

さまざまな意味を持つ単語 ー 穏やか

2008-02-01 13:11:54 | さまざまな意味を持つ単語
 How would you say 穏やか in English? This week, a student said that his sister's fiance was 穏やか, but he used the word 'gentle.' To me, the word 'gentle' sounds like 激しくない or maybe even 弱い.
 I think that "easygoing" would be better in this case. "Easygoing" means someone who doesn't get angry, and is "easy" to talk to. I would say, "My sister's fiance is easygoing."
 By the way (ところで)"easygoing" is sometimes translated (訳された)as のんき, but "easygoing" usually has a very good nuance in English, so I think it's good for 穏やか。
Here are some other English words for 穏やか:
calm - Use 'calm' to talk about the ocean, people, or a breeze (そよ風、微風)
例: The sea is calm today.
     He's a very calm person so he never panics.
     There was a calm breeze blowing through the trees.
mild: Use 'mild' to talk about the climate (気候), or a reaction (反応)
例:San Diego has a very mild climate.
     There was only a mild reaction to the news.
modest - Use 'modest' for change or growth
例:We made some modest changes to the plan.
     There was modest growth (成長) in our sales (売り上げ)this year.
