

Essay代写:Enterprise internal management

2018-09-17 18:18:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Enterprise internal management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业内部管理。企业变化的核心主要在内因,即企业的管理。加强企业内部管理非企业自身努力不可,这项工作搞不好,即使产权制度明确了,企业经营自主权落实了,社会保障体系完善了,企业的活力也难以发挥出来。所以,能不能搞好企业内部管理,是关系到企业兴衰成败的问题。

At present, state - owned enterprises after the restructuring of more about external conditions. We will establish a clear system of property rights, implement enterprise autonomy, and improve the social security system. Admittedly, this is very important, and the reform in this regard will be accelerated in the future, but after all, external factors are the conditions for change, and the basis for change is mainly internal factors, namely, the management of enterprises. It is not up to the enterprise itself to strengthen its internal management. Even if the property right system is clarified, the right to operate independently is implemented, and the social security system is improved, the vitality of state-owned enterprises cannot be fully displayed. Therefore, the internal management of enterprises is related to the success or failure of state-owned enterprises, especially large and medium-sized enterprises. Practice has proved that any enterprise with vitality and vigor can continuously improve the efficiency and efficiency of capital operation, which is rooted in scientific enterprise management. Therefore, state-owned enterprises must change their ideas and strengthen their management. First, it organically combines the enterprise restructuring with the internal management of the enterprise to overcome the phenomenon of "replacing the management with the management", so as to change the system and maintain the system with the management. Second, we should properly handle the relationship between the growth of enterprise benefits and the strengthening of management, overcome the one-sided understanding that good performance is good management as long as good performance is good, and not cover up the dilution and weakening of management with rising profits, so as to solve the problem of the decline of enterprise management. Three is based on the market as the guidance and the end-result, widen the breadth and width of enterprise management, from the enterprise the management decision to engineering hand in after service, as well as the influence of every link of enterprise benefit into the enterprise management content, limited to the engineering construction process from the past or a particular aspect of management, expanded to include people, goods, content and construction workers, transport, the whole process of management; Fourth, we need to deepen development. We need to explore deeper issues, carry out "three reforms and one management", combine reform, restructuring and restructuring, and focus on management. The deepening reform requires the deepening of management work, which can ensure the reform to be carried out in an orderly way and the reform to be implemented in practice. The renewal of ideas is the guarantee of the deepening of management, which is the precondition for the establishment of transit system.

Scientific property rights system and scientific management mechanism are the two major supporting conditions for enterprises to change their mode of operation. They are interdependent with each other, and one cannot be dispensed with. If only the property rights system is changed and the internal management mechanism is not changed, the modern enterprise system can only go the old way with new shoes.

Traditional management system is a management according to different work tasks, the function department of enterprise internal organization into changed to subdivide employees for work task and work of different positions, and work out a series of rules and regulations to ensure that this highly detailed division of labor, no extensive management of the enterprise management, to ensure the high degree of specialization, improve the technical level. In a certain level of productivity development has a positive role. However, the evaluation index of this management system emphasizes quantity over quality. Heavy input, light output; to value material and financial resources over human intelligence; It has become an important problem that affects enterprises and must be reformed.

Establish scientific management system in the first place to abandon outdated ideas, system and operational mechanism, the pursuit of the development of the single speed to complete the construction task into the pursuit of total cost, quality, service, efficiency and speed of unity, from the management concept, enterprise organization system, management system and operation mechanism, etc., to modify the old system. By advancing the deep-level reform, reorganizing the enterprise mechanism and completely changing the bones of the enterprise, the "fission reform" within the enterprise can be realized, so as to achieve the purpose of transforming the state-owned enterprise system and establishing a modern enterprise system to improve the economic benefits.

People are the most active and positive factor in productivity. China's economic reform is centered on strengthening the vitality of enterprises. The strength source that strengthens enterprise vigor lies in giving full play to the wisdom and talent of laborer. As the saying goes: the matter belongs to man, the matter to man and the money to man. Enterprises to realize transferring system, must strengthen the management of people-centered, through optimizing the management of employee behavior, and improve the mechanism of restraint and incentive mechanism, enhance the consciousness and the ability of employees to participate in the production and business operation decision, give full play to the staff's enthusiasm and creativity, for the majority of staff to create a they can grasp their own destiny, stimulate the potential ability of the cultural atmosphere, to create their own management characteristic and new idea.

