TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


福島に児童養護施設を Building children care center in Fukushima

2012-09-08 23:35:31 | 孤児院
From September 5 to 28, an exhibition usin panels, "Support to build children care center in Fukushima" has being held at a lobby in 2F of Fukuoka airport Terminal3 by NPO the Cornersotne Orphanage and Accociation of Partner in Fukuokoka. Let us surpport children who have been suffered from Tunami disaster in March11.
詳しくはこちらへ For more infor.


2012-09-08 23:10:09 | 集会のお知らせ
Our worship service will be held at 5th floor's meeting room of Masatomo Building,whichi is in Tenjin 4 Chome on
Tomorrow. Everyone is invited.
1st Service : 9:35-,2nd Service : 10:45-,Afternoon Service 14:50
3rd Service will be changed, so please ask for us before you will come to chuch.

魔術からの解放 Deliverance from magic

2012-09-08 23:04:36 | 今日のみことば
そして、信仰に入った人たちの中から多くの者がやって来て、自分たちのしていることをさらけ出して告白した。また魔術を行っていた多くの者が、その書物をかかえて来て、みなの前で焼き捨てた。その値段を合計してみると、銀貨五万枚になった。こうして、主のことばは驚くほど広まり、ますます力強くなって行った。 使徒の働き19章18~20節


And many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds. Also, many of whose who had practiced magic brought their boolks together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.

A picture is Uganda team with children.