

The global E-sports industry

2020-09-15 17:45:14 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The global E-sports industry,文章讲述电子竞技(E-sports)是电子竞技的缩写,是一种人际格斗运动,配有硬件和软件,并受体育规则的指导。这将有助于锻炼并增强参与者的思考,反应,协调等能力。作为一项体育计划,电子竞技具有两个基本要素:“电子”和“竞争”。 “电子”是指其模式和手段,即电子竞技依赖于基于信息技术及其构建环境的各种硬件和软件。这是与传统体育节目不同的基本功能。


  1. Introduction
    • Conception of E-sports.

E-sports, short for Electronic Sports, is an interpersonal combat sports, equipped with hardware and software and guided by sports rules. It will help exercise and strengthen participators’ ability of thinking, reaction, coordination and so on. As a sport program, E-sports has two basic elements—“Electronic” and “Competitive”. “Electronic” refers to its mode and means, namely E-sports relies on kinds of hardware and software based on information technology and the environment they have built. It is the essential feature that differs from traditional sports program. “Competitive” refers to the essential feature of sports, namely competing or racing, which is the main difference between E-sports and other computer games especially online games. E-sports is the product of network information age, also the derivation of science development. As information technology develops, digital products are regularly infiltrating our daily life. The combination of high technology and sports is not unique to E-sports, while current competitive sports develop at such high speed, not only due to the results of contests among athletes, but also due to the results of technological competition among countries.  

  • Introduction of E-sports Industry

In a broad sense, E-sports industry includes the upstream providers of hardware and developers of game software, the operators of different regions and enterprises of game operation, and the downstream communication media and end users and other related industries. From content point of view, E-sports is divided into athletics industry and leisure industry. The core of the whole E-sports industry is the athletics performance industry. By operating and promoting competitions, the participators of E-sports games have been the mentioned upstream and downstream.

  1. General development situation of global E-sports

With the development of E-sports national governments and enterprises have seen the economic benefits brought about by E-sports, thus the E-sports industry has got more and more attention. As a sports program that based on information technology and computer platform, the upgrading of computer hardware is of the essence to E-sports. In order to enhance product reputation, many computer manufacturers begin to invest in E-sports field through title sponsorship. In Korea, America and Europe, the E-sports industry has formed a certain scale. As one of the most developed country in the field of game industry, Korea firstly found Korea eSports Association (KeSPA) under the permission of Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2000. KeSPA is aimed at solidifying the E-sports’ legal sports program position, and ranks players once a month based on players’ records for six months. Internet cafes’ popularization greatly stimulates the development of Korean game industry. Even now Korean game industry and internet cafes still have strategic cooperation. Korean E-sports programs have realized networked for a long time. Players mainly organize games in the internet cafes, thus the mainly benefits of game enterprises are from those internet cafes. They charge according to the number of computer IP which are installed games.

These objective conditions provide a favorable environment for E-sports’ development. The annual value of production of Korean E-sports industry has grossed over 4 billion dollars, meanwhile the value of related industry chain even has exceeded the automobile industry. All kinds of E-sports competitions have raised a large plenty of world-class top talents. In 2000, Korea found the famous World Cyber Games (WCG). The American electronic game industry whose scale has exceeded movie and record industry becomes the biggest leisure industry. As an outstanding representative of global game industry, Japanese electronic game industry has an enormous market of two thousand billion Japanese yen. The electronic leisure industry will creat a huge amount of production value every year.

  1. Development features of Korean E-sports industry

Firstly, Korean E-sports has basically finished its industrialization process. There are three formation stages of Korean game legal system. The first stage is from 1973 to 1999, when the operation and management system of game firstly occurred. Meanwhile, Korea introduced the Youth Protection Act in 1997. The second stage is from 1999 to 2006, when the operation and management system of game took initial shape. Especially in 1999, Korea introduced culture value and published the Basic Law of Korean Culture and Content. The third stage is from 2006 till now that is the industry revitalization stage of Korean game industry.

Secondly, the support of mainstream media lays a solid foundation for Korean E-sports industry. In Korea the mainstream media is TV media. Previously the media of E-sports mainly broadcasted competitions or published news, introduction of competition and interview of players in print media. Network media could provide live video and related products. That is the advantage network media has comparing with print media. However, the commercial value of TV media’s video broadcasting has far surpassed network and print media.   

