Dali As you know, I love the Showa lifestyle. Recently I read a Japanese book concerning the Era. In the book there was a story about a chabudai (a low dining table), which was anthropomorphized.
ダリちゃん 知っての通り、わしは昭和の生活様式が好きだ。最近、昭和時代に関する日本語の本を読んだんだ。その本では、ちゃぶ台の事が書いてあった。ちゃぶ台がしゃべるんだ。
Me Oh, tell me! Tell me!
私 へー、教えて、教えて!
Dali In the story, a chabudai talks about his life. “Early in my life, a young couple bought me and put me in their bunka-jyutaku room. I was so happy in those days. The couple put me out on the floor every day and ate breakfast and dinner upon my back. At night they folded my legs, put me in the corner of the room, laying out the futon. In the morning, they put away the futon and extended my legs again to have breakfast. Later in my life, children appeared. They rode on me and jumped on me, which hurt a lot, but I didn’t mind. They often played karuta. I was very happy. Many years passed, and eventually I was folded up and put away into a dark storage area, which made me feel sad and lonely. The young couple became old, and their children got married and moved away. One time, the married son and his wife came to visit the old couple. The son’s wife asked her mother-in-law, ‘Oka-san, I need a broom to sweep around our front door. Do you have one?’ Mother said, ‘Oh, it’s in the storage area.’ The young wife went in and she found me, yelling, ‘Oh, this chabudai is wonderful and beautiful! Oka-san, you are not using this?’ Mother replied, ‘No, it’s an old dirty chabudai. Take it, take it!’ And so the young couple took me their home and gave me a new life and now I am happy again.”
ダリちゃん 物語では、ちゃぶ台は自身の生涯について次のように語っている。「僕がまだ若い頃、若い夫婦が僕を買って彼らの文化住宅の部屋に置いたんだ。当時はとても幸せだったね。その夫婦は毎日僕を出して床の上に置いて、僕の背中で朝食と夕食を食べたんだ。夜になると、僕の脚を折り畳んで部屋の隅に置いて、布団を敷いたんだ。朝になると布団をかたずけて僕の脚を再び伸ばして朝食を摂ったんだ。晩年には子供たちができたんだ。彼らは僕に乗りかかったりジャンプしたりしてとても痛かったけど僕は構わなかった。彼らはよくカルタをしていたなあ。僕はとても幸せだった。何年も月日が経って、僕はとうとう折り畳まれて暗い物置に置き去りにされた。悲しくて寂しかったよ。その若夫婦は年を取って、彼らの子供たちは結婚して家を出て行ってしまった。ある時、結婚した息子とその嫁が老夫婦を訪ねてきたんだ。息子の嫁は姑に『自分ちの玄関周りを掃除するのに箒がいるんだけど、ある?』と尋ねた。姑は『それなら、物置にあるわ』と言った。嫁は物置に入り僕を見つけて『まあ、なんてきれいで素敵なちゃぶ台なの! おかあさん、これ使ってないの?』と叫んだ。姑は『使ってないわ。こんな古くて汚いちゃぶ台でよかったら持って行って!』と答えた。そういう訳で、若夫婦は僕を彼らの家に持ち帰り、僕は新しい人生を送れたんだ。で、今は再び幸せなんだ」
Key words(キーワード)
anthropomorphize: (非人間的存在を)擬人化する、人格化する
eventually: 結局は、ついに(は)、やがて(は)
broom: 箒
resultant: 結果として生じる
A chabudai can be used as a dining table, coffee table, or study desk. When not in use, its legs can be folded and it can be leaned up against the wall. The resultant space in the room can then be used as a bedroom. How convenient!
English is Easy―Dali’s Drunken English Lessons―