

英国essay代写-Reflection Essay

2018-01-23 15:28:49 | 日記
本篇essay代写- Reflection Essay讲述了作者学会写作论文的经历。在上这门课程之前,作者根本不知道怎么写作完整的论文。然而,在上完这门课之后,作者对作家和研究人员有了深刻的了解,并且知道如何写好论文。现在,作者清楚了自己在这方面的优势和劣势,并在未来制定了自己的写作目标。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家从参考阅读。

Upon the end of this semester, I think I should make a thorough reflection on the knowledge that I have learned, the projects that I have taken part in, and the performance and the efforts that I have made, in order to further upgrade myself in the writing skills and researching ability.

In retrospect, before I took this course, I did not know how to write a complete thesis. In my mind, I had thought it was quite a difficult thing to write a long thesis and had no idea on how to carry out deep research on a certain topic. However, after I took this course, I developed a deep understanding on the qualities of a writer and a researcher, and how to write a good thesis. Now, I am well aware of my strengths and weakness in this aspect and have set my writing goals in the future.

Generally speaking, an ordinary thesis includes a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, presenting the various sections(introduction, literature review, findings, etc.), and a references section. They differ in their structure according to the many different fields of study. Specifically, an academic thesis normally report on or analyze a certain topic or study. It normally comprises the explanation of the purpose, the previous research outcomes related on the topic of the study, the methods adopted and the findings of the field. From the course, I knew the normal charter format used by most people is as following : a) an introduction, including the research topic, the methodology, and its scope and significance; b) a paper review, comprising relevant research literature; c) a methodology section, making explanations on how the paper has been designed and why the research methods have been chosen; d) a findings section, indicating the findings of the research; e) an analysis and discussion section; f) a conclusion, presenting an unresolved problem or knowledge in the supposed area that needs to be explored. Most importantly, the thesis topic should be unique since it should add something new to the existing literature. These theories are easy to understand, however, when I tried to write a paper on my own, I actually found it very hard. In this assignment, I will submit three essays that I wrote. They are Genetically Modified Organisms should be Used in Our Life, What are the Negative Effects of Long Distance Relationships? A Discussion of Depression And Its Solution. They are in representative of three kinds of thesis style: the persuasive essay, the caused-effect essay and the problem-solution essay. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the course, I actually did not know the difference among them. For example, when I wrote the third essay, I made a mistake and merely dig up answers which already exist in other paper. Thanks to the guidance of the teacher, I finally understood how to write a problem-solution essay and constantly made revision on the essay according to teacher’s advice. During the process of paper revision, I understood that to complete an excellent paper, reviewing a paper for many times is a normal thing and constantly amending essays after writing them has become one of my writing habits.

Besides, when I began the thesis or the revision, I was used to attempting to write everything polished. However, gradually, I found that it is more effective to try to get my thoughts down on paper. In my opinion, once that’s finished, the rest will become much more easily.

Theoretically, I have grasped most of basic knowledge on how to write a thesis, however, to produce an excellent one is not a easy thing. Through a large amount of practice, I have developed my own insights into the main steps of it. In my eye, getting started is certainly tough, but the first step to write a good thesis statement is to begin with the purpose and audience. Namely, what purpose I want to obtain? What to describe or explain? What viewpoint I want to adopt? In other words, what am I analyzing, explaining or what am I claiming? What are the evidence I have to support my assertion? What did I find out in my analysis? How can I categorize my discoveries or organize my explanations? In what order should I show my discoveries, and the different parts of my explanations and reasons? Through asking myself these questions in the process of writing essays, I become increasingly skillful in handling them and now I can complete different kinds of thesis on my own, such as the persuasive essay, the caused-effect essay and the problem-solution essay. This is one of my strengths and I think my diligence and seriousness in study account for my success. However, I reckon the evidences in my essays are not sufficient and I should improve my skills in searching for information in order to effectively use outside sources.

The more I make research, the more I like researching. The three essays that I wrote got me pondered over the social issues and led me to come up with solution to these problems in the paper. They gave me the sense of achievement. For example, the research on genetically modified organisms should be beneficial for the scientific development; the research on negative effects of long distance relationships should enlighten us in handling relationship; the research on depression and its solution should be helpful for the patients. Finally, I have made up my mind to continuously devote my time and energy to the research filed and write more valuable papers so as to make contribution to the society.


