

Paper代写:The influence of religion on western legal thought

2018-07-21 16:52:27 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The influence of religion on western legal thought讨论了宗教对西方法律思想的影响。宗教在法律的渊源中是不可或缺的一个部分,而法律的历史走向是由习惯法变成成文法,由带有宗教的神性变成法制理性的约束。基督教的教义宣扬上帝面前人人平等,随着宗教改革和社会的发展,人们更加注重追求生活的幸福,更加注重自我理想实现。法律面前人人平等发展到今天已经成为不可或缺的法治内容。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Religion and law are two means to adjust the social status, so as to deeply understand the relationship between religion and law and the cultural connotation they represent, and find out the common points between them. At present, there are two main schools in the world judicial system, continental law system and Anglo-American law system. The co-existence of religion in an era is also a period of great development. Western culture is influenced by religion, and this influence covers not only religious culture, but also western ideology and ideology.

Religion refers to the ideology that believes in and believes in supernatural gods, which is organized and purposeful. Its significance is people's perceptual knowledge of social life, exploration of intuitive knowledge and purposeful understanding, and the ultimate meaning of seeking personal belief. In law and religion, prof berman writes: "religion is the intuitive knowledge of the ultimate meaning and purpose of social life and the ultimate meaning of personal beliefs.

The discussion of today's legal system should trace back to the ancient Greek and Roman times, the origins of western legalism. Law and religion were closely linked during this period. In the early days of ancient Greece, laws and religion were largely unified. Religion permeates legislation and judicature, and sacrifice plays an important role in judicature. As the supreme judge, the king's duties and powers are considered to have been given to him by Zeus.

Religion refers to the social ideology of believing in and worshipping the natural gods, and laws are largely derived from primitive or traditional religious norms. Slavery society, feudal society, and now few countries have a unified system of politics and religion, and religion occupies a central position in the country's political life. Religious norms have become one of the sources of law. Although the present capitalist countries have implemented the separation system between politics and religion, religion still has great influence in politics and law due to the incomplete separation. For example, in western countries, Christian priests hold wedding ceremonies, and even in the inauguration ceremony of the President of the United States, they have to lay their hands on the bible to swear the oath, which reflects the important role of religion in influencing the law.

The existence of law in the west depends on the support of faith. Religion, morality and law are the most effective means of supervision. They have been mixed in western society for a long time, especially the close cooperation between religion and law. In the course of the development of western basic legal concepts and legal systems, the aura of religious sanctity is deeply covered. Western legal traditions are formed without religion there is no law. The western legal system owes much of its success today to Christian civilization. The main idea of law in many evolutions is rooted in the history of Christianity.

Based on the three religious classics of the old testament, the new testament and the ten commandments, the church law has been expanding. All the aspects involved have a profound influence on the later western laws. The church law has always been the legislative source of the western marriage and family law. In the aspect of criminal law, it gives full play to the legal punishment and religious moral education, and pays attention to the spiritual influence of criminals. More importantly, the contribution of church law to international law has become one of the earliest sources of international law.

The origin of law is not only the origin of law, but also includes customs, religions and taboos. It can be seen that religion is an indispensable part of the origin of law.

The Christian doctrine advocates that all people are equal before god. With the religious reform and the development of society, people pay more attention to the pursuit of happiness in life and the realization of their own ideals. The equal development of all people before the law has become an indispensable part of the rule of law. The law is most influenced by religion than democracy and human rights thought. The biggest meaning of democracy is the principle of sovereignty over the people.

Western religions believe that god is superior to all authority and is the highest source of power. Every believer must be full of sincerity and respect. In this case, everyone is religious in law, believing that law is the direct or indirect manifestation of god's will and consciously safeguarding the authority of law and the construction of a society ruled by law.


