

Paper代写:The Existence of Racist Virus

2019-06-29 17:45:58 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Existence of Racist Virus,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了种族主义。在Bobo and Charles的文章中,作者认为种族主义已经作为一种病毒存在于美国人的血液中,这清楚地表明种族主义存在于美国人的内心深处。事实上,种族主义仍然存在,即使在历史上为了更好地保护人民的利益和权利而开展了许多反种族主义活动。然而,遗憾的是,种族主义在美国根深蒂固,很难彻底根除,它影响了人们生活的许多方面。


In the article by Bobo and Charles (2009), the authors contend that “A racist virus exists in the American blood stream”, which clearly indicates that racist virus exists deep in the mind of the Americans. As a matter of fact, racism still exists even if many anti-racial activities have been launched over history in order to better protect the interests and rights of people from the supposedly inferior races. However, what is a pity to say is that racism is so deeply rooted in the Americans so that it is hard to be completely eradicated. Racism still exists and it has influenced many aspects of people’s life.

The Existence of Racist Virus

First and foremost, the existence of racism has influenced the job market of people from different races. Bobo and Charles (2009) put forward that there were around 23 percent of black men between the age of 22 to 30 that were jobless and such rate kept the same since 1980 (p.251), which can clearly show that the labor market is pretty unfavorable for the black. The same as Bobo and Charles (2009), Mullings (2005) as well proposes that the existence of racism has further restricted job chances for African Americans and it is hard for those African Americans to get themselves rid of the low-wage labor market (p. 680), suggesting the detrimental effects racism has caused on job chances for African Americans.

Secondly, the existence of racism has exerted impacts on the interpersonal relationship of people. On the one hand, 56% of whites nationally agreed on the laws against interracial marriage (Bobo & Charles, 2009, p. 252) because of their insisting that there is racial differences among interracial people. On the other hand, the mentioning of a set of beliefs, prejudices and psychological orientations related to in-group/ out-group phenomena (Mullings, 2005, p.668) can also effectively propose the interpersonal relationship in that there is the division of the in-group/ out-group phenomena. It can be understood in this way that people from different races are seen as people from different groups. Though these two articles do not mention the same type of interpersonal relationship, they both effectively imply the existence of interpersonal relationship among people from different races.

Another aspect that racism has influenced is housing. For one part, Bobo and Charles (2009) propose that discriminatory treatment could be embodied in various forms, like the availability of special rental incentives, housing units and outright denial (p.251). For another, Mullings (2005) states that segregated housing markets can help explain how residential segregation is reproduced and maintained (p.680). Based on this, it is not hard to find that housing conditions really vary a lot among people from different races.

Moreover, racism will affect politics and political behavior. For example, race and racial attitudes will influence on people’s basic partisan identifications, voting behavior and public opinion toward a series of public policy questions (Bobo & Charles, 2009, p. 253). Similarly, racism is at the forefront of political thinking in order to reconcile imperialist and national projects (Mullings, 2005, p.673). According to this, a fair knowledge can be obtained that racism will actually influence the political situation.

Apart from the two articles mentioned in the above, the video titled The Power of an Illusion can also help reflect the existence of racism. To put it more specifically, the visual differences, such as body shape, eye shape, hair form, skin color, etc. can all play a role in elaborating on the existence of racism (Power of all Illusion part I). That is to say, people from different races are different in the visual appearance. In addition, the biological differences are widely recognize by a large majority of people and those people believe that people from different races are with different genes, leading to the differences in athletic ability, musical aptitude, intelligence, etc. of those people. Or maybe it can be put in another way that race is biologically real. Thirdly, genetic code can be used to account for the genetic variation of people from different races so that there are the genetic similarities and differences between people from different races. The genetic differences can be indicated by the blood sample, spittle sample and so on. Fourthly, race helps shape life chances and opportunities, which can well demonstrate that race can, to a certain degree, determine whether people can have many opportunities or not in their life. As a result, people tend to live quite differently in the end.


To sum up, a reasonable conclusion can be drawn that racism does exist and all the aforementioned examples can play a role in reflecting racist virus existence. It is obvious that much has to be done in order to eliminate the influences of racism and it is an issue that all people have to make their own efforts on. Only in this way can the eradication of racism be possible in the near future.


Bobo, L.D., & Charles, C.Z. (2009). Race in the American Mind: From the Moynihan Report to the Obama Candidacy. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. 621 (1). 243-259.

Mullings, L. (2005). Interrogating Racism: Toward an Antiracist Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology. 34(4). 667-693.

The Power of the Illusion: The Difference Between Us.


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