

Paper代写:The narrative rhythm of TV documentaries

2019-09-11 17:06:58 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The narrative rhythm of TV documentaries讨论了电视纪录片的叙事节奏。对于一部成熟的电视纪录片,内部节奏是外部节奏变化的根据,外部节奏则是内部节奏的扩大化的表现。在电视纪录片的叙事过程之中,赋予电视纪录片的内容和形式节奏,不仅可以提高电视纪录片的美学价值,更能够实现纪录片的可视性,从而抓住观众的关注点,提高节目收视率。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

What is a TV documentary? The content of this definition is not unified, the denotation and connotation is debated, the more official explanation and recognition of the general public is: television documentary, refers to the TV feature class record type, is to use electronic edition equipment and means, for the political economic and cultural news topics, such as comparison system to record the full report. It USES news lens to objectively record social life, objectively show and record all kinds of real life, emphasizes the complete presentation of the original ecology of life, and does not allow the appearance of TV programs that violate the truth and rules of news.

It can be seen from this that TV documentary is also a kind of program in the form of story recording, but this kind of story must be built on the basis of authenticity. Since TV documentaries are also stories, the telling of a story and its plot development need a telling process. To make a TV documentary fascinating, it is necessary to keep its narrative rhythm free and loose, the plot ups and downs, the plot and its story to influence people and affect people, so as to leave a deep impression on the audience.

Then, how can we maintain the narrative rhythm of a TV documentary, so as to achieve an excellent TV documentary? The narrative rhythm of a TV documentary has a conquering power in the film. Generally speaking, the narrative rhythm of TV documentaries can be divided into internal rhythm and external rhythm according to their differences in content and form. Internal rhythm refers to the fast and slow pace of the content of the documentary, which makes the audience have a subjective experience. External rhythm refers to the regular movement and change of documentary films through TV language, which produces regular rhythm with ups and downs and strong and weak information.

In a mature TV documentary, the internal rhythm is the basis of the change of the external rhythm, while the external rhythm is the manifestation of the expansion of the internal rhythm. In the narrative process of TV documentaries, endow TV documentaries with content and form rhythm can not only improve the aesthetic value of TV documentaries, but also realize the visibility of documentaries, so as to catch the attention of the audience and improve the ratings of programs.

There is a difference in time and rhythm between the narration of TV documentary and the narration of reality. Therefore, it is not possible to arrange the narration rhythm of a TV documentary according to the narration rhythm of real life. Usually, the internal rhythm of the story is reflected through the acceleration, slowing down, summarization and elaboration of the story, while still keeping the overall structure of the story intact and stable.

In a documentary, the story to be narrated is not one person or thing, but often a lot of things of a group of people. Therefore, it is particularly important to deal with the primary and secondary relationship. To make the story layout, small and appropriate, rather than the primary and secondary. To get the most out of the story's main line and core, outline and omit minor moments.

"Zhou enlai diplomacy" the documentary, recorded the zhou enlai foreign start stage in China's efforts and great contributions, at that time, China has just established, the foreign enterprise is facing the restriction of power, in the circumstances, premier zhou enlai's diplomatic wisdom is developed to get incisively and vividly, shows his excellent foreign talent.

The film is mainly to praise premier zhou's unique and outstanding diplomatic talent, for the description of the background environment, we need to explain simply, this is to set up the image of the foreshaping, and for the description of other characters, is to highlight the image of premier zhou, can be described briefly, do not discuss in detail. In this way, the whole structure of the details slightly appropriate, open and close freely, orderly pace.

The story must have twists and turns, to be attractive, to make full use of dramatic conflict to achieve this characteristic. Put the story in a dynamic environment and make it in a completely unknown state. No one can predict the next development trend and plot. Only in this way can the audience's curiosity be aroused and a good interactive atmosphere be formed.

For example, CCTV's discovery program produced six episodes of the large-scale historical documentary "the resurrected army", which mainly showed that qin shihuang led the army to unify China, which ended the division of China and established a huge unified empire. Based on historical archaeology and literature research, the film tells the story of history and reveals the truth of how the great unification of emperor qin shihuang was accomplished. The whole program is full of rich and broad epic atmosphere.

In this documentary, thrilling war scenes are essential, but all the more fascinating because of the variety of forms. Makes the structure and rhythm of the story more compelling. The rhythm of the film a relaxation, open and close freely, relaxation and balance shows the theme of the story.

A good TV documentary should not only catch people's eyes in the internal rhythm of the story, but also be flexible in the external rhythm. For the production of TV programs, including the production of television documentary, camera movement, scene and JingBie transform, image editing techniques, the changes of light and shade, and the arrangement of the music sound, and priorities of the commentary, to be able to affect the external rhythm of a television documentary, and even the whole film quality.

The motion of the lens can fully show the changes in time and space, that is, the way of pushing, pulling, rolling, moving, rising, falling, swinging, following and so on can give audiences different impressions. For example, in "rediscovering the Yangtze river", in order to cooperate with the theme of the documentary, a variety of camera movements are used for many times.

In addition, the editing of the picture, the speed of the picture cutting, music and the priority of the rhythm of reconciliation are all forms that can reflect the external rhythm of a documentary, and generally maintain a certain consistency, so that the rhythm is orderly and uniform, rather than chaotic. I will not elaborate here.

All in all, it can be seen that the combination of internal and external rhythms is the narrative skill that an excellent documentary should possess and the key to win audiences.


