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ノーモア毒ちん ードクター・マーコラのサイトから #2

2021-09-19 21:36:07 | 知ることから始めよう!大コロナ計画の裏側

Dr. Peter Breggin:
Everything that's happening to us was developed and planned ahead of time. Now, people say, "We don't understand," and that's really, almost everybody thinks that there was no animal testing of the vaccines, there wasn't time, and blah, blah, blah. Animal testing of these vaccines go back to the early 2020s. What am I saying? 2008, 2010, you'll find it in the book. What they continually found is that any vaccine, including, because several of the studies were about RNA or DNA vaccines, that any coronavirus vaccine for SARS-CoV – because remember, they're creating SARS-CoVs in the lab, lots of them, all kinds, so they can experiment with the vaccines.

You know what they use? They use what Ginger calls, my wife calls “Frankenmice.” You take a poor mouse and you develop it abnormally so that it has human lung epithelia, and then you can see what happens to the mouse, how these things kill the mice. They find that, first of all, the mutations are so rapid, it's going to be a problem, but worse than that, the vaccines that they do give to the mice end up making them susceptible to horrible outcomes, if they actually get COVID. They don't get very good protection, and when they get COVID, they get very, very sick and many of them die.

Then you ask yourself, "This was known?" Yes. How well-known? In 2020, while Operation Warp Speed is going on and they're rushing these human experiments, a paper comes out from independent people in a major journal, through Fauci funding. He probably funded it without knowing what was going to happen, or he didn't care, saying these vaccines, all of them, not just the mRNA and the DNA, but even the killed vaccines, they're too dangerous to even try on humans. This comes out in 2020. You'll find it in the book.

Again, you can get the book at www.WeAreThePrey.com, and buy it very cheap right now in Canada, and you can buy it in the U.S. Send us a note from Europe and we'll tell you when it's available there. They knew all of this. There's no surprises to them. They knew what they were doing. Going back to Dr. Mercola's question-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It's only been about 45 minutes, or 40 minutes.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
I've never done this before, Joe. It's just coming together in my head, and just seeing you perks me up. I've never put it together like this. I've got notes, sheets, but you see, I'm not using them. I'm not even turning head. It's just, now it's so in there that I put it together in a way right now than is better than ever before. I hope it's just clear as day to everybody, so don't get scared, get angry. Don't get demoralized. They want that. Do you know, one of the things Ginger found that blew me away very early on was that there is a whole school of public health that talks about how to intimidate and engender fear to get people to do what you want. This is bizarre, it's called fear appeal, how to appeal to people by scaring them, intimidating them.

It's systematic, and public health people have always been totalitarian in nature. I mean, you read a compendium of public health writings, and it's all about public health people telling the communities what they must do come the next public health threat. They don't say, "Preserve the Bill of Rights." No. They don't say, "Make sure we check this out in the courts." Or, "We have a body supervising us for our ethics, and to protect the folks." No, no, no. They're, by nature, a lot of public health people, certainly the ones that rise to the top, which is generally the case in institutions. In institutions, the cream doesn't rise to the top, but people who will do anything to get to the top rise to the top. That's the basic situation. I'm going to stop talking, after an amazing 45 minutes.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, thank you for sharing that. Most of that information is not new, at least to people watching my video series. We've heard this before, but it still comes back to the central core of the question. Especially in light of what happened last weekend, when we have this outrageous and egregious expression of authoritarian, dictatorial control, which is essentially mandated vaccines for the entire country, close to the entire country. It's required all companies with more than 100 employees to require mandatory vaccines or weekly proof of vaccine, or not a vaccine, but COVID testing.

Interestingly, if you look at the justifications for this, it really makes sense because the arguments they use are pretty solid. They are really solid. I've got to give them that, but the problem is that the arguments are all fatally flawed and based on 100% bullshit. That, A, this is a dangerous disease that is killing enormous amounts of people.

People died, of course, but not much more than a typical flu. The risk of dying from this is less than a half of 1% for most everyone, and that, B, that the vaccine is safe, and nothing could be further from the truth. As you mentioned, we've already had 14,000 people, documented through the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, which is at least 1 to 10% of
the under-reported. That means you could add a zero to two zeros on that, and legitimately five, which puts us well over 50,000 deaths, well over a million adverse reports, events rather.

