

The importance of education and learning

2020-09-19 18:50:28 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The importance of education and learning,文章讲述中共采取了一种称为“乡村包围城市”的策略(先占领农村,然后使用乡村包围城市,最后占领城市)来赢得内战。它之所以成功,是因为当时(1920年代至1950年代),中国80%以上的人口从事农业工作。因此,尽管大部分钱都存放在城市中,但国民党可以聘用的部队较少。另一个原因是,在国民党与中共之间的关系第一次破裂时,国民党都控制了所有城市,而大多数中共成员都被赶出了城市。


The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) took a tactic called “countries surround cities” (occupy countryside first, then use the country side surround cities, and take over the city at the end.) to win the civil war. It was very successful because at that time (1920s – 1950s), over 80% of the population of China was working in agriculture. Therefore, although most of the money was store in the cities, there were fewer troops which can be hired by the KMT (Kuo Min Tang). Another reason is that all cities were under control by the KMT and most of the CCP members were expelled from cities during the first break down of the relation between KMT and CCP. Hence, the CCP had to use this tactic to won the war, and they did. By using this way, however, the CCP had to use many people from countryside as some of their team leaders, even the party leader (Chairman Mao was also from countryside). Among those leaders, many of them were either uneducated or only had primary school level education. The CCP educated them in the army, taught them basic writing skills, reading skills, and basic political theories, the party also used very strict rules to control their behaviors. However, those leaders couldn’t learn more, not only because it was during war time, but also because their ages were already way higher than the good behavior learning age (3-5 years old).

So then even though school keeps teaching our kids to act good or behave themselves well, their parents as well as their grandparents continues showing them or directly teaching them to keep those old and bad behaviors. In fact, they take the first chance to educate kids because most kids follow what their parents teach them. So if their parents cross a street without paying attention to the traffic light, the kids will follow. If their parents look down upon the poor, the kids will follow, too. Even if their parents may tell them not to do something which they have already done, the kids will still copy what their parents have done.

It reminds me my personal experience. My mom told me everyone has equal rights in the society. No matter what kind of job a person do, he or she is good for our society and also benefit for our lives. However, one time when we took a bus, a couple who were from countryside got onto the bus. Their clothes didn’t look nice and might be little dirty. Then my mom dragged me to her side because she didn’t want me to be too close to them. As soon as we got off the bus, my mom and my aunt started talking about how they felt about the poor couple, obviously I could tell how deeply they didn’t like that couple, which represented people from the countryside. This event changed me a lot. I started to copy my mom’s feeling of those people. Yes, I once looked down upon the poor countryside people. The feeling didn’t stop until I went to military. In military, there were many people from countryside. By training and living with them, I had made good friends with them; it was since then that my mind changed again. But should I not have this life experience, I might still look down upon them.

There is another power that forces people to change or continue behaviors: the society or we can call it social pressure. When almost everyone walks across street without checking the traffic light, there won’t be many people left to stay and follow the traffic law. The majority of the people care about how they are thought by other people when they are in the same group. Some of them don’t want to be isolated and some of them don’t want to be thought weird. So they will show the same result to follow the majority and it doesn’t matter whether it is right or wrong. People like me who would still wait for a green light to across an empty street are in a very small group of population in China.

When we are talking about the social pressure, I would like to mention the concept of social media. After 1990s, the social media became more and more commercialize. It is a reflection of Chinese economic reform and it does create much wealth. However, the negative effects are also obvious. For example, nowadays you can see much more negative news on TV or the internet then before. The reason is not because people are getting worse, but because the TV stations want more audience rates and the websites want more click rates so that they can make more money. And one sad thing on humanity is that almost all of us want to see negative news for entertainment, this is also the reason why nowadays social media have more violence and sex after it gets more commercialize. The effect of the society media is that it creates a wrong model of our society. People think that the situation of the happening of those bad things are very common because they have saw too much, and one day when they get into a similar situation, they may make the same move, such as corruption. As young students, we were all told to be clean and honest if we would be officers one day. We were told to serve the people just like their servants and love the people just like their sons and daughters. However, we have seen too many corrupt officials in recent years. They have been told the same things but why they still choose the wrong way? It’s because of the atmosphere in the official circles. If most of the officials have behaviors of corruption and some of them are even high-ranking officials, the younger officials will no doubt be influenced by these superiors. It is said that the official who refuses to be corrupt will be abandoned by all the other corrupt officials, which account for the most. So to survive in the official circle, a clean and honest official has to change to get used to the habits of corruption. Usually media is controlled by a corrupt minority to control the majority in their fashion and therefore it takes longer and is more difficult for the majority to free itself again. Yet there is good news. The old centralized structure of media is shifting. Today, many people are able to access the Internet which enables them to gain independent information and to publish their information. This decentralization is very hart to control by a corrupt minority, which is one of the reasons, why some nations censor the Internet. Yet censorship only decelerates freedom, it is incapable to stop it.

However, what is lucky is that the government now has started taking measures to control the situation and punish the officials who are corrupt. For example, since 2012 the cost of local government has been largely cut and there are more limitation of official’s behavior and rights. During the past 2 years, thousands of corrupt officials have been captured by the central government and most of them have been sentenced. A wave of reform and clean has appeared in the official circle. Also, new laws have been made to control and alert the officials. According to the latest laws, several top-level officials have been caught and judged, which has never happened before. In school, students are told more about the morality and personal quality. A person has to be honest and integrity, and if you want money then don’t choose the way to be an official. For example, during the process to be a full member of the party, a student has to do many things and it will take several years. In the past it may just need some experience and written reports before the last step, but in recent years, the process has been strictly restraint and more tests will be put on the students. Also, the number of people being a member of the party has been reduced since 2012, so students may take it seriously instead of indifferently.

As a younger generation and the future of our country, we should of course strict demands on ourselves. First, we should be objective about the point of view in media. No matter what words or points the media express, we have to keep independent and only trust the truth of the fact. We cannot make irresponsible comments without the true facts. Second, we should be honest since we are very young. And once we get into the society, we should keep the quality and do not compromise to any wrong behaviors.




