

Paper代写:Low carbon consumption in the UK

2018-09-04 17:05:33 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Low carbon consumption in the UK讨论了英国的低碳消费。低碳消费,就是一种是以低能耗和低排放的消费方式,减少温室气体的排放量是低碳消费的最终目标。进入新世纪以后,英国成为了第一个提出低碳经济的国家,提倡在全球发展低碳经济。虽然英国受自然条件的限制,资源相对缺乏。但英国发挥其海岛国家的自然优势,在研发低碳技术上注重运用海洋资源。因此,在发展海上风能、海藻能源等低碳能源方面居于全球领先水平。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

At present, China wants to develop low-carbon economy and promote the sustainable development of economic society, and low-carbon consumption is the driving force to realize low-carbon economy. In the way that Britain develops low-carbon consumption, their experience can give our country many inspirations.

Low-carbon consumption is a mode of consumption characterized by "low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions". Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the ultimate goal of low-carbon consumption. Low-carbon consumption is the most essential manifestation of sustainable development in the consumption field. It promotes the harmonious development between human and human and between human and nature, represents the harmonious symbiotic development between human and nature, social economy and ecological environment, and realizes intra-generational, intergenerational and human-nature fairness. In the context of global environmental resource shortage, we must improve the utilization rate of resources, reduce the waste of resources, and make more use of renewable energy. Limited resources should be used to meet people's basic needs. Therefore, low-carbon consumption is a consumption way to better improve the quality of life.

In the new century, the UK became the first country to propose a low-carbon economy, advocating the development of a low-carbon economy around the world. As early as 2003, the government white paper "the future of our energy: creating a low-carbon economy" proposed to fundamentally turn the UK into a low-carbon economy by 2050, and made the realization of a low-carbon economy a top goal of the UK's future energy strategy. In July 2009, the UK government promulgated the UK low carbon transition plan. Accompanying the plan are documents such as the UK renewable energy strategy, the UK low carbon industrial strategy and the low carbon transport strategy. Through government guidance, the UK encourages enterprises to save energy and reduce emissions, and citizens and social organizations to implement low-carbon consumption.

According to the ons, the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions are power stations, other energy industries, commercial and public services, agriculture and forestry fuel use and so on. Between 1990 and 2007, Britain's carbon dioxide emissions fell from 592.4 million tonnes to 543.7 million tonnes, a decreasing trend every year. The power station has achieved the most substantial reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. %. As a whole, carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced since 1990, thanks to a series of effective policies by the British government. During that time, Britain's GDP kept rising, while its net carbon dioxide emissions and carbon concentration were falling. Overall, when co2 emissions have fallen, GDP has risen by about 52 percent? , the overall carbon concentration decreased by about 40%. And the rise in GDP does not lead to the rise in carbon dioxide emissions, which means that developing a low-carbon economy can not only maintain economic growth, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the development of low-carbon economy, the choice of low-carbon consumption and the transformation of economic development model are the inevitable choices of The Times.

Limited by natural conditions, Britain is small in size and surrounded by the sea, so resources are relatively scarce. However, the UK gives play to the natural advantages of its island countries and pays attention to the use of Marine resources in the research and development of low-carbon technologies. Therefore, it leads the world in the development of low-carbon energy sources such as offshore wind and algae energy. In 2008 the government set a target of 33GW of wind capacity within a decade. Other new energy sources are also developing. For example, the government has a plan to promote solar energy and subsidize the installation of solar panels on the roof.

The renewable-energy obligations and renewable-energy directive targets were raised each year from 2009 to 2013. In 2013, 9.4% of UK electricity was supplied by renewables, up 2.6 percentage points from 2012. In 2009, Britain generated 5.0% of its electricity from renewables overall. In 2013, the proportion rose by 4.4 percentage points to 9.4%. The percentage of renewable-energy obligations rose from 4.8% in 2009 to 9.7% in 2014, a rise of 4.9 percentage points. Although in some years all renewable power generation has declined or stayed flat. But overall, the amount of electricity generated by all renewable energy sources has been on the rise for the past decade or so. In other words, during this period, renewable energy has been well used in the UK.

Whether the concept of low-carbon consumption can be accepted by the public or not, the government plays an important role in this process of guidance. The government should make clear its development plan, improve laws and regulations and actively promote the research and development of low-carbon technologies. First, governments should lead by example. For example, government officials need to take public transportation in their daily life to reduce the government's own operating costs. Second, the government should improve policies and systems related to low-carbon consumption. The government should comprehensively use tax, subsidy, fund, low carbon fiscal tax policy and other means to promote the formation of low carbon consumption life of the whole society. The government can establish tax preferential policies for low carbon consumption while imposing higher taxes on high carbon consumption, regulate energy conservation and emission reduction by means of tax, and promote the formation of low carbon consumption environment.

In the process of low-carbon economic development, enterprises, as energy consumers, also bear important social responsibilities. The government must encourage enterprises to develop low-carbon industries, give preferential policies to enterprises that use clean energy, guide enterprises to develop new energy and improve energy efficiency. On the one hand, companies can reduce energy consumption by upgrading equipment and introducing advanced low-carbon technologies. On the other hand, enterprises can produce low-carbon consumer goods for the society, so that people have more choices to buy low-carbon and energy-saving consumer goods, which can further promote the development of low-carbon consumption.

The main body of low-carbon consumption is citizens, and the participation of citizens is the social foundation of low-carbon consumption. The government should use social media to increase the publicity of low-carbon consumption so as to promote the gradual transformation of people's consumption pattern to low-carbon mode. Social media should actively publicize the concept of low-carbon consumption, popularize the knowledge of low-carbon consumption, and make the concept of low-carbon consumption deeply popular. Let the public realize that low carbon consumption is a better way of life in today's scarce resources. The public should also carry forward the traditional virtues of thrift in the process of consumption. Choose bicycle or public transport as the main mode of transportation. Turn off lights, recycle materials, use environmental shopping bags and so on. The public should gradually develop a low-carbon consumption pattern in daily life and turn low-carbon consumption behavior into a conscious action.


