


2008-03-05 22:00:00 | VBA Tips


昨日前フリ (?:笑) したコードでサンプルフォームを作ってみましょう。
ついでにコードも .AddFromString してみます。

Option Explicit

Sub try()
  Const vbext_ct_MSForm As Long = 3
  Const fmPictureSizeModeZoom As Long = 3
  Const mg As Single = 10
  Const w As Single = 200
  Const h As Single = 150
  Dim iw  As Single
  Dim ih  As Single
  Dim i  As Long
  Dim v

  With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm)
    With .Designer
      With .Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")
        .Left = mg
        .Top = mg
        .Width = w
        .Height = h
        With .Controls.Add("Forms.Image.1")
          .Left = 0
          .Top = 0
          .Width = w
          .Height = h
          .PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
        End With
      End With
      With .Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
        .Left = mg
        .Top = mg * 2 + h
        .Width = (w - mg) / 2
        .Height = 20
        .Caption = "Picture読み込み"
      End With
      With .Controls.Add("Forms.Scrollbar.1")
        .Left = mg + (mg + w) / 2
        .Top = mg * 2 + h
        .Width = (w - mg) / 2
        .Height = 20
        .Min = 100
        .Max = 200
        .SmallChange = 1
        .LargeChange = 10
      End With
    End With
    iw = .Properties("Width") - .Properties("InsideWidth")
    ih = .Properties("Height") - .Properties("InsideHeight")
    .Properties("Width") = iw + mg * 2 + w
    .Properties("Height") = ih + mg * 3 + h + 20
    v = prctxt
    For i = UBound(v) To LBound(v) Step -1
      .CodeModule.AddFromString v(i)
  End With
End Sub
Function prctxt()
  Dim s(1 To 7) As String

  s(1) = "Private w As Single" & vbLf _
     & "Private h As Single" & vbLf _
     & "Private ix As Single" & vbLf _
     & "Private iy As Single"
  s(2) = "Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()" & vbLf _
     & "  Dim v" & vbLf _
     & "  v = Application.GetOpenFilename(""jpgFile,*.jpg"")" & vbLf _
     & "  If VarType(v) = vbBoolean Then Exit Sub" & vbLf _
     & "  Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(v)" & vbLf _
     & "  Me.Repaint" & vbLf _
     & "End Sub"
  s(3) = "Private Sub Image1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, _" & vbLf _
     & "               ByVal Shift As Integer, _" & vbLf _
     & "               ByVal x As Single, _" & vbLf _
     & "               ByVal y As Single)" & vbLf _
     & "  ix = x: iy = y" & vbLf _
     & "End Sub"
  s(4) = "Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, _" & vbLf _
     & "               ByVal Shift As Integer, _" & vbLf _
     & "               ByVal x As Single, _" & vbLf _
     & "               ByVal y As Single)" & vbLf _
     & "  If ix = 0 And iy = 0 Then Exit Sub" & vbLf _
     & "  With Image1" & vbLf _
     & "    .Left = .Left + x - ix" & vbLf _
     & "    .Top = .Top + y - iy" & vbLf _
     & "  End With" & vbLf _
     & "End Sub"
  s(5) = "Private Sub Image1_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, _" & vbLf _
     & "              ByVal Shift As Integer, _" & vbLf _
     & "              ByVal x As Single, _" & vbLf _
     & "              ByVal y As Single)" & vbLf _
     & "  ix = 0: iy = 0" & vbLf _
     & "End Sub"
  s(6) = "Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change()" & vbLf _
     & "  Dim z As Single" & vbLf _
     & "  With Me" & vbLf _
     & "    z = .ScrollBar1.Value / 100" & vbLf _
     & "    With .Image1" & vbLf _
     & "      .Width = w * z: .Height = h * z" & vbLf _
     & "      If z = 1 Then" & vbLf _
     & "        .Left = 1: .Top = 1" & vbLf _
     & "      End If" & vbLf _
     & "    End With" & vbLf _
     & "  End With" & vbLf _
     & "End Sub"
  s(7) = "Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()" & vbLf _
     & "  With Me.Image1" & vbLf _
     & "    w = .Width: h = .Height" & vbLf _
     & "  End With" & vbLf _
     & "End Sub"
  prctxt = s
End Function



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