

Essay代写:The development system of university teachers in Britain

2018-11-23 16:47:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The development system of university teachers in Britain,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国大学教师的发展体系。教师是大学最宝贵的智力资源,是大学得以存在和发展的关键性条件。英国大学教师发展体系经历了精英高等教育的形成阶段和大众化普及化的形成发展阶段。英国的大学教师发展体系体现了大学教师发展体系建设对提高大学教育质量的重要性这一理念、设立了专门的大学教师发展体系机构、以加强科研管理来促进大学教师发展体系建设、有足够的大学教师发展体系建设经费保障,以及完善的大学教师发展体系监督和评价。

Teachers are the most valuable intellectual resources and the key condition for the existence and development of universities. The level and ability development of university teachers directly determine the development of universities. Therefore, UNESCO pointed out in its 1998 world higher education declaration that a dynamic teacher development policy is the key to the development of higher education institutions. Institutions of higher learning should establish clear teacher development policies in order to update and improve teachers' skills, stimulate teachers' continuous innovation in curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and achieve excellent results in teaching and research. Teacher development policies may give teachers appropriate professional and economic status in light of the conditions set forth in the higher education regulations on the status of teachers adopted by the general conference of UNESCO in November 1997. It is one of the important factors for British universities to pay attention to the development of university teachers' ability and the cultivation of high-level teachers. The experience and practice of the construction of the university teacher development system in Britain have important enlightenment for the development of university teachers in China.

The development of British universities and teachers is basically synchronized. At the beginning of the establishment of Oxford and Cambridge, universities have attached great importance to the development of teachers. Before the 1960s, British universities were in the elite education stage, and the development of university teachers was also in line with it, which was the formation period of the development system of university teachers. College teacher development is a concept closely related to the quality of higher education and the reform of higher education. There is no unified definition of the connotation of the development of university teachers. In the 1960s and 1970s, the development of university teachers gradually appeared in theoretical research, and then researchers and practitioners of university education paid more and more attention to the research of higher education. "International education encyclopedia" pointed out: the development of university teachers in a broad sense refers to the overall changes in the university teachers, these changes are due to the impact of various factors in the school environment. In a narrow sense, it refers to some development projects designed to improve the teaching or scientific research results of university teachers. It includes four levels: learning development -- improving the curriculum design, improving teaching skills and evaluating students' learning; Professional development -- improving professional skills and subject research; Organizational development -- improving performance in management functions; Personal development -- change university teachers' understanding and understanding of themselves, improve their social and organizational environment, and change their attitude towards their work. However, there are not many clear definitions of the development of university teachers in China, including pan maoyuan and Chen bixiang, a scholar from Taiwan. Pan maoyuan pointed out: "the development of college teachers in a broad sense refers to all the on-the-job college teachers, through a variety of ways and means of theoretical learning and practice, so that their own level in all aspects of continuous improvement and improvement. In a narrow sense, the development of university teachers lays more emphasis on the development and improvement of teachers as teachers, that is, the improvement of teachers' teaching ability. At a certain stage in some countries or regions, because of the difference in education development level and cognition, it even only refers to new teacher training. The connotation of the development of college teachers is not fixed and invariable. In different periods, different countries or regions, it will be different due to the changes of social development needs. As a whole, its connotation is constantly expanding, gradually towards the direction of lifelong growth. In different institutions, the connotation of the development of university teachers will also be emphasized according to the specific situation. At a specific historical stage in a country, the development of university teachers may only refer to pre-service training or the development of teaching and teaching technology.

College teacher development is a complex practical activity aiming at improving the teaching process and developing the potential of teachers. The system of university teacher development is formed by the elements and their mutual relations in the process of university teacher development. As the birthplace of the industrial revolution and the former world science and education center, the UK's higher education development level and quality have been in the forefront of the world. In the process of the development of higher education, Britain attaches great importance to the construction of the university teacher development system, so as to ensure that the quality of its higher education remains world-class.