Then it would make sense if, A, there was a real threat out there and that the vaccine worked, and that there was no side effects, and if there were side effects, "It's okay. We've got you covered. The government's going to take care of you. We're going to pay any damages." No, they've done the exact opposite. They are forcing people to take an injection under enormous threats that if they suffer any, any harm at all or die, they are 100% responsible, not the company that made it. That you are personally responsible because you were stupid enough to take the vaccine.

Let me retract that, "Stupid enough" because, just as a preface, just getting back as a recent illustration of the massive effectiveness of their propaganda campaign. That they can get to the point where they can make claims like this and justifications like this that are perfectly rational, but the underlying basis has been absolutely hidden, that their arguments are fundamentally and fatally flawed because there's just no justification for this. To mandate a vaccine that if you die or you don't die, you're just unfortunate enough to be injured the rest of your life and generate a million dollars in medical bills, you are 100% responsible for them and will eventually be medically bankrupt. This has happened to many, many, many people.

At least in the swine flu, in the '70s when they had the vaccine, which you alluded to earlier, they stopped after 25 deaths or maybe a total of 50 deaths, and they did wind up paying those injuries. They paid $3 billion, I believe, but no, there literally would be hundreds of billions of dollars in damages from the vaccine, but not a penny's going to be paid out to them. Instead, hundreds of billions of dollars of profit will be generated, as you mentioned, to the vaccine companies, largely generated through Gates, and CEPI, and Gavi, and a collusion and alliance with the World Health Organization, and Klaus Schawb.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
And China.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Anyway, it gets back to the point, which I think, and I want you to share your positive thoughts and actions that we can take. Because this mass psychosis, which we've had other historical illustrations of, like the Salem witch trials, where they were able to convince the community, some really irrational, illogical things, but the whole community believed and it was a mass psychosis, which is what they've done to the United States, and pretty much the whole entire world that has been exposed to this.

Literally, it's the minority of people who are not encapsulated in this psychosis, so I'm wondering if you could comment because you're so well-skilled and talented, and have the depth of knowledge to really help us understand how the hell they did this, other than the mechanics.
Because we know the mechanics, and we could go on for 10 more hours talking about the other details, but I want to know, from a psychological perspective.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Well, human beings, as to babies, we're newborn into a state of helplessness. No other creature is born as helpless as we are. We're essentially a fetus outside the womb, in the beginning. The reason for that, I believe, is that we are a social animal, so the early stages of our relations, of our brain growth, and as you know, I'm sure Joe, the brain doubles in size in the first year of life. That occurs in a social environment.

We have a social brain, so we are very tied to each other. That's the whole purpose of that socialization, that slow growth, that dependency over the years. While that gives us enormous power, because as a social being, we used to be able to kill mammoths with literally pointed sticks, before we even had real spears, because we could team up and gather round. It was usually the men, and the women could go out, they could hunt and gather, and stick together, and protect each other and their babies, and so on, so very social. That's what allowed us, as extended families, hunter, gatherers, to survive and to be different than all other creatures.

It's our social relationships that makes us unique. They also give us our pleasure and our grief. Now, built into all of us is that potential for feeling very helpless again. We can become, in moments, little children again, if we're not aware of it. If we're not aware that when we start feeling guilty, or shame, or anxious, or overwhelmingly afraid, which is anxiety, if we're feeling those things, we can easily become helpless, and that's basically what's going on. I think it's fine to call it a psychosis. I prefer to call it an overwhelming helplessness that overcomes the nation. If you identify it as helplessness, you can see right away, "Well, that isn't doing me any good." Now, if in childhood you're abused, then that helplessness remains with you into adulthood. That's how powerful those early years are, and you have to work hard to overcome it.

The model, for me, of psychotherapy is overcoming these negative emotions, guilt, shame, anxiety. Overcoming the basic helplessness that relates to them. I talk about that in a book called “Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety,” and we have to overcome it. We have to identify what was done to us. If you're an adult, it really helps to identify that, yes, you were sexually abused. Or, yes, you were not loved. You made believe you were loved, or you thought you were loved, but you were not really loved growing up. Or, yes, you really were bullied by your older brother or your big sister. Or, yes, school was a horror for you because you didn't feel like the other kids, for one reason or another, and you felt ostracized or humiliated.

