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Looking for a feldenkrais practitioner in KYOTO?

2012-04-09 | What's NEW

What is Feldenkrais?



Awareness Through Movement lessons® (ATM)

Awareness Through movement will resume second and fourth Saturday of the month starts at 10:30am. The theme of the classes will be introductory Awareness Through Movement Classes based upon lessons that Moshe Feldenkrais which improve walking,standing,sitting,running,dancing,singing or playing your own instruments.

●18:00~19:00 Fridays at Studio Dance Alive, Shijo-karasuma in Kyoto

1000yen for traial lesson


Functional Integration® (FI)
What is Functional Integration
Functional Integration (FI) is a one-to-one approach to working with people. Learning, change and improvement are achieved through the use of specific skilled manipulation and passive movement. Functional Integration is painless, effective and widely recognized for its ability to successfully address serious muscular-skeletal and neurological problems. The result is more choice, flexibility, and greater ease of movement.

Functional Integration Lessons in Kyoto

Meyou Kobayashi,graduated from California Institute of the Arts,major in Dance,offers Functional Integration Lessons in the Kyoto area of Japan. Meyou has been studying the Feldenkrais Method for 8 years and offers a unique perspective based on her own experience in Aikido, Noh and dance emphasized improvisational technique. For more information, please contact Meyou at felcafe@gmail.com or by phone at 080-6753-4393.


Movement Art Company.Kyoto

Movment Art Company offers hands-on Functional Intergration lessons with Meyou Kobayashi.

Cost: 5000yen per session, cash only. 24 hour cancellation policy.

traial 3 sessions/12,000yen

Contact: Miyuki Kobayashi, felcafe@gmail.com or (080)6753-4393


◇◆ Meyou Kobayashi◇◆

 Meyu Kobayashi, a professional dancer, came to the Feldenkrais Method looking for relief from repetitive stress-related strain associated with practicing and performing. She found that the practice of Awareness Through Movement resulted in more ease and comfort while dancing and a greater ability to learn and master complex techniques. She also noticed heightened creative output. The desire to experience these benefits more deeply and to share them with others inspired Meyu to enter a training program with Jerry Karzen, who was a close assistant to Moshe Feldenkrais. Meyu became a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner in 2008. Meyu teaches weekly Awareness Through Movement classes, private lessons, and periodic workshops in Uji, Kyoto. While she works with all kinds of people to reduce pain and move more easily, her special interest is in working with artists, helping them to access their creativity and increase the quality and output of their work.

Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, and Awareness Through Movement® are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America®.


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