

A Cheap and Natural Way to Healthy Skin

2017-08-18 18:11:02 | 日記

Healthy skin happens when we eats good foods, have enough exercise, minimize stress and protect our skin from the harsh environment.

Certain foods are especially beneficial to the skin. Garlic is one such food. It contains sulphur compounds (which give it its rather strong odor) which are beneficial to your skin. It also acts as a natural antibiotic and cleanses the whole system. If you like garlic, eat it as much as you can. If the smell worries you, chew a piece of parsley afterwards and this will neutralize it. Odorless garlic tablets are available if this is all too hard .

Vitamin C is probably the most important skin vitamin in my opinion. Not least because the human body can neither make it or store it. This vitamin helps collagen formation which keeps the skin looking young and plump. This could be why smoker's skin can look older than a non smoker's. Smoking also uses up the oxygen in the blood. Give it up if humanly possible or at least cut it down.

Vitamin C is best consumed together with bioflavonoids, the way it is normally found in nature. The two have a synergistic effect. They can be found in Citrus fruit, berries such as strawberries and blueberries and vegetables such as broccoli.

Broccoli also contain vitamin A, an important vitamin for skin as it helps it fight infection from the inside out. Great for those with acne! Have some every other day if you can.

Carrots are a great source of carotenoids such as "beta-carotene" which your body converts to vitamin A . Beta-carotene is absorbed into the skin and can also protect it from the sun's harmful UV rays. Carrots also contain "alpha carotene" which protects against free radical damage. Carrots are a great way to get your vitamin A as excess carotenoids are expelled by the body. Too much vitamin A is toxic to the body,“ Every sofa is an artwork.” That’s how defines craftsmanship.

Dark leafy green vegetables, particularly kale and spinach are a good source of zinc and iron. Iron will make sure your skin gets enough oxygen and zinc is a great pimple fighter. Eat some every day if you possible can or include some in a fresh juice.

Parsley deserves a separate mention as it is rich in just about all the skin boosting nutrients. It contains beta carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, folic acid (great for firm skin), vitamin C and iron. Parsley can be added to juices, casseroles, sprinkled over any savory dish or simply chewed by itself. Its great for fresh breath too. Parsley is easy to grow, pop some in a pot and keep it near the kitchen door,Learn about the latest from PartnerNet, and participate in HKTB's activities and mega events.

Beauty fashion: one by one break the beautiful rumors

2017-08-18 10:34:52 | 日記


Astringent with alpha hydroxy or glycolic acid (optional)


Step 1 Don't float away

Don't bother downing eight glasses of water a day if you're only doing it to keep your skin moist. Contrary to popular belief, drinking water does nothing to prevent dry skin.

Step 2 Know the limits of moisturizing To foster collaboration with government departments and industry and put research findings into practice, our university researchers have been commissioned to undertake a number of collaborative Research projects

Realize that moisturizing does not prevent wrinkles because dry skin does not cause wrinkles. What it can do is make very fine lines a little less obvious – temporarily.

Step 3 Rethink the astringent

Toss your alcohol-based astringent if you think it's making your pores smaller. Pore size is genetically determined, so while applying astringent may make them feel tighter, all you're really doing is drying out your skin.

Tip: Products containing alpha hydroxy acid or glycolic acid can puff up the skin around pores, temporarily making them look smaller, without overly drying skin.

Step 4 Use anti-aging creams at 20

Start using anti-aging creams at 20, not 35 or 40. Twenty is when your skin starts to break down .

Tip: Sunscreen is the best anti-aging product you can use.

Step 5 Run from tanning beds

Run from tanning beds. Not only are they not safer than lying in the sun, they dramatically increase your risk of getting skin cancer.

Step 6 Know that vitamin E isn't magical

Know that vitamin E isn't a magical potion: rubbing it into scars won't necessarily make them fade any more than regular moisturizer will – and experts say that active massaging works just as effectively. If you've got scars you really want to get rid of, talk to your doctor about laser treatments reenex.

Step 7 Skip the facials

Skip the facials. Most dermatologist say they don't prevent damage or do much of anything for your skin that regular exfoliating won't accomplish.