
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業


2022-01-16 05:29:24 | 日記


Origin=起源 、Conquer=打ち勝つ、Conquest=克服、Relation=関係、Difine=定義、Defination=定義する、Othershelf=相手、相剋=Relation of Conquer Other Shelf、 The=その、それは、それ、Thatより強い意味で使う、Fortune=占い。

Key Word is Dai Fukuoka | Francis | Easy'z | Victory -and- Janrary16 Sun Day AD2022 | Diary | Fortune | Palmist | Diagram | Pentacle -and- Relation of Conquer Other self | Conquest | Define Chapter | Declaration Chapter | AD1092 | Promoter Francis | Promote Fortune -and- Star | Origin | Conquer | Relation ship chapter | Origin Star Fortune -and- 5 Church Commandment | Chapter5 | Tackle | Shadow | Ghost | Magical | Summon

My Name is Dai Fukuoka This Explanation is The Palmist's Star Fortune in BC1092 From England by Francis. This Diary is Wrote January16 AD2022 Sunday by Dai Fukuoka. The Origin of Star Fortune History Promoter by BC1102 Janurary1 Birth Francis. Next Contents is Fortune of Star Algorism.
The Relation of Conquer Other shelf is Palmist's Pentacle is Relation Article 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Tree 4 Gold 5 Fire Level Loop 5 to 1 and 2 to 1 and 3 to 2 and 4 to 3 and 5 to 4 Define 1 to 5 Value From 5 Church Commandment by Francis. Definition is All Chapter in Conquest. The Define and What is More The Relation of Conquer Other self of Define is Fire by Palmist with Warlock and Gold as Metal by Summoner and Tree within Wind by Sorcerer and Earth by Necromancer Water by Sharman Case is Chapter 5 Conquest Chapter 1 and Chapter 1 Conquest Chapter 4 and Chapter 4 Conquest Chapter 3 and Chapter 3 Conquest Chapter 2 and Chapter 2 Conquest Chatter 5.Fransis's 5Star Fortune Palmist Declaration Define Origin is BC1092.The Chapter 1 Define of Warlock with Palmist in Category Fire. The Chapter 2 Define pf Sorcerer in Category Wind .The Chapter 3 Define Necromancer in Category Earth with Sand. The Chapter 4 Define Shaman in Category Water. The Chapter 5 Define Summoner in Category Gold with Metal.




Keyword is Palmist|Diagram|9code|Pentacle|5Star|6Star|Star and Classic| Ancient| Antique |Old Type and Dai Fukuoka| Francis| Easy'z| Victory| Tatian and January2AD2022|Method|Fourtune|Old Type|Divination|Palmist|Pentacle|9 Code

Key Word of Palmist | Diagram | Original Fortune and Januray1AD2022|9Code|Dai Fukuoka | Francis |Victory | Titan | Easy'z and Fortune|Star|5Star|6Star|9code|New Method