You look back and you see what's going on and what happened, and that helps you see it's not you, so there's nothing wrong with half of America. There's nothing wrong with those of us who are patriotic. There's nothing wrong with those of us who believe in God. There's nothing wrong with those of us who really admire the founders of the country, even though they were human
beings and they had corrupt, horrible practices like slavery, but they had these amazing ideas. Many of them were very great and good men and women, Abigail and John Adams, Martha and George Washington. Strong, devoted people who risked their entire lives and fortunes to give us a free nation.

We need to know what happened. We are being oppressed by evil people. Nothing is by chance. We might as well be children being tormented and turned into helpless beings. We have to say to each other, "No more. No more helplessness. No more lamenting. No more complaining. No more saying, 'What's happening to us?'" It's very clear what's happening to us. It's the age-old tendency for power to rise to the top and to abuse everybody again, only now it's high-tech, and now they have these fake vaccines that are sort of high-tech, and so on. It's the same old scaring the hell out of us by all the methods that Joe has been talking about so much and I've been talking about so much. We won't name all those methods again, but they're all calculated to cow us, and so we can look at this and not say, "What they're doing is crazy." No, it's not crazy. It's intentional, and purposeful and we must stand up to it.

This is true whether we're an abused adult in the family or in a marriage. It's true wherever we are. We must understand and not allow ourselves to be abused and rendered helpless again. Americans, we need to get together. We need to give each other comfort and love, and inspiration. We need to support, from a tactical viewpoint, we need to get involved together. I can tell you that when Ginger and I made the terrifying decision to take on COVID-19, to really risk my whole life's work for so many years, where I have a wonderful reputation as the conscience of psychiatry, to actually join many other people fighting for America's freedom, very scary choice, but once we did, we started meeting tons of people. We got to know Joe Mercola. We got to meet all kinds of wonderful people.

The introductions to my book are by people I never imagined knowing. Peter McCullough, the great cardiologist, wrote an introduction. Zev Zelenko, who risked his life and his whole reputation to declare that, "There is a good treatment, and here it is," and almost got the President to support it until he got crushed. You meet wonderful people. You'll meet people in your community, if you joined a school board, or join the Republican, or Libertarian, or Conservative Party, or wherever you can get a foothold to stand up for the founding of the nation. I call us the Re-Founders. We're all re-founders of America. It's a critical moment in time.

Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, think to yourself, God put us, or history put us in a place where we can make one of the hugest differences of all time. We can have effects beyond anything we imagined, and you will, at the same time be meeting all these new and amazing people. I hardly knew a single colleague in psychiatry that I could be proud to say I knew them, because psychiatry is one of the spearheads of oppression in many, many ways. I'm not talking about psychotherapy at all. I'm talking about psychiatrists who diagnose you and give you drugs, a very oppressive thing, another way of making you helpless.

We have to say, "No. I'm not going to drug my feelings. I'm going to channel them into anger," but then don't get overwhelmed with anger. Make new friends, support new institutions. Instead of listening to ABC, and NBC, and CNN, listen to Joe Mercola. Yeah, listen to Alex Jones. I thought I'd never say that on the air in my entire life, because I bought the Kool-Aid.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You took the red pill, not the blue pill.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
You're going to just meet these amazing, amazing people. Our lives have been richer than ever before because we decided, scared as we were, to take this thing on. Everybody who can understand what I'm saying is needed in this world now. Join, get yourself off of YouTube. Go to Brighteon.com, Mike Adams, another freedom fighter. He's got a place that you can trust. He's not going to take you off for being for freedom, or being for God, or being for the founding of this country. We have to build alternative institutions. We will not re-take CNN, but we can build our alternative institutions. We need to know that there is a war against us.

Now, ironically, Bill Gates is not as important in this war as he thinks, because what they are doing in collaboration with Communist China, and I detail that in our book, I detail it, they're collaborating with the Chinese Communist Party, and when they succeed in weakening America, if they do, Bill Gates is not going to be a hero to anybody in the Communist Party. They'll eat him alive. They'll make his currency digital, take it away from him. They'll cancel his currency, or they'll kill him, or they'll torture him, or whatever. That's the enemy we're ultimately up against, and they have a stealth war against us, so read some good books. I've got stuff in it, but there are people, long before me, who've been writing about China and how it's taken over so many of our institutions, working with the elite, working with the elite.

