

Paper代写:News photography in the all-media age

2018-07-17 17:39:21 | 日記
本篇paper代写- News photography in the all-media age讨论了全媒体时代的新闻摄影。全媒体时代的到来,让新闻摄影发生了众多变化,读者对新闻图片要求更高,动态图片更吸引眼球;摄影者的增多,新闻摄影迎来了平民化时代;专业摄影记者转变角色,变得更加全能。这对于新闻界而言,既带来了挑战,也带来了进步。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the current media environment, all of them, and in newspapers, magazines, publications, or broadcast, television, movies, telecommunications, audio and video, satellite communication, the Internet and the means of dissemination of information in escalating, dissemination of information tools include a visual, auditory, and tactile, and for the needs of the audience is not the same same, selecting the best media dissemination way and method, to be completely fine strokes and large capacity of information services, that covers all the audience and the best information dissemination effect has been achieved.

So then you will be to the traditional print media and readers in the form of a huge impact, especially the dissemination of information carrier, mode, method, and the change of the way for readers in reading habits, skills, and will need to change a lot. Makes reading traditional forms of print media personnel has the more strict requirements for news pictures, used the excited that part has no manners and do not have a high technical level and depth of field recording. That part does not have the humanities color picture, has not been able to be the reader as the first choice picture. Their demand is no longer just asked us to express things clear, and it also requires emotional color and rich in the relevant details, part is located in the special Angle of view, even in the interpretation of the news, can give a person with profound brand image; What is needed is a combination of knowledge, interest, technology, and appreciation and the ability to accurately present images of news content.

In the all-media era, not only readers have higher requirements on news images, but also with the rapid development of digital technology and the Internet. Grassroots photographers are also on the rise, and news photography has ushered in the "grassroots era". Photography is no longer the preserve of professional photographers. At the same time, the whole media era has a higher demand for professional photojournalists, who should quickly change their roles from "one expert" to omnipotent.

At present, the print media also favours reported by scientific and efficient image information, to build a "map reading age", news photos to each kind of newspaper pictures, the threshold of the image quality is increased. Readers often in the newspaper, it is easy to be news section, and pleasing to the eye movement attracted news photos, full of vigor and vitality, has such a variety of real, concise, image, vivid, strong impact and so on the characteristic of picture's readers favor and attention, for news photography worker, no matter what type of interview. All of them should arrive at the news scene in time and finish the work of news photo shooting in a logical manner, in which they should grasp the novel Angle of news theme and show rich life connotation. Use images to convey the unique information, including information content must be reliable, should have rich amount of information, convey certain artistic spirit, to be able to create visual impact, can hold readers' attention.

The headline picture is usually the best news photo of the day, and it relies on the "newness" of the image to attract the audience's attention. So, photographers need accurate news values, spread news "useful information", in the form of the dynamic focus and typical of news photography, news site condition to reproduce, make contact to achieve barrier-free between audiences and news.

The development of science and technology such as digital technology is becoming more and more intense. In particular, the development of high-pixel phones has transformed photography from a skill that requires specialized people to a well-known skill. With the introduction of digital cameras into people's lives. The speed of online information transmission has also been increased, so that as long as people can take photos in society, they can inform others of the new things around them. In hangzhou, a large number of news information appeared in the newspaper. The urban express hotline news as early as August 2005 set up a "find most interesting photos" column, solicitation occurs around the citizens of new, people use a camera or mobile phone capture classic moments to program team, the column follow by other media. Someone had statistics, as of January 2001, the urban express photographers pictures only nine times on the front page, and the reader than journalists pictures more than 2 times, one light 11, 15 of the readers photos more than press photo 6. It is not hard to see that ordinary citizens are also a major "competition" for professional photographers.

On March 4, 2008, He Yanguang as a famous photographer, in China photography newspaper published an article, wrote, "in fact, we should thank most is the popularity of the camera, at the same time we also need to thanks to the Internet. With the popularization of cameras, many noble pets have become common people's homes. Anyone can become a photographer through social practice.

Nowadays, the society is an information age, and the traditional media are facing new changes. Competition among the major media is becoming increasingly fierce. There were calls a few years ago. As a professional photojournalist, you must learn to change your role in time. I hope to become an amphibious journalist in a short time, otherwise, I will be eliminated by this era. Nowadays, with development of era, the new media technology also continues to develop, if as a professional photographer, only has the function of amphibious operations, so will be hard pressed to appropriate time development, it is hard to meet the situation required. In today's all-media era, for photographers, traditional ideas have been changed. It is particularly important to move from "special skills" to "omnipotent" fields.

What skills do you need to have as a professional photojournalist in today's all-media era? The author summarizes this and concludes it into five words: "zhao", "write", "take", "edit" and "net". The so-called "zhao", in fact, refers to the photographic kung fu. It can also be understood as photography skills. It's also a skill many photographers pride themselves on, and some see it as their greatest skill. The so-called "write" actually means. The writing skill is undoubtedly a major weakness for photographers. The so-called "taken", actually means, camera capability, some people think that, in the network era of photographers, need to constantly go beyond, towards universal direction, so that to improve living environment. The so-called "edit", in fact, refers to editing, editing skills. The so-called "net" actually means. Network transmission, network technology, etc., this era network technology is very developed, as a photographer, to improve its own network quality, and constantly develop the network feelings, so that to with the whole media era development.

In a word, in the all-media era, there have been many changes in news photography, readers have higher requirements on news pictures, and dynamic pictures are more attractive. The number of grassroots photographers, news photography ushered in the grassroots era; Professional photographers change their roles from "expert" to omnipotent. This poses a challenge for the press. It also brings progress.