In the final analysis, "mechanism" is the combination of internal management systems, the problem of the enterprise's neural network, and one of the fatal problems in invigorating state-owned enterprises. To enliven the mechanism, it is necessary to perfect and perfect the internal management system and system to realize its effective and reasonable optimization combination, while the advanced management method is the precondition to realize its effective combination.

Scientific management mechanism, must be based on the advanced management methods and means to achieve, through reform and perfect the enterprise internal management model, improve the overall quality of enterprise management, mechanism innovation, system innovation, technology innovation, management innovation, realize the business transformation mechanism, establishing the modern enterprise system to adapt to the new market economy system.

Enterprise management is a complex system engineering. To give full play to the effective function of management, the management system must be optimized. To achieve this, we should grasp several key links.

The project quality is the comprehensive reflection of an enterprise's comprehensive quality and also the foundation of the construction enterprise's survival. To grasp quality is to grasp the "cow nose" of enterprise internal management. For the construction enterprise quality management, it is necessary to take the opportunity of the completion of the standard, improve the quality assurance system, strictly control the process, strictly implement the internal control standard system, create more quality and famous brand projects, and realize the quality commitment to the owner. Quality management is the overall, comprehensive, the whole process of management, in recent years vigorously promotes the quality of our company do not relax, from human, machine, material, engineering, management, all-round to science and education, manufacturing, and engineering construction inspection process, all in strict accordance with the procedures, this kind of the normal functioning of the quality assurance system, to ensure the engineering quality pass rate reached 100%, my company is more than 96%.

The basic purpose of an enterprise is to pursue the return on investment and optimize the benefits. And one of the most prominent indicators of benefit is profit, which is contradictory to profit in the integration of cost. As an enterprise, no matter front and rear, no matter agency and grassroots, all activities are related to cost. Therefore, cost management first requires education and mobilization of all the staff, to improve the cost consciousness of all the staff, determine scientific cost objectives, make them actively participate in and supervise cost accounting and control, explore the potential to reduce costs, reduce expenditure and reduce consumption. Second, we should focus on the key point and grasp the big head. In addition to grasp scientific and technological progress the bulk cost reduction, but also pays special attention to the business entertainment, travel, low-value and crystal, operating income and various receivables and five four number and other various management on the construction site, always do a good job in economic activity analysis, to find a higher cost, a waste and the real reason for all kinds of loopholes, and then suit the remedy to the case, take decisive measures to solve them. In recent years, in view of the rising trend of comparable costs, our company has paid close attention to the management of project profit retention, internal labor contract, etc., with the focus on planning, operation, income and distribution policy, and closed various loopholes. Strict business trip management, implement the unit, finance, the company's leadership three - level control, advance loan control, the post - reported control, not only to achieve a comprehensive consideration, the handling of the matter, but also greatly reduce management fees.

The rules and regulations of the enterprise are the foundation of management work. First, the internal management system should be complete, so that everything has rules to follow. Second, the system should be strictly enforced, so that everyone must follow the rules. Our company has a systematic supporting management system in terms of the construction of material civilization, including quality, safety, environmental protection, archives, finance, materials, planning, labor and site, as well as the construction of spiritual civilization, such as political work and family planning. At the same time, we paid close attention to the implementation of the system. For example, site management, the requirements of on-site goods must be set; As for labor management, the company implements the third-level inspection system of work groups, branches and projects. From company leaders to workers, the company implements a strict attendance registration system.

Only "constancy" can turn management into productivity, while the half-stop management, no matter how strict, is the destruction of the management system and the shaking of the foundation of the enterprise building, and its consequences are as bad as the failure to grasp management. To achieve "constancy", it is necessary to constantly strengthen the management awareness of the whole staff, especially the management personnel, and improve the quality of management, so as to overcome the passive practice of promoting management by external forces and constantly improve the management methods and means, so as to truly achieve constant persistence.

In recent years, our company has been unremitting and consistent in strengthening business management, enterprises have achieved better economic and social benefits. The company's annual operating tasks have exceeded 500 million, and the construction output value has been achieved 2. 224 billion, the realization of profit reached 4.4 million yuan. The company has been awarded "national excellent construction enterprise", "national May Day labor medal" and "national model worker's home" and "national customer satisfaction construction enterprise".



