リボーン・ライフ in バギオ - Reborn Life in Baguio, Philippines -


バギオ市民の憩いの場・バーンハム公園 -Burnham Park, a place of recreation and relaxation-

2011-07-16 16:16:16 | バギオ Baguio City, Philippines

Burnham Park -An urban park located at the heart of the Baguio City. 
In this picture, you can view the top of Baguio City Hall.

Taken on July 14 @ 11:50, 2011


Burnham Lake -An artificial boating lagoon in the center.

Taken on July 14 @ 11:55, 2011 


Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) Symphony No.1 in D Major "Titan" 2nd movement 

Mahler Symphony No.1-2Mov(3/6) Eliahu Inbal The Philharmonia Orchestra

グスタフ・マーラー 交響曲第1番『巨人』 第2楽章 「順風に帆を上げて
エリアフ・インバル / フィルハーモニア管弦楽団


Baguio City is commemorating the 21st anniversary of July 16, 1990 killer earthquake by planting trees and donating, blood which exemplify life for the generations to come.

Anti terrorism security Drill by PMA @ Session Road

Taken on July 16 @ 10:11, 2011


バギオ地震から19年…。 - アイ!サラマッポ in バギオ

(Article on July 18, 2009)