Because the British university has always been advocating academic freedom, academic atmosphere of professional autonomy and faculty governance, university teachers have a "lifetime in authority" in general, therefore, in the phase of elite education, the university teacher development system is simple in form, mainly unorganized teachers' personal spontaneous development is given priority to, is the main form of sabbaticals and gain. Teachers use vacations to reflect on academic problems and thus make academic progress. Moreover, most of the activities of university teacher development are closely related to teaching, and the subject of personal development of university teachers has not been put on the agenda of universities and countries. According to tradition, early British university teachers were entitled to one semester or a few months 'sabbatical after working for two or three years, while those who worked for six or seven years were entitled to a full year's sabbatical.

In the 1960s, the British higher education entered the popular stage from the elite stage. With the expansion of the scale of higher education, the development of university teachers is reflected and valued. The Robbins report is an important driving force for Britain to gradually move from the initial elite education to the popular education stage. After the report was published, the British government linked the number of university students with the funding received by various universities, which accelerated the popularization speed. In 1963, the number of people who accepted higher education in Britain was 120,000. 34 years later, the number of people who accepted higher education in Britain increased to 1.7 million. The number of British institutions of higher learning also increased from 30 to 190, and the school-age enrollment rate increased from 8% to 32%. The pressure brought by popularization, along with various social factors and the changes and development of science and technology, has led to a sharp increase in the demand for teachers in British universities. The level of university teachers is uneven, and the elite education model has gradually failed to meet the needs of higher education under the popular situation. Since the 1980s, great changes have taken place in the UK's higher education policy. As the market economy penetrates into every corner of the society, higher education shows the trend of market-oriented management. The so-called higher education management marketization is the trend that higher education allocates education resources in the field of higher education by adopting the operation mechanism and mode of market in order to meet the needs of social and economic development of industrialized countries and the reality of modernization and democratization of universities. The most prominent feature of the marketization of higher education management is the change of funds allocation mode. Due to the competition of education funding in universities, some new changes have taken place in the employment of teachers, and the development of university teachers has become more and more prominent. In particular, the education reform act of 1988 abolished the tenure system for new teachers, making the development of university teachers more urgent. Because the pre-service training and career development of teaching and research personnel are also related to the quality of university teaching and research. At the same time, in the 1980s to 1990s, universities have the need to strengthen the strength of the university through the development of university teachers, each university has set up school-based university teacher development center and university teacher development center website. The forms of the university teacher development project are gradually diversified and the contents of the university teacher development project are gradually applied.

The two most influential ACTS on the development of university teachers in Britain since the 1990s are the deerying report in 1997 and the future higher education in 2003. Deerying report, by emphasizing the function of university teachers to serve the society, improves the requirements on the quality of university teachers and urges them to further generate the demand for teaching and scientific research development. The future higher education act requires the British government to increase investment in scientific research, allocate special funds for the construction of knowledge exchange centers and teaching centers, and further expand the enrollment opportunities of higher education through financial support measures for low-income families. The new policy adopted by the British government links the future of universities with the development of university teachers. The teaching and research quality of university teachers is related to the amount of teaching and research funds that can be obtained by the university. As a result, many UK university teacher development centres have launched a number of well-designed university teacher development programmes for different groups of university teachers. In this context, great achievements have been made in the construction of the development system of university teachers in Britain at this stage.

The quality of universities is closely related to the development of teachers' ability. World-class universities must be based on a group of high-quality teachers. The construction of high-level teachers depends on the development of teachers' ability. This is not only the common experience of leading British universities in the world, but also the essential reflection of the importance of university teacher development to university quality.

The fundamental purpose of establishing the development system of university teachers is to improve the quality of university education. Quality is the core of university development. Since the 1990s, especially since the 21st century, the quality of higher education has attracted more and more attention from countries all over the world. At the world higher education conference in 1998, "higher education quality", as one of the three core concepts, was written into the outlook and action framework of the world higher education in the 21st century. However, the role of university teachers in the quality of education is crucial, which is not only a consensus at the national level, but also fully recognized within the university. Countries by university teachers development policy for the development of university teachers, such as establishing university teacher development organization service for university teacher development, the university internal also through various forms to promote the development of teachers, such as the skills and teaching effect is closely linked, by organizing various activities in the teacher group formed a kind of care about teaching, research teaching atmosphere and so on. Therefore, a teacher development system has been formed in the UK to improve the quality of universities.

