
2011-01-10 | 日記

たまたま ノニジュースについて調べていたところ サイパンのローカル新聞の記事で私どもが扱っているノニジュースの記事がありました。ノニって本当にすごいんですね。



Noni Juice drinker

Amy Torres, 53 years old

Amy Torres is a Noni Juice drinker. She started drinking Noni Juice when she read the testimony ads of Dr. Joyner. She has known Dr. Joyner for long time ago and didn't know that he was suffering from prostate cancer. One day she met Mr. and Mrs. Ta Bun Kuy at Sabalu Market and asked them about the Noni Juice and how it will improve her health because she has a thyroid problem. After that, she bought one bottle of Noni Juice. After a month she went to her doctor for a check up. Surprisingly, her thyroid reaction has gone down and her heart palpitation was gone. In the morning, she drinks noni juice on an empty stomach and after an hour she would drink her medicine for her thyroid. Noni Juice also helps her lower her cholesterol level from 224 to 164. Noni Juice became her maintenance on her thyroid problem. She says that she suggested to her mother to drink Noni Juice because her mother could walk due to her swollen feet. Her mother tried it, then after a week of drinking Noni Juice she felt better and could walk little by little. Also, her sister drank Noni Juice and now she can sleep well. She also recommends Noni Juice to her friends and relatives. She has proven that Noni Juice is really effective and the price is affordable. She's is now a regular noni juice drinker.


1 コメント

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2011-02-03 19:04:19
ノニ茶の効果ってすごいんですね~ 今も家の家族とノニ茶飲んでいます。 ノニ茶飲んで健康を維持したいと思います。