Be proud, be an American, be a patriot. Stand up for liberty. Say you believe in the founders of America. Yes, yes, you know about their flaws and all that. Look at their principles. Look at the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. That's your legacy, you are throwing it away, you are doing nothing to protect. Probably since the Civil War, this is the biggest threat to freedom in America. It's much bigger than the Civil War in that it's a war against all of the Western democracies. Again, it's no chance event that the English-speaking Western nations are particularly taking this hard. That's part of the plan. It was announced.

It was announced by a whole bunch of these folks that America, particularly Trump's America, particularly the America Firsters. All the people we track in the book are China Firsters instead of America Firsters. Most amazing thing that we unraveled, that I'm not sure anyone else has unraveled. It's just astonishing. It freaked us out in the beginning. We got scared. We got overwhelmed. We felt like we were struggling with the devil. My wife, who's a Christian, said,
"We are struggling with the devil." Well, let me go back to Joe, because I've probably taken up a lot of air time here.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
No, no. This is exactly what I wanted you to discuss, so thank you for elaborating on that. Because I think it's so easy to go deep in the weeds and all the specifics of how they've been able to carry out this elaborate, sophisticated plan that, obviously, as you've alluded to and many others, more well beyond a decade, probably two decades. There's a patent history and research documented grants that support this has gone on for two decades.

It's easy to get caught up in that, and I think, really it's so much more productive to focus on positive things that we can do, and a perspective to know that there is some hope and victory because it's so easy to get depressed, especially if you just look at this objectively, it seems to be getting worse every week.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
It is.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
We're losing more freedoms, and so if it goes at this rate, it's like we are going to have a social credit system that's comparable to China, and I think you are right. That is the end game. The end game is complete authoritarian, totalitarian control, very similar to what you have in China. I don't think anyone watching this wants that.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Yeah, and I really want to help people replace the fear and confusion, like, "How could they do this?" The worst thing you can say to yourself is, "How could they do this? What are they doing to me?" I remember when the diaries of some of the people, the leaders in the Warsaw Ghetto ... They weren't really leaders. The leaders were fighting and dying in the streets against the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto, slowing down their progress and tying up large numbers of troops. The rabbis, the intellectuals, they were saying, "God, why have you done this to us? Why have you done-" What do you mean, "Why?" This is the history of the world. I mean, read the Bible. The first family, the one son kills the other over jealousy, lies to the father. This is the history of the world.

Stop lamenting, stop complaining. Be joyful, and I mean joyful. We won't always be joyous – be joyful that you are in a moment of time when you can help turn the tide again the way our founders did. We really have an opportunity to get together, create our own institutions, fight back, take big risks. Do you know the founders of our country, each and every one who signed the Declaration of Independence, consciously knew that they had created King George's hit list. Every single one of them knew that if the war was lost, they'd be sought out and hanged. King George promised it when he saw the list.

Imagine John Adams when he heard, "Hey, John. You're really on the top of the list," because John's going back and forth in a boat, little tiny boats to France and back, and to England and back supporting the Revolution. Not to England, after the Revolution started. He could have been hung at sea, and never see his beloved Abigail again, or his children, one of whom becomes President of the United States, never see them again. All right. That's the legacy we have. It is so great. It is so meaningful, and I believe, God-controlled or driven.

I don't know whether God controls or he supports. I don't have a theology. I think it's beyond me, but I know there's a presence of God behind us, of a loving God not a hating God, so don't get into hating. That's not the point of it all. The point is to get strong, collaborate, fight together, take risks. We need giant protests. More and more, the Conservatives are finally calling for peaceful but huge protests. Why should the Australians, the French, the Germans, and the English be ahead of the United States in protesting what's going on?
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So massive civil disobedience.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
I think it's actually, it has to come to that. It has to come to that. I agree 100% with Joe. My emphasis about, it's going to get worse. My emphasis is, that's the plan. The plan always starts with one piece of oppression, two pieces. They work you up, like the proverbial frog in the hot water, which is probably not a true story, but that's the metaphor, until you're cooked, boiled, so it's inevitable, folks. Don't wait for it to end. Whoever's behind Joe, whether it's his wife, or Barack Obama. I don't know why we don't know. I don't know who's not looking hard in that area. I'm sure there'd be a way to find out who's behind Joe, because it's not Joe. There's nothing inside of Joe much now, but this is the plan. It's not going to just get better by itself, absolutely will not.

