

Setting Goals

2007-10-17 12:12:22 | 勉強の仕方
Yesterday, I talked about how long it takes to improve your English. It could take years to become fluent (流ちょう), so I think it is important to make set small goals (目標を定める). Here are some examples (例) of smaller goals (目標) that you could set:
*learn 100 words in a month. For example, this homepage has the 1000 most common words in English: http://www.esldesk.com/esl-quizzes/most-used-english-words/words.htm
*write a diary (日記) in English twice a week (週に二回) for three months
*take (受ける) a TOEIC or TOEFL practice test (模擬試験) and find three grammar mistakes (文法敵な間違え) that you often make. Practice (練習する) the grammar points for one month, and then take another practice test to make sure (確認する) that you can use the grammar perfectly

If you achieve (達成する) a small goal, you will know that your English is getting better.
