

北美作业代写:Dependency theory

2018-09-17 18:19:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Dependency theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了依附理论。依附理论作为发展研究的转折点,它站在不发达国家的立场上,以创新的视角和和跨学科的视野解释欠发达地区的不发达问题,批判现代化理论的“西化”,唤起了广大非西方欠发达国家人民的主体意识。虽然依附理论具有相当的时代局限性,但是它在不发达问题上,仍具有很强的现实意义,是研究当今发展中国家的发展问题一种有力的分析模式。

Since the 1950s and 1960s, three different development theories, namely, modernization theory, dependency theory and world system theory, have been proposed in the face of the modernization problems of developing countries. These three theories have different knowledge and historical background, and have occupied the leading position of development theory research and application in different periods. Dependency theory is in the second stage of development theory evolution. Different from modernization theory, which explains the social development of developing countries by using the transition from traditional society to modern society, attachment theory mainly USES the unequal relationship between "center" and "periphery" to explain the reason why developing countries are underdeveloped. Dependency theory replaced the appearance and development of modernization theory in the core position in the development and research, it is in the third world, especially in the countries of South American economy in the world capitalist economic system as the basic premise, for many scholars study the third world, the developing countries in economic and political development mode of analysis provides an important theoretical support.

The emergence of attachment theory is of great significance to the development of research and has a great impact. The emergence of attachment theory is regarded as the turning point of development research.

The rise of dependency theory is associated with a series of adverse economic and social consequences brought about by the implementation of modernization theory in developing countries. Prior to the emergence of attachment theory, modernization theory had occupied the dominant position of development research and was the orthodox and only development theory. Almost all of these modernization theories are the scholars of western developed countries, and the adherents to them are the scholars and leaders of some non-western underdeveloped countries, especially African and Latin American countries. Dependency theory to modern theory of criticism, the awakening of a large number of the people of the third world countries, make them realize that sits in the western developed country theorists into salvation and allow the western developed countries of the hui is an unrealistic illusion, only your action, and groped his way, is the only realistic and feasible, only oneself can save yourself. From then on, they no longer blindly believe or even believe in the authority of western developed countries' development policies, but began their own thinking and self-exploration process.

After the rise of attachment theory, modernization theory had a heated debate with it. The result of the argument is that both sides have found their own limitations and deficiencies, and both sides have had to absorb some reasonable points of the other side. The attachment theory transfers to the world system theory through the correction and improvement of itself, while the modernization theory has also made some changes to itself and revised some of its views and views.

Dependency theory focuses on the poor and backward colonial history of non-western underdeveloped countries. According to modernization theory, the reason why they are less developed is analyzed from their historical and practical connections with western developed countries. To achieve modernization development, developing countries must import western civilization to transform their original social and traditional culture, namely the so-called "total westernization" or "copy the western model". Dependency theory was different, it is for the development of theoretical research provides a new perspective: the dependency theory, standing on the position of less developed countries, with the reality of Latin America and parts of Africa as a starting point, from the western developed countries to developing countries exploitation and robbing the inequality of the international division of labor and trade patterns, analyses the reason of development in developing countries.

Secondly, the theory of attachment explores social problems not only from the perspective of economy, but also from political science and sociology. For example, when the economy develops, the society fails to develop, that is, the phenomenon of "growth without development". It makes the development theory to develop in the direction of the multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, has prompted scholars to study foreign aid, trade, investment, and the role and consequences of multinational companies, but also make policymakers pay more attention to social and economic problem of the relationship between the distribution and foreign economic policy and development, so as to make people more clearly realized that development is not only economic growth, but the coordination of the whole society progress.

Under the historical conditions at that time, the dependency theory played a positive role in guiding the development of some countries and regions in Latin America and Africa, which is indeed commendable. However, influenced by the limitations of history, attachment theory also reveals many shortcomings.

It criticized the dichotomy of modernization theory "traditional" and "modern", but it fell into the simple dichotomy of "developed" and "under-developed", "core" and "border", or "urban" and "satellite".

It criticized the theory of modernization in the value of cultural aspects of internal determinism, but also fell into the political and economic aspects of external determinism.

It argues that development and attachment are incompatible. If developing countries want to develop, they must break their dependence on western developed countries. If we want to develop, it can only be an underdeveloped development. This is not in line with reality. The reality of development in many countries, such as Brazil, shows that development and attachment are not entirely incompatible.

Its research has a great regional or particularity. It is a theory based on Latin America and some African countries. For some countries in Latin America and Africa, it has certain applicability in a specific historical period or development stage, but it is not appropriate to simply deduce it to all developing countries, especially Asian countries and regions.

The influence of attachment theory on the study of international relations has not been paid much attention by the mainstream international relations theory. Dependency theory because the original is not specializing in international relations theory, but to study the causes of backward economy in Latin America and other developed countries and the way out, then evolved into inner link of the entire capitalist world system and the least developed countries the analysis of the domestic political and economic and social structure, and in Latin America and other developed countries has produced important influences on economic development strategy and foreign decision making. On the other hand, the western central color of the theory of international relations makes it difficult for the attachment theory, which is critical to capitalism and has adopted marxist research methods and thoughts, to occupy a place in the mainstream theory.

Due to the above reasons, the theory of attachment has been doubted and attacked by many parties since its birth. By the mid-1970s, the world pattern had changed greatly due to a series of events, and the attachment theory began to decline. The world economic crisis has ended the "natural life cycle" of the dependency theory. The new world pattern requires the emergence of new development theory to discard the one-sidedness and deficiency of the dependency theory. In this context, the theory of world system emerged.

Any theory has relativity, also has certain rationality, if western modernization theory with emphasis on the internal cause is not developed to the extreme, when the dependency theory with emphasis on the external cause to also go to perfection, and it has been proved that both in simple external cause and internal cause theory cannot fully explain the poor of the world today. Some of the views of attachment theory are not appropriate due to the limitations of The Times, but its research perspective has opened another window for the study of international relations. The undeveloped problem is still of great practical significance and is still a worldwide problem to be solved by the theoretical circle.


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