can we call it eating disorder? Eating disorders cause people to overeat, undereat and/or follow strictly moderated diets. They can cause osteoporosis, heart problems and death. And they are largely misunderstood (Finnegan). To some extent, I object this saying, though it did have something rational . Even though eating disorder refers to those people who cannot control the load and variety they eat and in a very short period of time they can binge food which normal people cannot withstand or do not eat any. But the point of eating disorder could not focus on the food itself or the person himself, it is the duration of this symptom that counts. As we know, everyone in the world can have one-time diet out of control which is understandable. However, if this habit lasts up to three months or more, or happens 3 times a week or more regularly, then we can define it as eating disorders. So do not easily define yourself as a victim of eating disorder, which may lay side effects on you, if you cannot find a right way to tackle it.

Richards, Elizabeth, Sarah, “Orthorexia: When healthy eating becomes an obsession.” CNN. com. Oct 13,2014. Nov 11, 2014.
We have discussed a lot why people would suffer from eating disorder, except the harms eating disorder bring to people. So what I would mention here is the hurt that eating disorder make people’ s lives a mess, one of them is orthorexia. Orthorxia is a kind of disorder characterized by a morbid obsession with eating healthy food only, which means you cannot have a normal social activity and try new and magic food. Do you experience the risk of being labeled as orthorexia if you refuse to eat at mainstream restaurants, where nearly every sauce or salad dressing contains soybean oil or high-fructose corn syrup? Or will you be labeled "too extreme" if you choose to buy only local, organic produce? According to Sondra Kronberg, nutritional director of the Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative, it depends on how much the fixation interferes with your quality of life, and your ability to be social and function (Richards).Why cannot you give up your belief in healthy food, though they give you a relatively healthy body but at the same time, they ruin your normal life and you lose much happiness of your life.

“Weight Loss: Gain Control of Emotional Eating.” Mayoclinic. Com. Dec 1, 2012. Nov 11, 2014. If you know about your problem and try to solve it, there is always lots of methods for you to follow from the Internet. However, let me to be honest, none of them is going to be work if you cannot find the essence of your disorder. Have you ever think of why you suffer this torturing disease while others can enjoy their meals as well as control their appetite easily? Depression, anger, breaking up or simply due to others’ words can change your mood and if you cannot vent it effectively, all the outer elements can result in your eating disorders. Eating disorders frequently occur together with other psychiatric illness such as depression, substance abuse, or anxiety disorders. Hence, you would say that everyone in this world will suffer misfortune , for instance, almost everyone cannot find their soul mate in their first dating or no one would never suffer from death, especially when they are the youngest in their family. Yes, people can absolutely experience misfortunes, but how they face it? They face it by the way of more healthy one. You can do sports or travel alone, or you can stay at home for a week. Supposing a scenario in which people can overcome all the mentioned factors, unfortunately, they can hardly shun this curse: emotional eating. People are prone to resort to food for comfort when they are vulnerable or depressed. In general, they use food to release or mitigate their depressing emotions such as sadness, loneliness, fear and anger when they encounter difficulties or are under pressure. They choose to be occupied by food instead of facing difficulties. Consequently, their efforts of overcoming eating disorders are ruined. Emotional eating leads to overeating, especially foods with high calories, sweets and fat. However, eating too much does not tackle problems. Instead, people are fraught with additional guilt when they set all their goals back. “They are finally trapped in an unhealthy cycle: their emotions trigger them to overeat, they beat themselves up for getting off their weight-loss track, they feel bad, and they overeat again, (“Weight Loss: Gain Control of Emotional Eating”).” In fact, people who are close to the door of getting normal finally give up, mostly due to the fact that their eating disorders cannot be defeated. A person can hardly resist delicacies by nature, not to mention they are surrounded by different emotions.

There are always inevitable depressions, when people are near the door of paradise. People find themselves trapped in a weird circle: a circulation of failure and success. A great number of people immerse themselves into eating disorders. Unfortunately, owing to their self-conditions and atmosphere around them, it is hard to overcome such an illness successfully, even though they had a transient success. There are loads of things one can enjoy except body and image. It is understandable a female focuses her energy on her image, but at the same time she is supposed to love herself more than anyone else. So does a male. Moreover, as I exploring and researching this topic on eating disorders, I found that even though professors and doctors are all the way finding reasons of eating disorder and how it can be tackled, effective and lasting methods have not be detected. In other words, sufferers are supposed to depend on themselves to overcome disorders and there is no magic medicine to help them except themselves.

Works Citation
Abraham, Lauren. “Four Ways To Keep Your Fitness in Focus.” Bodybuilding. com. Nov 11, 2011. Nov 12, 2014.
Buchanan, Daisy, “ Forget the 'cause' of eating disorders – we must promote good mental health.” Feb 24, 2014. Nov 11,2014.
“Eating Disorders.” Oct 14, 2008. Nov 11, 2014.
Finnegan, Leah, “ Eating Disorders: Colleges Highlight Quiet Problem.” The Huffington Post. May 25,2011. Nov 11,2014.
Richards, Elizabeth, Sarah, “Orthorexia: When healthy eating becomes an obsession.” CNN. com. Oct 13,2014. Nov 11, 2014.
“Weight Loss: Gain Control of Emotional Eating.” Mayoclinic. Com. Dec 1, 2012. Nov 11, 2014.