In the UK, the development of university teachers has gone through the disorganized and individual-oriented form of elite education stage to the state-led organized and planned development process of university teachers in the popular period, and has formed a systematic institution for the development of university teachers today. The institutions of university teacher development system include university teacher development committee, university teacher development center, faculty level teacher development group and individual teacher. The committee for the development of university teachers, through the committee on personnel, is responsible for advising the council and the general council on policies and procedures specific to teacher development and for overseeing the implementation of these activities. University teacher development center is mainly through the establishment of teacher development activities organization center; Establish partnerships with relevant development departments within and outside the university; Contacting participants in teacher development within the university; To promote and implement the current strategic elements of teacher development, including human resource strategy and learning and teaching strategy; To report and supervise teacher development activities and implementation; Evaluate the quality of activities, etc. The teacher development group of the college suggests that all teachers of the college should determine their development needs through evaluation or other means, determine whether they really participate in training activities in an appropriate way, timely register their development needs, and encourage and assist teacher development. Most colleges will set up a university teacher development coordinator to cooperate with the university teacher development team and provide consultation, support and relevant information for teacher development, which is a key point to link the university teacher development team and university teachers. The individual teacher is the main body of the system of teacher development, which stipulates that each teacher should be responsible for his own personal and professional development. Teachers carry out personal and professional development by taking advantage of opportunities provided by all departments and various forms of development, such as the assessment by superior departments and student evaluation to understand their own development needs and realize the personal and professional development of teachers.

Jaspers said, "a university teacher should be a researcher first. They no longer face primary school students, but mature, independent and spiritual pursuit of young people. College teachers should lead by example, guide students, let them study hard spirit. It would be a mistake to think of a college teacher as a bookmaker. Academic nature is the essential attribute and vitality of a university and the value of its existence. Therefore, the university is first and foremost an academic organization. University teaching and research are equally important to university development. In the late 18th century and early 19th century, German universities introduced scientific research, "through science to achieve accomplishment", making the cultivation of the mind the mission of scientific research, and creating a new era of modern university education. This groundbreaking approach in the development history of higher education has brought the development of universities into a new stage of development. The development of university academic research is mainly realized through the development of university teachers' scientific research. Therefore, scientific research is of great significance to the construction of university teachers' development system. Britain attaches great importance to the development of teachers' scientific research in the construction of university teacher development system. One of the important measures taken by the UK to strengthen scientific research management and development is to implement scientific research assessment. The UK higher education fund committee assesses the quality of scientific research of all higher education institutions receiving grants in the UK. This result has a great impact on the higher education institutions, because it not only affects the fund allocation of the fund committee, but also affects the support of the business community, charity groups and other institutions for the research work of the university. Therefore, the scientific research evaluation and assessment is fully valued by all the institutions receiving the evaluation of the higher education. In the process of assessment and evaluation, universities organize teachers to participate in it. In this way, the connection between scientific research and teaching can be strengthened, and scientific research results can be transmitted in teaching, so as to promote the development of university teachers.

Each project of university teacher development needs corresponding funds as guarantee, and Britain attaches great importance to the financial guarantee of university teacher development. The university teacher development committee of the United Kingdom conducts budget and evaluation on the development of university teachers, so as to establish a long-term guarantee mechanism for the development of university teachers and set up a special guarantee fund for the development of university teachers. In addition, universities and other departments raise funds through multiple channels to promote the effective operation of the university teacher development system. The multi-channel funding sources guarantee the smooth implementation of the university teacher development project and relieve the worries in the process of teacher development.

Supervision and evaluation is an important link in the construction of university teacher development system. The centre for the development of university teachers is the executive branch of the management and supervision of university teacher development. From the determination of personal development content to the end, there are relevant personnel and departments to guide and supervise. In order to guarantee the quality of the development of university teachers, the departments and individuals providing the service for the development of university teachers shall be guided and supervised in the activities of teacher development, and the quality of the development activities of university teachers shall be guaranteed through quality assessment and fund audit. Teachers make development plans according to the actual situation and adjust them timely. During the implementation of the development plan, relevant departments give guidance and inspection, and require each teacher to submit his/her annual development report. In the aspect of result evaluation, it is more realized through students' feedback. Therefore, students' feedback on teachers is an important evaluation of the development of university teachers. Universities encourage teachers to collect students' opinions, and some schools even develop some student evaluation and teaching systems for teachers to use, so as to realize the evaluation of the development of university teachers.



