

Essay代写:The inquiry system of the British parliament

2019-02-23 16:19:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The inquiry system of the British parliament,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国议会的质询制度。质询是英国议会监督政府的主要手段之一,其以直接公开而有效的特征一直格外引人注目,为世界上许多议会制国家所仿效。经过长期的宪政实践和经验总结,英国议会以宪法惯例和议事规则的形式,建立了一套比较系统而完整的质询程序和规则。

Inquiry is one of the main means of the British parliament to supervise the government. Its characteristic of frequent, direct, open and effective has always been particularly eye-catching, which is imitated by many countries with parliamentary system around the world. Through long-term constitutional practice and experience summary, the British parliament has established a set of relatively systematic and complete inquiry procedures and rules in the form of constitutional practices and rules of procedure.

According to the standard of question and answer, the questions can be divided into oral questions and written questions. Oral questions oral answers are oral questions. As for the object of the inquiry, the oral inquiry includes the oral inquiry of the MPS to the minister and the oral inquiry of the MPS to the prime minister, both of which have fixed time and question and answer scope respectively. Written questions written answers are written questions. Compared with the oral inquiry, as there is no limit on the number and time of written questions and replies, the majority of the questions raised by MPS are in written form, and the minister's answers to written questions are detailed and sufficient.

According to the relevant parliamentary rules of procedure, inquiries can only cover the areas for which the minister concerned is directly responsible as a minister, and the minister is only responsible for explaining to parliament the legitimacy and legitimacy of his policy. In certain areas of public life, such as the work of local governments and the affairs of state-owned enterprises, ministers shall not be questioned. Inquiries about defence secrets, details of the activities of the security services or trade secrets are usually unwelcome to ministers who refuse to answer. Members shall not criticize or discuss the conduct of the judge's trial unless a major motion is made by parliament, and the inquiry shall not involve the trial activities of the court, so as to ensure that the inquiry shall not prejudice the impartiality of the trial. The inquiry must not criticise the royal family. Ministers may not be asked to comment on news reports.

A member shall submit his notice of inquiry in writing to the office at the conference table indicating whether oral or written reply is requested and the date on which such reply is requested. The secretary for procedure is responsible for checking that questions raised by members are in accordance with the rules of procedure. In the upper house, the speaker decides whether to include the question on the agenda. In addition, questions that have been asked and answered during the session of parliament may not normally be repeated. In writing, the inquiry must not be vague, sarcastic, fact-based or rambling.

First, on the timing of the submission of oral questions. As far as the inquiry procedure is concerned, oral inquiry is divided into ordinary appointment inquiry and private appointment inquiry. In the house of Commons, the first questions of ordinary appointments are given two weeks in advance to the parliamentary secretary, who, under the speaker's direction, examines whether the questions comply with the relevant rules of procedure, and then publishes them in the house of Commons work circular for the ministers being questioned to prepare their replies. In the upper house, ordinary appointment inquiries may be made one month in advance. Private appointment for questioning means that a member, in view of the urgency or importance of the matter under question, asks the speaker for a question before noon on the day of the question and, with the consent of the speaker, the house informs the department under question. Secondly, on the number of oral inquiries submitted. Currently, the number of ordinary scheduled oral inquiries by each member of parliament during the 10-day session is limited to eight, two per day and, if two oral inquiries are made on the same day, not to the same government department. Only about 40 of the first oral questions to ministers in the Commons a day, and about 20 a week to the prime minister, were taken up by computer randomisation. In the upper house, members may submit no more than two ordinary scheduled questions at a time, no more than one question per day, and no more than four oral questions per day at the general assembly. Private appointments for questioning are few in number because of their urgent importance and the power of the speaker.

Procedures for moving from oral to written questions: due to quantitative and time constraints, most of the oral questions submitted cannot be put on the agenda or answered by the government. The procedure for the submission of such written questions shall be the same as for the ordinary scheduled oral questions. Pure written questions are classified as: ordinary written questions, where a written notice submitted by a member does not indicate the date on which the request for a reply is made, and the government department concerned usually responds within a week or so. A written procedure by which a member indicates on a written notice of inquiry the date for which a reply is requested. In an emergency, the council may designate the appropriate government department to respond within 48 hours, and any other date may be at the discretion of the member. There is no limit to the number of written questions per member per day. In fact, written inquiries constitute an absolute majority of the total number of inquiries by MPS.