This is the way it's always been. I think Joe is right. This particular plan goes back a long ways, but it all goes back to the difference between the American Revolution in which Washington did nothing to terrorize his own people. He didn't even seize goods from his own people. Paid for everything he could. He didn't imprison his own people. He didn't even torture the enemy soldiers. It goes back to that Civil War, which was Conservative. It said, "We want our freedoms back. We have been free. We've been so far away from you, George, we're free, King George." Versus the corrupt Revolution of 1789 in France, where you have an increasing Reign of Terror.

I think that eventually in this world, we will – I've said this before, Joe. We're going to have a Reign of Terror. It inevitably goes that way until there's either a fight back or people become so docile that they only need occasional examples of terrorization. We have to fight back. I've never put it so clearly in my life, folks, but there's no doubt about it. This is the situation. I'm not talking about violence. I think we first have to work ourselves up to see if we can do this with
just plain dissent. Be like Gandhi, be like Martin Luther King and take brave risks. I think that's where we have to go. Joe?
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yes. The book is “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.” It's going to be available – how do you buy this book? Is it on Amazon or somewhere else?

Dr. Peter Breggin:
Not on Amazon right now, at least. You go to our dedicated – well, you can go to Breggin.com, but go to the dedicated website. It'll much be easier for you, for the books, which is WeAreThePrey.com, WeAreThePrey.com. Those books are going out now and you can buy them now. Our first printing's 20,000. Looks like we may sell them out.

Dr. Peter Breggin:
It has over 1,000 endnotes, and many of those endnotes contain five or six citations. It has an amazing chronology, that's very long, of major events. It's got a good index. A lot of books don't have indexes anymore. It's got a very detailed index so you can look up names and do things. It's got a preface that presents you the overview, because the book grew and grew as things changed and we understood more and more. It's got three amazing introductions by literally three of the top COVID-19 doctors in the world. Peter McCullough, I think you've had him on, and Zev Zelenko and Elizabeth Lee Vliet, all MDs. That's the kind of folks we have met because we've risked things, and those are all folks who have risked a lot.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
That just tells you, again, the deterioration of morals and ethics in the institutions of America. Not just the press. The medical, the scientific. The corruption of medicine is just bizarre. The AMA (American Medical Association) journal puts online a study of chloroquine, not even hydroxychloroquine, but the older, slightly more dangerous chloroquine, where they overdose the patients and kill them, and the overdoses are clearly described. The AMA, JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), the Journal, puts up online this study to terrify our doctors from treating their patients with hydroxychloroquine. That's how corrupt it has gotten.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. Well, kind of a parallelity, a fraudulent study that got published on hydroxychloroquine in The Lancet last year with Surgisphere data that was completely fabricated, and eventually was, wound up being retracted, but still used as a justification for the World Health Organization to dismiss it, and that's part of the thing. These recommendations they're making makes perfect sense because it leads you to believe the vaccine's the only option, there's no other option, and nothing could be further from the truth. Everything else is censored, and disparaged, and discredited, essentially unfairly. Anyway, we can go on, and on, and on because there's so much to be put on.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Thank you, Joe. Thank you for having me on.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I appreciate everything you've done, put together, compiled. The book is, you can pick up at WeAreThePrey, P-R-E-Y.com, WeAreThePrey.com.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
That's the website. Yeah, wearetheprey.com is the website.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You can go there and pick up a copy of the book because you will not be able to buy it on Amazon. Eventually, I guess, but not for now, for sure.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Not for now. No. We're paying off our paying customers. We're giving priority to our customers, but towards the end of September, the book will be in the bookstores, whichever ones will take it.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
All right. Well, that sounds great. Thank you for everything you've done. I look forward, and hope people will really enjoy the work you've compiled.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Thank you, and thank you for your work. God bless you for your work.