Thirdly, Korea has a well-developed talents selection system for E-sports. The Talent Show of E-sports has attracted many players and coaches from Korea professional clubs or semi-professional clubs. It is quite similar to the selecting mode of NBA’s basketball league match. The professional clubs could get the picks depending on their good performance in the league matches of last year. Comparing with Chinese professional matches, Korean E-sports league matches are more formal. All the professional and semi-professional players are registered in the official website of Korean E-sports, which facilitates the talent selection for clubs. Semi-professional players will get preferential treatment the same as sports athletes, even could gain the university’s admission qualification without examination and scholarships, because in Korea it is very extraordinary to get the semi-professional qualification.

  1. Development features of Chinese E-sports industry

China started late in E-sports industry, thus many aspects has fallen behind other countries. However, the later comers will regularly catch up with the formers. China uses the successful experience of other countries for reference and has found its own developing way. Nowadays the value of industry chain driven by E-sports industry becomes more and more prominent in China.

Chinese E-sports has a favorable social base which is fast-developed as a derivation of emerging industry. Under the environment of marketization, the start-up Chinese E-sports industry possesses huge social demands. According to the thirtieth CNNIC survey, by the end of June 2013, the number of online game users has reached 313 million, increasing 2.1% than that by the end of December 2011. The development of Chinese E-sports industry has attracted great attention from the world.

China has a giant number of E-sports players. Its good environment of competitive sports provide many favorable developmental conditions for E-sports. China has a large base figure, thus the base figure of E-sports groups is large too. According to statistics, there are more than 10 million game group players and more than 1 million paying group players in China. There are 30 to 50 million college students who have attended E-Sports, and the number is still increasing.

  1. Development problems of Chinese E-sports industry
    • Lack of self-developed products and intellectual property protection

The research of E-sports products will cost quite highly and take a long period. Many Chinese E-sports enterprises only aim at seeking quick success and instant benefits, while ignore the capital input in product developing, and they also lack professional talents. Therefore, it is difficult for them to develop such E-sports products possessing proprietary intellectual property rights and great market influence. Furthermore, due to the low barrier of software agent, many Chinese civil E-sports manufacturers have turned to fight for the dealership of foreign products, which makes it hard to form those enterprises own core competitiveness. Meanwhile, in the E-sports market the legal protection link of intellectual property of E-sports products is quite weak, leading to the flooding of similar products.   

  • Barriers to entry and serious monopolistic phenomenon

The Chinese market concentration rate is very high, existing too much monopolistic phenomenon which results in dissatisfaction for social diversity and inefficient utilization of social products. Building a competitive platform needs a large amount of capital input and technique support and the entry permission. However, the new enterprises do not have enough power in capital and channel. In addition, the related policies will limit their development. Under the supervision of government, such enterprises’ daily operation and examination are restricted. For example, the law published by the Chinese Ministry of Culture says a commercial internet culture unit must apply for the business certificate of internet culture, and they must have a registered capital of at least 10 million yuan. These rules not only restrict the game running enterprises, but also the platform running enterprises.

  • Limitation in organization and promotion of E-sports competitions

The forms of Chinese E-sports competitions have become more and more abundant in recently years, and there is no lack of matches supported by government. However, these matches are always held in the traditional internet café or gym, greatly limited by site factors. A successful E-sports match cannot go without players, sponsors and media. First of all, the Chinese civil players are generally faced with living problems, and some teams are forced to dissolve due to lack of money. Under such conditions, it is quite difficult to stimulate more participation. Secondly, the sponsorship that current Chinese E-sports enterprises could get is fairly limited. The Chinese civil market of E-sports is often ignored by sponsors. The difficulty of collecting fund is quite large. Enterprises cannot get enough money to organize high-level matches, which will influence the effect of advertising introduction. Furthermore, the professional media for E-sports cannot match with the developing E-sports industry. There are three main professional media for E-sports: network media, print media and video media. Because of the lack of the attention of authoritative media, Chinese E-sports matches cannot get good promotion, and then influence the commercial value of brand effect.  

