The Show Must Go On !

This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Sep. 17th Mission: Losing Weight !

2023-09-17 20:06:56 | Weight Training

After business trip to Korea, my weight gained two kilograms.
Around belly looks like a barrel.
I have to lose  weight as fast as possible.


Today's Workout Menu
*Chest press (Pectral muscle) 93kg   9repx4set
*Fly (Pectral muscle) 107kg   9repx4set   
*Shoulder press (Shoulder,Deltoid)   77kg   10repx4set
*Ratpulldown (Latissimus dorsi) 73kg  9repx3set
*Leg press (Hamstring) 73kg 15repx3set

*Rotary tolsor (Rectus abdominis) 59kg  10repx3set

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