In the house of Commons, ministers answer oral questions according to the rotation table: in each annual meeting, the whip of the house of Commons and the whip of the opposition make arrangements on the rotation table, and the government answers the oral questions of the house of Commons once a month on average, 4 weeks a month, 4 days a week, 1 hour a day. Each day, about 4 groups were assigned to one group, 4 groups per week and 16 groups per month, and the cycle was repeated. Every Wednesday at 3 p.m., government ministers give way to the prime minister for oral questions. In the house of lords, the daily arrangement of replies to inquiries is not limited to the replies of ministers of a particular department of government; Since the prime minister is not a member of the house of lords, he does not answer oral questions from the house of lords.

In the house of Commons, the minister of state shall head the department of government and answer the oral questions. Cross-departmental inquiries are answered by ministers in the departments most directly concerned. When the original question refers to the wrong department, the department wrongly referred to shall be responsible for approving the transfer to the relevant department, and at the same time inform the MPS of the matter. In the house of lords, it was the custom of the constitution for nobles to answer oral questions. Since there are very few noble ministers serving as ministers of state or ministers of departments, the noble minister or majority whip serving in the "zhang SAN" department often answers the questions for the "li si" department, or the frontbench member of the upper house replaces the department without noble minister to answer the questions.

Ministers' answers to inquiries should be as transparent, accurate and truthful as possible. Although the government has always prided itself on being conscientious in its responses to inquiries, MPS are often worried that ministers are evasive or evasive. Fielded mentioned in 1994, a former prime minister, major in related government policies that provide sufficient information in the inquiry said: "in addition to confidential matters or successive governments refuse to answer the question, because of the public policy or reply will cause the excessive spending and failure to respond to questions, made answer, should provide the required information and should be accurate, true and should not be misunderstood". From this, the government put forward a relatively clear request for the minister's reply to the inquiry. What constitutes secrecy, however, is left to the government to decide unilaterally. The cost of responding to inquiries is also set by the government, with ministers allowed to respond "without comment" in 1998 to questions costing more than 500. So lawmakers' concerns remain. In 1997, parliament decided that it was vital that government ministers provide accurate and truthful information to parliament. Errors resulting from negligence shall be promptly corrected; Government ministers should make information as public as possible, unless they refuse to do so because of public welfare. From this aspect of parliament the minister made a clear request to answer questions. However, parliament has so far failed to impose penalties on ministers who equivocate or fail to give concrete answers without good cause.

The house of Commons has set up a special mechanism for the prime minister to answer questions since July 1961. From then until April 1997, the prime minister replied to questions at 3:15 ~ 3:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In May 1997, prime minister Blair changed the weekly session to 30 minutes.

The procedures and rules for the submission of the prime minister's original questions by an mp for an oral question are the same as those for an ordinary oral question.

During the consultation, the prime minister is only responsible for answering questions about the general policies of the government as a whole, as well as important questions concerning national security, economic strategy and other issues for which the prime minister is personally responsible, and is not responsible for answering questions concerning the specific work of various ministries. Excuse to prevent prime minister asked a former involves a department of specific work and transfer the problem to the ministries, since the 1960 s, lawmakers generally used in the original asked straight first asked the prime minister himself one day official schedule, make them unable to push to take off and transfer problem, and then for the reply of the prime minister asked to fill the form of pursuit of methods for inquiry.

Some scholars believe that the rules and procedures for questioning the prime minister and for the prime minister to answer questions are particularly advantageous to the prime minister. Only the leader of the opposition party can ask two or three additional questions, while the other members of parliament can only ask one question each, and the prime minister will make the concluding remarks each time. Second, questions to the prime minister are asked alternately by members of the government's own party, most of whom are scheduled to give the prime minister a chance to publicise the government's policies, and by members of the opposition. Third, the prime minister can answer questions scripted when backbenchers question him rather than scripted or post-it notes. Finally, the prime minister has several tricks at his disposal to avoid embarrassing questions. Such as by answering "the respect of mp obviously know nothing about the latest figures released by the government" to question the fact that the original asked to provide, or by answering "I thought even respect I knew" intelligence of the original asking question, or by answering "why opposition lawmakers to always think of the British was trashed anything" to appeal to patriotism. The prime minister can also obstruct the public interest, keep information secret or refuse to answer questions because it costs too much.

If the prime minister's reply does not satisfy the opposition MPS, the prime minister may be met with a snarl. But as with ministers responding to MPS 'questions, there are no hard and fast penalties.