  • Single form of the profit model of E-sports enterprises

Chinese civil E-sports enterprises profits mainly rely on organizing competition and operating online platform. The profit model is rather single and limited. The sponsorship become those enterprises’ main even the only one source of income, while the income of broadcasting right and ticket seems quite low. The market of related products of E-sports also not get well-exploited. The related products of E-sports refer to the products taking E-sports products as its carrier, including material products such as person model, toy and food, or cultural products such as music, video and books. Those all kinds of products form an industry chain surrounding around the E-sports products. According to foreign experience, the market capitalization of related market of E-sports products is eighth to ninth times more than the E-sports market. The proportion of the Chinese current development of related products and the E-sports industry itself is unreasonable, which means it still in the initial developmental stage.

  1. Future development strategies of Chinese E-sports industry
    • Intensify government support

National policies and rules are guidance of directing and leading practical operations. Besides great national support, E-sports needs to establish an institution which can make decision, manage and finance on its own. Government can help make and perfect the rules and standards of E-sports and improve the whole level of players, coaches and judges through related policy support such as tax, bank loan, investment environment and technology research and so on. The local E-sports organization should raise professional judges to ensure fairness and competitiveness, and establish a formal national supervisory body independent of all the games. It takes the charge of the whole organization, and formulate competitive rules, management system, and development model and so on. Meanwhile, government may help establish an E-sports association to realize investors’ benefits.

  • Strengthen media power

Media is the catalyst of industry development, which can promote public awareness of industry. The main influence of E-sports is from various competitions. To an emerging industry, mass media plays a crucial role for its development and rising. Given its current audiences are among 18 to 30 youth who get information mainly from internet, their consumption potentiality adequately ensure the future high development of E-sports industry. However, it can never succeed without mass media. Korean E-sports industry is a very good example. In China, online games are forbidden for their bad effect, while the fact is really not so. What youth really need is guidance not forbiddance. E-sports can help them to be a well-developed morally, intellectually and physically person. Let the mass media broadcast competitions, establish correct attitude to E-sports through high level competitions and make society and public accept its positive energy.   

  • Promote industrial integration

There will be profound significance for E-sports’ development to make it blend in the sports field. As a recognized formal sports program, E-sports has two main tendency: first is to be a purer sport, second is to be more professional. The combination of them will push out a total new sport program with high techniques. The promotion of a sport cannot go without holding competitions. In order to gain the public affirm and belief, they must establish an efficient management system, and operate games following the law of market economy, meanwhile, make a good use of the advertising effect of E-sports competitions to get sponsorship. The most important character for a mature industry is brand. Brand competition is favorable for the sports competitiveness and ornamental value. Under the supervision of government, let the sincere enterprise with executive capability and economic strength organize competitions. During the process of selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior, government should provide a fair platform and stimulate its development. Those competitions which can independently operate without government should be pushed into free market. A successful competition is a combination of online and offline model, a combination of concentrated matches and platform, and a combination of elite and public matches, which can provide all-round services for people and ensure a batch of clubs and players’ living and developing.   

6.4 Establish complete research and development institutions of E-sports.

Technology is the most effective weapon to survive in society. We should learn from each other, and promote the cooperation among enterprises, associations and universities, and establish a talent training system for E-sports and carry out talent development projects. Moreover, we need to intensify comprehensive strength and explore commercial model of E-sports.

  1. Conclusion

  The thesis firstly introduces some basic conceptions of E-sports, and briefly states the global development of E-sports, taking Korea and china as example, and further studies the development problems of Chinese E-sports industry. At last, put forward some advices according to Chinese specific circumstances. Through the analysis of E-sports of different countries, we know that now Chinese E-sports industry is faced with many limiting factors. The audiences of Chinese E-sports are the source of its development, and the developers and sponsors are its organizers. In the long term run, Chinese E-sports industry cannot live with such single investment mechanism. Therefore, government should get involved in management, normalize E-sports program and promote industrial integration. Meanwhile, E-sports should improve its social environment and then win social support, by the means of mass media. Furthermore, government should help establish complete research and development institutions of E-sports.


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